The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Ep 11 - Deep dive on ADP, Altaria Box, Charizard & Braixen, Wailord V, Mewtwo, Excadrill, The Wossy!, Lucario Melmetal, Eternatus, and Players Cup!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 11

there's so I remember too. I don't, I don't remember the metagame and Hearthstone. Maybe Mikey will remember, but aggro aggro is particularly prevalent for whatever reason. And I recall. I think it was life coach, but maybe other people did it too, but they would do this stream where they, covered up your opponent's board. So all you can, we do, it's like, all you could do is go face all of these, you know, direct attack, no sort of no, no. Even attempt to like board control to play sort of the other parts of the game. Yeah. You know, it was sort of a joke and, you know, he would win this way sometimes not even being able to, being able to see. Any of the cards his opponent ever played, or how many were in his hand, the order, things like that. But maybe perhaps someone could do same thing with a P and you're just like the only thing you can see is their bench. And you just pay attention to, if you get knocked out or not. And then as long as you see their bench, you see the defendant and he's in the curve apps and it doesn't matter what they're up to otherwise.


All I want to know is the two prize Pokeman on their bench and they will figure everything


The biggest decision decisions. You have to make the ADP based on the matchup where like, where do I put this big charm? Do I attach it to the ADP? Or do I put an organization or do I put it on at the DNA? Like that is like the biggest decision based on match-ups. So if that's your biggest one, then you're, then you're doing okay.


100%, 100%. And I'm like, Yeah, I picked up, Oh, I tried playing the blinds deck and I was like, Oh, there's so many decisions.




Am I going to stick with this cram ranch? Am I going to power up another baby blonde? Like, you know, that, that list, that, that list that you would post, it only had three baby blends in it. And like the first game, I was like, Oh, I went through those too fast. I gotta like manage my resources a little better managing resources, man. ADP doesn't believe in that.


Oh, yeah, my list does run for, I didn't even notice that now that now that I'm looking back at it.


Yeah. Yeah. I, after, after like two games, I was like, okay, well, that's one thing that I'm going to change. I mean, all these, all these lists where like the energy is a little tight and they just expect you to play it. Well, I'm like, I should put one more energy in and maybe boundless. I should definitely run for baby plants because it's just going to be messy otherwise. Alright. You guys ready?


Yeah, let's do it.


All right. Let's, let's jump right in. Welcome to the trash and lanch. It's Brent Halliburton here as always with Brad privates and Mike crochet. Guys, you will be happy to know that we received our sixth five star review and we got it. Review J bolt said, yes, these guys are cool, intelligent, and also great players. Listen to this podcast, Jay ball, you are also intelligent and cool, and we very much appreciate the feedