The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Mullets, Celebrations, Suicune/Ludicolo with Kaya!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 61

Brit. I don't know if we've really discussed this, but it's worth taking a moment to note. I saw somebody who's posting birthday Pixa view the other day, and it made me realize you are, you are definitely defining pandemic hair




from like old Pokemon picks to current Brit.




Between you and Riley Holbert, You guys are getting it done.


Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm going to cut it into a mullet. here pretty soon. That's what, that's what I've been doing with it, but it's just been in growing Wong


Yeah, I think, I think it's working for you. I don't know if I would advocate for a mullet.




in your part of the country, maybe a mullets, I considered the way to go,


and mullets are actually kind of in style right now. They come in.


yeah, I


I can confirm as a, as a teacher can confirm.


Melinda's in. style.


So funny, funny, real quick. Funny story about mullet. I don't know if you guys probably don't know him, his name, Joe Montiblono. He's a, he's a player up in New York and he's one of Sam. Chen's very good friends. Um, and so Sam kind of got him back into the game in the last few years, but so he lives close to me here and I saw him when we first moved to New York and he had a mullet and I was got, I was getting like a full on mullet and I was trying to get the story. And basically it's kind of just an inside joke between him and Sam and a couple other of their coworkers. Cause they worked together too. And so whenever they're on a call, you can actually tell that Joe has a mullet. So like when they're on calls with external clients, he like makes sure that he doesn't turn enough for the client to know that he has the mullet. But then as soon as the client goes off, you feel like waving his main


His lets it go.




Kyle, would, would you say at your school mullets are in fashion or, or is this.


Uh, Brown's actually a lot of people with their mother. I mean, in my class, actually, no one, I think But in the grades above me, I think some people, but don't really.


I don't know. I don't know how to take it necessarily when like, when my, my keys like confirms that they're in style. Based on his experience, his work was children. There was younger people. I'm like, oh, am I just doing something? That's cool. If the kids am I going to just kind of like goofy now, see now maybe I should just keep it awkward and long. I don't want to be like, I'm a trend follower where you can't be too obvious about it. You know, if you're doing what the kids are doing, you might be shooting a little too high or what have you gotta act your age, even, even for being cool.


Welcome to the Trashalanche it's uh, oh, I thought of a new intro the other week, the other day that I thought maybe I should do it where I say something like welcome to the, Trashalanche a podcast about the Pokemon trading card game. Mostly now I, you know what? Yeah, I dunno. I don't know what I thought it was going to be, but in my mind it sounded a little cooler. Attendance is 133%. We're getting the gang back together. It's a Brit Mike, myself and Kaia, and we are going to talk about sweet colo extensively, but let me get the housekeeping. No new five star. If you leave a review, we will read it on the pod. You should leave a review. According to the apple algorithm of people seem to think that that's a good thing. So we really appreciate it. We're sponsored by channel fireball. They are opening a marketplace that I think competes with TCG player. So you'll probably want to check that out because you're probably starting to think about buying physical cards. And if you need to buy physical cards, then you probably want to pay low prices for physical cards. And that seems like a thing. That's the news guys. Let's talk about celebrations for a second. Cause celebrations does seem cool. So can I have you actually cracked any packs?


Uh, we haven't bought any, but I've won like this box, uh, the weekend. We're still thinking about opening it or keeping it sealed, but we don't know what to do red now.


Which of the boxes did you get.


Uh, I think it's fairly of books,




like my brother wants to open it, but I don't know.


So, this is an interesting question. I feel like Kai, you tell me I suspect that you and my kids just like one more booster box is probably in the last, like two years than, than Mike and Brit. Do, did you just sell the booster boxes as fast as you bought them historically or one them,


Um, most of the time, it depends on a freestyle like new trainer cards. Anything of the set just came out when there was a big tournament, then we most, mostly keep them and open them. But like most of the time we do sell them pretty early. Well, we just got them and just sell them in the next job.


Yeah. Like I, I assume coming out of worlds, you just found a vendor and sold them as fast as you could, for whatever price you to get, right?




Yeah. Do you guys have an opinion? Like this is an interesting question. So Taya has one stuff and I feel like since there were physical tournaments, all of a sudden Pokemon cards are worth more than they used to be. Like when you guys just sit on a booster box, if you want to. Now so I assume you also want a bunch of booster boxes, right


not really, actually. We just want to call them on blisters, which I did open and well drew some nice cards, I guess, out of it, but like no booster, Suboxone.


Right. So guys, would you, would you just like sit on a booster box or when you sell it or would you crack it? Like I recognize where this is not the Pokemon money optimization podcast, but.


Um, question. I would probably still just sell it. I, I hard to say for sure. Um, maybe I would maybe I'd bring it home and then sell it instead of like selling it immediately at the venue. Cause I feel like still the venue would low volume, pretty hard. Maybe you could bring it back and sell it online for a little under MSRP, which is like MSRP for a box now is like one 20 or one 30, like that probably sell it for a hundred and you could probably only sell it to a vendor for like 60. So maybe that's the place, a medium thing like that. I can't imagine.


of a,


Yeah. What were you gonna say?


uh, yeah. The vendors usually do offer a list of 94 bucks. But most of the time we don't really want to like take those free or sometimes even six boxes with us, or we don't even have a possibility to take them with SMO on a plane. So we just try to sell it. And for the most.


Right, right. I mean, historically I've been like, I either, either going to rot in my basement and like nothing happens or B you know, like just transporting them is so much overhead. It's like really hard. I'm all we're already carrying good jillions and good trillions of cards because as a, as a parent. So do you think relative to a master, you guys travel with a lot more cards or like how many cards do you guys travel with?


Uh, it depends on the tournament and this, my brothers are coming with me most of the time. Well, a few years ago before I really tested with a lot of other people. Um, mostly just brought a one deck. I knew I was play and like avocado, if I maybe want to switch up the list a bit, but in the past tournaments, well, when they were in real life tournaments, I used to bring sometimes a whole extra suitcase where flight cards and other dykes to test with, with other friends.


So that's, that is how we roll. Like as a parent, I think I constantly had paranoia that my kids would be like, oh my God, I need to play blah-blah-blah deck. And I would be like, I bought all the cars for blah, blah, blah X. So I don't want to get held up like this, buying those cards from a vendor again. And while the prices are skyrocketing, because that's become like the deck, but but I don't want to let my kids down and be like, we just don't have those cards. Now you have to lose.


Yeah, same here.


I think like masters. Yeah. They just like trust that things will work themselves out and then you guys will be able to borrow the cards. Lord knows that we've learned so many cards to masters. Cause we're like the people people know have cards. Like I think most masters travel with like they travel with like a deck in an, in an ETB full of cards or something. And like, that's fine.


Yeah, I would say for standard. Yeah. I'll bring like my deck and maybe one, a one box, like this big.


Yeah. Like like it's a bigger than an ETB. Like one of those like 500 card cases or something.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. I'll bring like one of those last standard guides expanded gets a little dicier though. Um, cause there's just so many and you, you could, you know, even if you know a deck you want to play the night before, you might be like, oh, I need to play this very, very strange tech card that,


Like if I don't have the right Kirlia then this next, a complete failure. Right,


So expanded events. I do end up bringing like a ton of cards as long if I'm driving. If I'm, if I'm, if I'm flying, then I'll try to cut back. But yeah.


right. How about you Brit? But I think you've historically ever since all your cards got stolen, run leaner than almost anybody. Right.


Yeah, but even still, even still at, almost. I think part of why I think I've even brought this up before. I think part of like what diminished my interest was my, my, my lack of cards, because what I was going to say is like, I'm just like Brent, except for The The kids that I'm taking care of is just my anxiety. I just have to, I have, I have to have all the cards. I have to have all the cards I hate. I can't be borrowing the cards. That's like this even more at a stress. I like have to be able to pivot to almost any medic and deck on a moment's notice. Um, and just all that stuff. And it was a very anxious worry where it overthinker type of person, but strangely enough, it's almost the opposite when it comes to expanded with expanded. It's like, uh, I can only travel, only travel with my deck. Like I have, because Hey, I just don't know as much about it. I'm usually like at the mercy of someone else's deck list and they'll have like, here's the, here's the 56 cards and here's the. 10 we're considering for it. And so I'll, I'll just manage those and just not really, I don't just worry or sweat about expanded very much. Just sort of know that. like my friends have tested. They, they think it's good. It's like, we're going to need good. Match-ups either way, you, know, just let it work itself out from there, which is strange. Like maybe I should be more worried about it. expand it. But I think maybe because of the. Yeah, quasi infinite sea of possibilities that comes with it being a bigger format. I just like, it's just too too much to possibly worry about it. I'll have all at the same time, in the same way I am about expanded, but I think I'm, getting better about that. Like, well, I guess we'll see once in person events start again, but I think with regionals, I'm sort of. In a better space with that. Now I think I can just like, try to be like as well and take 50 fifties and cross my fingers. Um, but for local stuff. it's just always so hard, local stuff, you know, like I've said before, I've played 10, typically smaller events when it comes to about roads, like challenges and stuff. And so like one person playing just like a half competent, like fighting that can sometimes just ruin your day, like as a Lux champ player or something, let's say. Yeah, as you're opening a box, like my sense is, and I've talked a little bit to my more, like much, much, much more knowledgeable like collector savvy friends. And according to them, they don't think that the, that it's, the bubble is going to like pop. They think this it'll always kind of be in roughly this place in terms of what the. Collecting world is like. Um, and from that, I think it's just, if you can deal with the clutter, I think I just, I don't ever want to sell a box right away again. I want to try to sit on it as long as I possibly can. Um, I don't know if I could resist celebrations. I think I would just open that right now. Um,


Yeah. So I just drag those. Let's talk about celebrations for a second. So, so you've actually cracked some packs, like is it seems to me like the amazing thing about celebrations might be like, if I open a pack of celebrations is every card just awesome.


No, there are, so there are like, It's like some of the cards are like, like the previous sets, like legendary treasures and, um, shining something or other in that there's just like a lot of like bad, bad legendaries in it. So like in my packs, I just got several of these, like and Zekrom and restrooms, and They're all uh,




They're all just fine. They're all kind of what you would expect are these kinds of shiny cards. They do a lot of damage probably for too much energy. Um, and then, so, and then on top of that too, there are these like other, the cards that themselves are standard legal. So like, like shining fates last year. Because I think that's where like all creamy VMax is actually in there. It is kind of scattered with like, like the Zamazenta, the within, in their new coloring. Like there are some of these other cards that like might, might be good, might be okay. Um, but only kind of a, a handful of cards are the celebrations cards, the, the reprints or. Um, new flavors or old slavers on like newer Pokemon kind of thing. Only a few of those spots are for that.


What's the, do you get 10 cards in the back? like how many? And what's the breakdown? Is there like two old cards and eight new cards?


There aren't very many old cards. The old cards are, are, like a really are like your chase rarity. So I got the. I got the Pikachu V union. I just got lucky and got a pre-order off the Pokemon center. And the only, um, the only like reprint old card I pulled in, I think it was like there was one or two, I think it was like four celebrations and one or two battle styles. I got the base set, Charles ARD, but that's, that's the only, um, retro thing that I ended up pulling. So that's why I want more, like I pulled a lot more AZ. The Hala rares and the, Mew and things like that. But I, did not get very many? of the reprints.




Oh, see, I, I, I was hoping there was like way more than you It was Like every pack you opened, you were just losing your mind that the old


Yeah. Or at least like one every pack would have been nice.


Yeah, I don't, I don't, think they're, I don't think they really have a value. Like I think especially as time goes on it's I don't get the sense that there's like anything in this set that should be causing a freak out. Like, um, Like the sharp, the chars are from last year. I think most of the, like, I, I think I've seen that it's the Umbria I'm stuck. That might be, um, worth the most. Um, cause I think. Um, Brianne star itself is like a weren't those Cantonese promos, or aren't those like really hard to get? I seem to remember that it's the Japanese I'm Brianna and Espeon are like particularly expensive cards.




Um, yeah, they came in like a weird maybe even like vending machine kind of promo. Um, but yeah, even that, like this chart, the chart is aren't. I thought like they baby wear something and it's like maybe sick 50 or 60 bucks. So probably a little less.


The basic chores are,




Uh, how about you? Did you pull anything amazing out of your celebrations? Oh, you're still trying to decide if you're gonna break


Yeah. Yeah, we still don't know if we should open it yet. I mean, of course it's always nice to open this and I kind of do want to open a celebrations box, but like my brother was like, we should rather keep it and see if anything changes with the price. I'll just keep it in general, but we're not sure yet. And I do want to open it but I don't know if we will.


You know, I think part of my fear of holding Pokemon cards is I'm like the master of buy high, sell low when it comes to virtually everything. Like every time, every time I buy something, it doesn't matter if it's like Bitcoin, whatever, like it immediately dives after that. And then my wife yells at me and makes me he's like, we should just sell this thing before it goes any further. And then, and then it bounces back. It's like, I feel like if I, if I went into the like Pokemon card holding business, it was due to badly for me hold them on cards with collapsed guys. Should we talk about Trina open now?


Yeah, So before we talk about any, any of the Decker or Kaia, how you decided on your deck, I'm just curious. Can you like, tell us about the event itself? Like how, uh, why was it put on like how many people were there were people from all over? Where, where was it? Like, I don't really know anything about


I have to be honest, it was weird. Like I mean maybe I just don't follow the right people on Twitter, but I feel like I didn't really know about it until people were traveling to it. And I'm like, I feel like I should follow enough people that I should know these things, you know?


they feel the


Yeah. So, I mean, I didn't know it from trader or anything, actually, a friend from Italy told me about it and ask if I wanted to go there. I haven't heard of it as well. I think it was only on Facebook or something that I don't even have Facebook, so I didn't know about it, but he basically invited me to John and I think there were a lot of people from like outside of Italy actually. A lot of, well, it wasn't a Sunday. So for all other seniors I talked to from Europe, it would have been difficult with the flights in school because most of the people aren't on break, lag, IMR. But in van, we were 17 seniors with like, I think it was one or two juniors, but they didn't make an extra, a division for them by just put them into the seniors. And then I think 98 master. So around a hundred, uh, we ended up playing five frowns in the master seven and we had to, to fork out in the masters to debate.


Pretty good turnout. A hundred masters. Yeah. That's pretty good.


Did it feel, was it like that it feels very socially distanced were vaccinations required. Were masks required? Would they do.


Uh, yeah, we had to wear a mask the entire time while sitting and playing and they needed to see the green pass before we entered into the hall. And also we always said to sanitize our hands if we leave or, um, go into the hall again. So like there were people who were checking bags all the time and I think was handled pretty well, even though it was. More people than the events we had so far. And, but it was really nice. And I don't think it was that big of a problem because everyone took the, uh, while wearing mask pretty seriously. And I didn't really catch anybody, uh, just fooling around.


So when you say a green card, what does that.


have a green pass. I think it's basically like, um, if you're vaccinated, like a Path to show, if you're vaccinated, I don't know the word for it. Or like, I dunno if, um, like testing is enough for it, but I, I'm not quite sure. Like it's a bit different from what we have, uh, here in Germany. So it's either you've already, um, had COVID or you're vaccinated. I'm not sure if tested is actually in that greenhouse.


Cool. Did you, were you guys allowed to cut or shuffle the opponent's deck?


We had to ask you a poet, a opponent, if it's okay if we touch her deck. But for most of them, it was just fine.




Uh, how was that was traveling. Was that where the, where the airports crowded? Like I haven't done I haven't done any international travel. I haven't done any international travel since, since like locked down. I don't know how much international travel you've done. Like between countries, but, but was that strange at all? Or was it since it was all in a, you? It was easy.


Oh, it was actually, it was kind of surprising cause I will, first flight was actually at 6:00 AM in the morning and it was still pretty grounded at like in the check-in area, it was. Really crowded, like more crowded than it was before COVID as well. And that was kind of surprising actually. But then once we were in Frank road where we had to land before we went to terrain, it was a bit less crowded, but still surprisingly Full, but it was a no problem in the end. I'd worked on all pretty well.


Yeah. Cool.


All right. So, so did you know what deck you were going to play before you got there? Or did you pick it before the tournament? Walk us up to the.


Okay. So the past two weeks before the tournament, I didn't actually. Uh, any towel? Well, a lot of time to test because that exam at my school and a lot of tests and prison presentations. So I didn't have that much time. And I just like tested a few decks here in bear, for example, the tested Leafeon one, probably thinking I want to play it. Uh, it didn't really convince me in band. Um, then I went to the, uh, Belgium tournament a while ago, but it was devil St. Foreman and my brother played and he was like, totally amazed Overdeck and sad. He, I should try it Def I should definitely try it in the future. So I kind of picked up on that and kind of, uh, started testing it a bit. I didn't have that much time, but I just started playing it online but bit, and it worked out well and I didn't know what else to play. So I've kind of decided I'm just going to try it because it seemed really nice. And that's like, um, a lot of other decks didn't have that specific bad matchup where it would just lose too. Well, of course, Joel, Jon is a pretty bad, uh, bad Metro for the deck, but I didn't think any seniors would actually bring it. Uh, so I just chose bad five tournament. and on Saturday before the tournament, uh, we actually like almost all of the seniors friend to the league in Italy to play there. And we just tested for like five hours together, played against each other, which also like helped me convince Bedford deck was for ride chosen band.


there a lot of other top 16 ish seniors they're like, or were all the other seniors like Italian locals or, or was there, it sounds like there was not a lot of other people that you knew.


I've actually were, um, a few people I knew from the tournaments of swell from the last seasons. Um, some of them have already aged up and some of them were masters before, but the worst I'm like, for example, the people who invited me, uh, who were there were also very good.


Quick, quick question. Um, about owning cards in this day and age? Was that like a factor at all? Or do you have, have you like kept up current with your card pool? Does that question


Uh, yeah, I haven't kept up that much. We just had a, sorry, Coons, because we actually pulled some of them from the box. We opened up the set and then we fought. Uh, we should get them because we fought bay seemed good. And we just had the Ludy colos from a box. So it was like, it was also effective at like help me choose with like, because we already had all, the cards and didn't need to buy umber ons for signals, drag, or Joel tunes for children, which are quite expensive as well, like this one tournament. Uh, so yeah, it worked out kind of, well,


Yeah. Cool.


I also, um, help like brought some cards with me, which I learned to some people, but I think most of our people actually had all the cards they needed. Like I only, um, brought the teenies for one guy and I just ran us for an hour because I got out of scratches because I played the deck a lot in the past forward. aside from bed, it was, yeah. Aside from that, it was actually, uh, they all, we all had for cards, so I needed,


All right. So talk to us about your list. Anything, anything that you think is interesting in your list compared to some of the other ones.


Actually, no, I think uh, there are a lot of different ways to play the deck. It's just let us change changes. Like for example, more rare candies Musk, web net last quick balls. uh, but I I do want to make a change table list after like I've played with it. I thought that the Bri. Oh, well the middle evolution of other Niccolo to show what the English name is.


Andre was right.


okay. I want to cut that for, for candy because sometimes I have the problem that I just, well, I had the lyrical and everything, but it just missed the candy because you get discarded it or it was prized. And if I draw a lumberyard of the prizes, Isn't really useful, but if I have a candy, I could use it directly in the next turn. So I kind of wanted to try it out.


Yeah. If you want to do the whole, like walk us through your rounds really quick, because I definitely, I want to go, I mean, you guys saw the show notes. I pulled like the lists for a Francesco Katarina's list and I pulled the list that Gabriel Fernandez won the late night series with like, everybody's winning with this. But I think the list are actually pretty different. I want to grind through a bunch of these and just talk about them. But before we do that, maybe we could hear about any rounds that are super amazing.


Uh, sure. I mean, uh, the first round I played, I think I played against Urshifu Moltres. Yeah. I played against Ashley from Altaria. So the first round and in the. I think it's well, but as you feel match up is kind of tricky. I think I haven't played it a lot, but I think it might be difficult at first you player Urshifu player get set up real quick and just, well, snacks, your soul boats or your. totes and it might get difficult from that on. And also if they like not have a bench, you're not able to, uh, want her to carry on as if you were ever in the game, so it can get difficult. But I was lucky that the multiverse player braked in the second game after I won the first round, uh, because of. Urshifu with Moltres is a bit more inconsistent than the note normal version. And I tested against it on Saturday and the person I applied against also braked at some point. So I don't know how much I like the Moltres list, but I want again said two hour after bed. Um, then I played again, station San Jose and the second ground. It's kind of tricky, but it's also kind of fun. I mean, they don't bend you a lot of programs. They only have like realizations I was into and maybe one or in guru. Um, but it was actually a fan of first game. They didn't drive a tool scrubber when they needed. So like my, so Coon lift with a tape of Cape of toughness and two 30 from a Zacian for two rounds, which was really important. That's how I won first game. And in the second game, um, my opponent actually misplayed, they discarded bearer tool scrapper with a research instead of actually playing it to discard my cave of toughness. So I got kind of lucky at that point. Yeah. Uh, then. Um, not to show against what they played, but I think it wasn't mirror match. I applied to move on much in the fed round. Um, when there were matches are kind of weird to play to, to be honest is like, Uh, you need the of toughness and then you need If they don't have like a Cape of Tufts toughens on you try to watch you it without you some how need one shot, uh, Kuhn three times in a row in the best case. But it's difficult to remember because we are just a lot of things that can go wrong. But I actually did end up winning that two hours. Well, And then I was free out with five rounds on total. So I originally, originally wanted to tie like three or two, four top card, but I got down paired, um, and had to play out, but I played against ice Reta, um, which I also want to show them. And I think as the eyes way to meet you up was actually kind of fine. Um, I believe I didn't play anything like a, to a, general or tool scrapper because I didn't see it in the entire game. So it was kind of weird I guess, but it was fine for me, so they like couldn't watch my Suku. And on that night, the match, uh, my job way better. Like if I applied to tool scraper or tool German probably would have been worse. But then I just tied the last round against a Leafeon because I think the leaf in the job is also credit difficult. If I draw a two Gemo a drive time, because you just get a one shuttered at that point. Um, well then I was 4 0 1 and. And a four, I played against the same guy applied in round three. So another member much again, um, I want a four with a two O again because where the first game was really close, but I, uh, I ended up winning in the end and in the second game I could lock it because like his, uh, one Melony and his weapon was on the prize. So he didn't have any way to accelerate energies in the light. And then finals was the same leafing guy I tied against in the last round. Um, but he kind of got greedy because he didn't bench any Saba against me, probably well, to save his bench basis. But like after I just monitor him at some point he didn't draw out a fit because he had like no option to drizzle for research or any kind of supporter. So like that kind of got into my favor.


Uh, you know, I feel like, I feel like, so how many people do you think, uh, um, think like super under benching is a viable strategy. Like, I feel like that's a be like, oh, that's a thing I'll do. And then it never worked out for you because you're not playing your game. Right.


Yeah. I mean, most of my opponents did on the bench way too much. For example, well the Sylveon guy only binged like one Sabal of the entire game. And at some point you didn't have any, so I do think that's not really the right way to play against your community Cola deck. I mean, Tested against it, a ladder, but I do think you need to keep your options open. Like you need a way to find the tool Gemma when it's needed and all, so don't think you should bench nothing. You should still like have abilities to, uh, shady dealings and all, but like just not over bench, like maybe not bench four or five. Um, Uh, five or four Pokemon each turn or like in the first round. And I think you should be fine, but it hasn't tested against, so he couldn't a lot. I've only played it. So I don't really know.


Yeah, it, let me just add, it seems like you would want to try and like bench enough That you keep your options open, but. Make it hard for them to get the one shot on a D max with a Ludo colo. Like, so probably like three I'd have to do the math, but somewhere around like three, three, maybe it's like a safe spot to be in is probably right.


I mean, that was also a thing in the mirror match. I, like to bend the mirror match. I like to bench only for Pokemon. I mean, the one Chubb was Kuhn. Like mirror matches a thoroughfare five Pokemon. It's like to try new, which is a one shot without the Cape, but like to bench only four and go like four candy, a snipe Inteleon if I need to just. If that silver, like I'm in control of like, who takes nub out in what way? And not like give my opponent view option to actually, uh, use my full bench. I like to bench four Pokemon instead of five from the mirror.


Yeah. That makes sense.


Um, so, so how did you, how did you, uh, end up with the list that you played.


I actually just found it online because I didn't have any time to test before. So it just like before I, uh, we flew on Saturday morning, I built the list the days before. And I tested a bit and found it. Okay. The way it is. And on Saturday I thought about making some changes. For example, I wanted to play a second, uh, shady dealer. It's Italian, because I think it's really important. You just need those two cards and you need it very often. Like if it wasn't, if it would've been priced in some of my games, they would've turned out way worse than they did advent. I wanted to make the change, but I decided against it and just like, go with this bed, the person who played it would have actually tested a lot more of an iPad. And I didn't know what to cut for it as well. So. just when both the same list, but now that I like see it and played with, uh, played with it more, I would make some changes to it.


Yeah, I assume, uh, the shady dealings Inteleon is like much. There's like really, really good in this deck. You can get both the pieces you need for a low to colo and just political. a lot of nowhere, right?


yeah. It's so important. Yes.


Yeah. It seems, it seems really, really good. So, uh, so did you look at Francesco Katarina's list after they, after he posted it online


Yeah. Yeah, I did. I mean, I was kind of surprised, but by his list, but it also seemed like really interesting and eyes as well. I mean, for candy forest group of Ned is something I wouldn't have played, but it works out just fine, I guess. I mean, it goes to a lot of options for Ludy colo and the Inteleon to evolve.


Yeah, I thought it was interesting. The, uh, so I, I guess, one of the neat things about running for air candies is you can rare candy into Inteleon more frequently. So, so he went down to three drizzles. Did you feel like how many times did you rear candy into Inteleon versus doing the whole Inteleon thing?


Rarely, actually, there were some points where I didn't want to discuss candy and I just used Inteleon because they had the option to, but most of them, I rather went for drizzle and keep a candy quality Cola, because I only played two. But if you play four, of course, you have the option more frequently. I did. So it's reasonable to kind of for a before, out with four, can you, but in my list, I wouldn't have done that because I need the dress out more.


Yeah, I thought, I thought the coolest thing about his list was he goes for candies for scoop ups, and then he, he fits in that fourth Inteleon by cutting the fourth drizzle, but I'm sure he's like, it's fine. Cause I got scooped bumps and I have rare candies, so it'll never be a problem. I really dig that. I just, I was like, that seems really like really smart building.


I really, I like this idea too, for rare candies. I feel like, kind of kinda, you were saying like you had just dropped long Bray and I feel like you could just drop laundry from this list and it'd probably be fine. Um, I don't know if you need for scoop up, like, I could see three being maybe enough. Um, but the four candy is really quiet like that.


Yeah, it is. I mean, in, this list, I also like the free, low toad. I've just played too. And I remember, I remember some gay, uh, at some point in one game, just like looked from a deck And saw, oh, both were priced. Well, that's bad. Um, for example, against her, she went by just Kao too. you don't have any option to get lyrical because you don't play any kind of, um, or never ride. So I think we're free loads. What I really nice. And one thing I'm not too sure about is I've played to research in my deck as well. Like a bit more dress support. Um,


I, was going to say that was the thing I didn't like about his deck.


Yeah. Like only the two MONUSCO. Not that much. I mean, Marnie draws your less cards and research as well. And I've often used research to like, just get cards. So I don't know how much lag that. I mean, I haven't tried this list so I can judge bed, but that seems like one thing that would bother me,


Yeah. I, I totally agree. I looked at the list and I said, I just don't feel like there's enough draw power. Like you could just easily, your starting hand could just be wild, garbage. We're going to lose.




Yeah, research is a pretty good card. I even, even just, even just one to have the option right. To search for. Um, cause there's, there's plenty of games. I'm sure where, you know, your opponent's maybe not doing very much, but you're not doing very much. So you don't want to Marnie them. You don't have an energy in the discards. You can't Melony and you just, you just got to research. So at least one seems good.


He plays the third Cape of toughness instead of an escape rope.




What was your reaction is, I mean, we keep the toughness really good and you get value out of the escape road.


of escape. Rob, I actually did get enough value out of because, well, Like I said, most of my opponents on the bench, so escape bro was just as good as the boss, the most games I had I only bench faxed and the one up of the, which I could just, escape robe. and I like, like to have any kind of switching option in the deck, for example, right now, Any kind of switching options for your Sue Coons, which is probably fine as well, but it just liked it against Leafeon for example, very once just like stalled my sukhum with a yellow line and you don't have any way to bounce stadiums with a stag. So I liked the. Well, a route to have as a kind of switching option, but the first cave is probably also really good. For example, in the morale. It's really nice to have, like, if you could go like free, so Koons with free capes and your upon test to usually Cola each, uh, for each Nagata, that's pretty good. but against a lot of match-ups the capes weren't that Unnecessary. I mean, I could go without them. If I needed avocado from drizzle, for example, they weren't that needed, but in the mirror are very, really good. And I know that a lot of Mazda's played SU Kuhn Ricola in this tournament. So they were probably really useful.


Uh, that's a, yeah, it maybe like in the meadow going forward, it's more important to have that third case because, uh, this is like the spicy decorate now. Uh, so the other, the other big thing he did was he cut to capture energies to allow him to put all these other crazy cards in. Um, honestly I like that. I assume that's a by-product of a lot of testing. Would you be sad without food? Catron.


Um, I laughed capture energies and mistake. I really loved playing for them. They just like if a lot of options, uh, for example, when you start Saba or even this. You can just capture and then attack with it at the same time, because like this deck doesn't have any kind of bad starters, like everything is super good, so you can dress your card, you can attack, um, Jeff keep calling your, um, low to which said also. So just your, uh, you two basic Pokemon and like capture really helped, uh, like such Pokemon the beginning and the end. It kind of. More useless when a bench was full as well. So it might be okay to like Cod, uh, some of them, but in the beginning, I did like to play for, to have a well, uh, possibility to search for more. But one.


Did you ever think that. I need the energy, like a seven energy enough with that deck or,


I never really well. I played nine. Yeah. I never really had the problem, but I missed the energy. It was actually fine. Um, I don't know how it's going to be with seven. It's still a bit less than. I'm not too sure. I mean, you still have to backwards, which is probably making this iteration of a whole lot easier, but it might be that you like sometimes need to draw to an energy if you don't have the option to go for backup from drizzle. But I think it should be fine.


Mike, I feel like we've talked about this before. Uh, uh, do you have any reaction to like, like a 700, you just, you know, if you're good at managing, you're going to be able to be fine with a two energy attack. Broccoli.


Yeah, definitely. I mean, you have, uh, you have the Melanie's, you have the Ryan, you have the buckets, so it's really more than it's more than seven in a lot of ways, like capture energy seems really good for consistency, but like this deck could probably run oh seven is probably the bare minimum. like, you need, like, I guess you need to, to actually attack so seven, like I was thinking maybe you could play six, but like seven is probably the lowest you could go. Um, but I think seven is totally fine. Most decks, most decks right now are only playing like between seven and nine energy. Um, because of Reihan because of things like elemental badge and Melony, like most EX are just getting away with seven to nine energy, which is pretty crazy.


All right. So, so let's compare for a moment. So Gabriel Fernandez, he wins the late night series, number 10, and then he, where wins. And I guess like the day before he won the Sunday open, same 60 he's playing. He doesn't play, he just plays the two too low Ted lieu to line. So, so he cuts the, uh, middle evolution and it seems fine. I guess he plays the two research. He plays three quick ball, three or a candy to scoop up net. And then I want to escape her up in Cape of toughness. And then he plays six water energies. And for capturing.


So like he basically like, from this, for example, he, I play for Creek ball. I played for and he plays only free and buffered candy, any basically got the lumber for the water energy.




Yeah, I like Live, but he doesn't type it on the lumber anymore. I don't think it's bad necessarily in the deck. I've never actually gotten to use viability of it ever, which I definitely want it to try at least


What is the ability? I don't even know.


uh, I believe it's if you're drawn to it, uh, once you turn, you might just bench it


Yeah. If you pop a few top, then.


If your topic uptake it yet.


Yeah. If you talk you've that guy and you have bench space. Yeah, that was, I would always think you'd really have to play Oranguru


So then the one other lists that I've pulled and trying to pull together, the podcast is the Azul sub tournament. Robert Hines, I think top Ford, it was at, and his only loss were to Vinny who won with rapid striker Urshifu and his list was pretty similar. He plays the two, one Inteleon online. He plays the lumber. Oh, but so, yeah. So here was where he went right off the rails. He played the, he played a one, one ice brighter.


Yeah, I saw this




Any reaction to that is so you've obviously. Okay. You you've recently won tournaments with those eyes Rider. And with that, did you ever think you must've thought about putting a thin ice Rider line at some point?


Oh yeah. I don't think one, one I strata is for a fit actually at least two, two would better. I mean, it kind of gets useless real Craig, if you don't have a V if you don't have a VMax. And I think one, one would be better with the one. When I just read about, for example, if you go like heavy on the ice Rider with like free to two to even free for you, it would definitely be better. And it would like make them dig a whole lot different like vantages. So Coon with a bit of ice Rider, kind of it's just like, I start to answer. And I think it's but I've seen it somewhere and I've almost, uh, played it as well of the tournament this weekend, uh, with like free to ice Rider and only free sukhum. I think that's also a nice tech because I straight up, it just like gives you more options in the end, uh, where like when you attack with two Siri Coons, and the big free Prizer. I haven't tested the deck a lot, but I almost already, uh, almost plated. Um, I wouldn't play one brown ice rata. Ms. Sue can deck because it just kind of feels a bit random, but it would play a heavier line if I did.


Interesting. Yeah. I mean, it's, I feel like there was, uh, there was like a little while where people were trying to smash the two things together and then just like in the last week, everybody dumped all the ice Rider and leaned in on sweet Coon Nicola and I started to think of the past now.


Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I've seen a lot of like, like a two, two or three, three ice Rider with like two sweet goon, but never, never kind of this reverse where it's like a sweet. With the, with the ice Rider. Like it's also a little weird because I tried our camp benefit from a loo to Carlo to






right, right, So you, you, you found a limit that I think the more you lean into we're putting in where candy is, we're putting in like thicker Ludico Alliance, like the lessee, it makes sense to, uh, think about the Rider stuff and maybe that's where all the AstroTurf cards went. Right.


Yeah, it's actually would have played with like playing Lydia colo. Isn't worth it anymore. I would just play as Retta with Sue Coonan to tell you. But I definitely did prefer the Nicola have a vis right on the deck. So I decided to like, no, not play ice red on any form of the I And just go straight with sweet Coon Ludy colo, which I do think is a better a veranda for deck. I got, I can do Lucario those who could Marvin synchronized Rider at the moment, it just gives you a lot more options where so, um, do color, if you can, one shadow. Uh, VMax at some point and just to shut another one or like even one child, one, Chad, if you draw and saying, so I like bed more than with ice. Righto.


What are those, what matchups are you trying to hit? What match-ups are you trying to avoid? I know you touched on a good amount of that just in your tournament report all of your rounds. I think you noted. Whether you were looking for it or excited to play against them or not, then maybe just some more. I don't know. So much of the online Pokemon community is about, you know, infographics. How do we condense it is important information into as little space as possible. So like tier list match-ups things like that. People have charts. So just out of curiosity,


Okay. So I, I have a specific question. Jolty on is a bad matchup, right?




Yeah. Like I feel like, I feel like a week ago we were saying jolty on is a good deck. People should play jolty on why were people not playing jolty on.


Um, maybe because of a single strap, which is like really popular and rabbits star, grocery food, gaining more popularity as Well, Um, uh, George hinges loses again. Any kind of motion deck right now. And I mean, the cards are still kind of expensive, so I don't know how many people would actually buy like, uh, for free Joel turn online to play it And, hope never get the pair it again. so she Fu but like I dunno.


Right. Are there other bad? Match-ups


I think pretty much anything else is good. I mean, any kind of Inteleon deck is good fiber deck.


What do you think about Dragapult matchup? Have you played that much?


I have no idea if I'd match up. I haven't played Dragapult.


asking the important questions. How do you feel about Dragapult?


So the only reason I asked I've played the match up a little bit from the Dragapult side, not too many times, but similar, I agree that sweet Kuhn is good against decks with Inteleon, but Dragapult also good against decks with Inteleon. So like Right. And, and you play the, um, and low tad, you know, on the, at 60 HPS, we'd like a can Kao them pretty easily. Uh, so yeah, it seemed like a pretty close match up when I played it. So I just wasn't sure if you had any other thoughts.


Ariana. I actually never played that job before, So, I don't know, how it's going to turn out, but I can see that? it's. Kind of more difficult than a like, but EX was naive again. So you can like Urshifu is a bit more difficult for I'd definitely say. So it also depends on the Urshifu player and how like he benches to staff and how he handles the game and what is Snipes in the beginning. Um, but I think the matchup. A bit more difficult and definitely deadly when her worst matchups. So sweet Kuhn except Jojo. Maybe I haven't played a Dragapult one that I can also see it being difficult. Like with your soul Boltund those are just getting sniped.


you ever think about playing? So I know there's been, uh, a huge debate on which Sabal is the correct Sabal to play index index, like Wolf specifically. Right. Because, um, because this deck doesn't play any other rapid strike things. So, you know, there's an argument for either one and I've been playing the 70 HP Sabo in Dragapult and there's been times where I've regretted it. And so I dunno, any thoughts on that?


Um, and so I definitely like the 60 HP Soule, way more because you don't need a. Well, you don't need to Kuhn in the turn where you're like, uh, you just keep calling Chris, you can just bench it and then directly attack with it. You don't need to evolve it. It's like you can just attack one energy at your sibling. Keep calling for free other souls. You don't need the Surrey kind of on the bench because you're in the next turn. You can just Melony to one up at the other one you came to of. I don't think the 70 HB ones are better in Sukkot and the 60 HP ones, because it just helps you set up a lot. Like for example, the deck doesn't have any big, bad starters, like a mansion and attacking with sabelle or with a low toad, it's just like really good and helps you set up. So I would definitely play the six HP ones in. I don't know about Dragapult because very like, kind of need for Dragapult V to be able to attack the next turn and like evolve it. So as soon as 70 HP months might also be good. Um, but I'm not a big fan of a 70 HP ones. I would probably play a 60 HB ones and every DECA player.


so so all things being equal, would you rather start, like if you, if you draw your seven and you're like, I have a Sabal and I have a low tad, which one do you start?




Uh, it's still the subtle.


Yeah, it's better to


also depends a fam.


I'm Sorry.


Uh, it also depends if your girl is second or first of actually like, both equally in the tournament. I mean, going first is grade to attention and energy, but going second and just, uh, keep calling. Or like that is also like really good. So it doesn't even bother me to go second to anymore. And I think starting solo is just way better because you don't want the load out in the front. you want it on the bench and not get carried and have the ability to use it. The next turn.


Right, right. I guess you start the low tide, even though you can, uh, call for family, it's probably going to die. And so one of the things you have to call for is another low tide, right?




there is no 70 HP load tad. right? This is the only one think. Yeah. I would be more. Even if like, if there was a 70 HP load tad, I think I'd be more okay with playing that. Like I imagine call for family is not really what you want to be doing.


It's also been really good, actually. I mean, if I started with Florida, I just used it. Uh, it depends on if you need, love it, have a match up. Like sometimes you just need to save it and retreated to the bench and be able to have for light game. But it's been really good. Surprisingly.


Good. Cool.


I actually, before the tournament, I didn't know that tech a load hood. I mean, I never used it online. We're going to test it with a deck and one of the, like the first one, I started with it and I read it and I was like, I can use this.


So, so what's next on the schedule, Taya more tournament's coming up.


well, in Germany, there are sometimes split tournaments on the weekends, but only once a month. And this time it was actually on the same day when we were flying to Italy. So I couldn't go there sadly. Um, but that's probably the night, the next tournament that there is two Gemma Germany, but this weekend first actually a big game convention in my home city here in Espeon and Pokemon will have like a big, uh Stanbury. So like I don't know what they will be doing there, but last year they also like always had. Um, people who Taj your game, like, uh, get new people interested in the game and all, and sometimes we have a little tournament spare to run some free boosters of free playmates and stuff. So that's going to be on the first day. I'm going to go up on Thursday and Saturday and I'll just see what it's going to be like.


here in the states, they just announced a PAX unplugged is going to be a, in Philadelphia in December, which is, it's like a gigantic or game convention. Uh, did you go, have you ever been to that mic?


I almost went one of the years, but I did not. Uh, but it is something that I'd like to go. I don't know. I probably won't go this year, but it is something I would like to go to in the future. Sounds really awesome.


So we went two years ago and, uh, I think we, we essentially just went up for like one day, like it was like Friday to Sunday and we went on, I think Sunday, because Sunday they were having the Pokemon tournament and, uh, it made me realize how much, uh, what a big nerd I am and how much I love that stuff. Like it just, just like you said, guys, essentially, there were all these people who were like selling their board games and stuff and you could sit down and play their board game and they would teach you how to play it and walk you through it. And then they had another room where they were just running people through Dungeons and dragons games. And it was like, you know, it was like a four hours de dragon session and you just signed up and they had like a board you signed up for. So my whole family signed up and all four of us went on an adventure together for like four hours. And I, we could have done that all day, like that. It turns out that just works for us. And then, uh, Liam won the keyboards tournament. He won the Pokemon tournament. We did all the things that we're supposed to do. And it was a super fantastic. My wife also did the, uh, they were in a free thing for like painting Warhammer figurines,


Oh, nice.


would like give you a figurine and a bunch of paints and teach you how to like professionals, paint, Warhammer figurines. So now I have a Warhammer figurine painted by my wife, which is like a prize possession, even though I don't really understand how to play Warhammer, but I was like painting you like that kind of, you should do that. You'd like it.


Are you going to do anything besides Pokemon in this thing?


Uh, the game convention. Well, uh, um, on first I'm going to go over with my mother. Um, so we're mainly going to be of a Pokemon, uh, thing probably, and also go around and visit devil stuff. But on Saturday, I'm going to go over with other friends. Oh. Like with my brothers and friends of his. Well, his friends and we're probably not going to be at the Pokemon stand that nudge. We also like play, um, pen and paper games together kind of like Dungeons and dragons. Uh, but like with more role-play. So we wanted to see if, well, I think they do have, um, something where, uh, where you can go on adventures as well. So we all wanted to sign up for while and play it.


So, what is, what is this? What is this? Uh, can you give me an example of favorite kind of game that's like under the dragon for moral play?


I think it's the uh, we play the Khufu Lu one. I dunno if that,


I have never


uh, anything, well, it's basically a lot of different. Kind of horror stories as well, where you're playing well, making a sheriff, a character, you play with them for the adventure. Sometimes they're one shots or two shots, and sometimes they're like over a year and you just meet up in the evening and play together for some hours. And. Well, yeah, it's not really that much a fantasy, like a Dungeons and dragons would have a lot of magical creatures. It's more like play. You have these human, um, characters who also, and as the story goes on, we'll encounter magical things in creatures. Uh, but it's really nice and it makes a lot of fun. So we wanted to go on an adventure together.


That sounds fun.


So, uh, guys, uh, you get, did you guys play any of this last week and the tournament's coming up? What's on the.


There's like a chill GG tour event on Saturday. If I'm free, maybe I'll play. But, uh, other than that, I don't know. I'm kind of, I feel like we're kind of in this law right now where there's not really any big online stuff going on, but we also don't have the in real life stuff. So it's a little hard to motivate on just, I put, I've been playing a little bit on ladder just for fun. Um, but beyond that, uh, yeah, not a whole lot of motivation to play online tournament right now.


Uh, have you spent any time trying to optimize your account for migration to PTCGO?


I have spent probably less than 30 minutes, but I have spent it's not, not a zero amount of


Yeah, that's, that's infinity more than I've spent, but I keep thinking I should.


What about you?


I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to do a better job for when. Life happens or when in person events happened to at least play a few games a day every now and then on the ladder. But yeah, I just don't, the ship has sailed long ago for me on playing any, any online tournaments. Um, so just looking forward to the, sometime in the early spring, like winter, I guess. Um, but yeah. Busy. I've just so busy these days on the weekend, there there's always something going on. I don't feel like I have time to breathe. So like that there's a weekends maybe in, uh, a month or so. Right. I think I might have time and might have the interest in playing the Sunday open again or something like that. it's a busy-ness thing more than an interest in the game itself for me right now, I just, I struggle to have time. and just don't have the don't can't justify being lazy over playing, playing an online tournament. I'd rather just lay down essentially.


Yeah, it is like for me, and I'm sure it is for the same for a lot of other people, it's a matter of making Pokemon a priority over other things. And I would do that. For the right event or like, an in real life event, but it just doesn't make sense right now.


know, I think, I feel like, I don't know how many other people feel like this, but I I'm in a weird place because like, I haven't gotten like the latest cards, like the jokey on VMax. Like I D I haven't gotten those. And I think the thing that keeps me from getting them is I see all these V unions coming. And I feel like the Metta is about to like, completely change in a way that I don't really understand. And I don't know, like what it means. just like, it's going to, like, I feel like the wild west is coming and I'm like, should I be, will any of these texts be good? Is getting any of these cards helpful? I don't really, you know, is this something I get for a week? And then I'm like, oh, now all these cards are bad because it's Pikachu V union or.


Yeah, it's true. It's like, oh, it's hard to tell with new mechanics because they could almost purposefully make the first batch of whatever the new thing is like not very strong, like that happened with the VMax. Is it happened with the tag teams or I guess Peak around was the first tag team. So maybe that one's not bad example, but, um, I mean, it does happen quite frequently with these mechanics. And so like these first few unions that we've seen, they're like, well, these are just not it. Right. These are not worth it. There's not enough support, but maybe in a set or. two, they will, they will be ridiculous. So yeah. I, I know what you're saying.


do we, is there a world where we could have an opinion on like the union decks? Like when will, when does that become playable? Like, is that a thing I don't even understand?


No. I mean, I think the Pika too one, interestingly enough has like, by far the best attack. I mean, it just has as disconnect, right?


right. right. Disconnect for one 50. Seems really good. Right. Item lock in, hit for 150 damage. I hear that. And I'm like, yeah, I'll do that.


I just think it needs support. Like there there's just no world where you can magically make these union cards work without something like, you know, what the legend piece has had with legend box. Like there's just, it just doesn't seem bad. And then I see, see, people seem to have like a little bit of success with them and expanded, but even there it's just like with that. Pool of cars. There's not, there's no like immediate easy way to make them work. I just think they're, they're just way too awkward, like, which is maybe a good thing. I do think maybe the, the Pikachu one is perhaps good enough to be a problem just because they gave one a good attack. Like a lot of them just aren't good. enough to, cause they don't have real attacks either for the just massive. Set up, they take like the thicker ninja one or something. For instance, I wasn't like these cards are so much set up. They should, they should win you the game or something, essentially. They should roughly be that powerful. Um, and they're just obviously not.


Okay. Have you tried any of the unions that have been out?


Uh, Nope. I don't even have any of them online. I, I didn't think there would be any good. So I didn't really buy them. I know a friend of mine test play Shadow Rider Mewtwo, but like Morris meme. Real good competitive tag. So I don't really plan on testing them soon as well. I might just see if any good ones come out in the future, which hopefully will be the case go. That it does seem interesting to have like this new thing and standard. Um, but it's just not good. right now. I'd say.


Yep. That's where I went to.


universal truth. Anything else we want to talk about guys? I feel like we've covered everything. There's the cover we've gone for a little more than an hour. Another pod in the books.


The only, the only other thought that I had is we talked a little bit about celebrations and there is like, most of the cards don't seem very impactful, but I am interested to see how that Mew, uh, impacts the format. Cause it's not like a huge addition, but it's probably enough to change it inaccurate to, I saw someone playing like a Shadow Rider with Mew in it. So I don't know. It's just something to keep an eye on. I don't see it like being ridiculous, but it looks cool. And maybe it could be good.


Yeah, same year. I mean, I think for most of the decks, it might be not that valuable because adjunct cards. Aren't important that for example, in an Italian diet cube, when you knew you had a mantra averages, well use cart, you need, but I think in some decks it might be interesting to try out because like dress, you was like one of the best cards and centered a bad time, which was played in a lot of decks. But I think it was just like slightly, slightly, worse and made it EX right now. And then. I like the standard red now.


I think I hit the nail on the head. Right. If you're, if you're, I mean, Inteleon hands in everything and if you're playing Inteleon why would you do that? You're you're already, you have complete deck search, right?


Yeah, it's true.


All right, everybody, I'll see you next week. If you want to come on next week, we love having you on. You're always welcome number. right, good deal. As always. Thank your parents for letting you stay up late.


Yes. Thank you.


Of course.


All right. See y'all.


Bye everybody.


Thank you, Brent. Thank you, Canada.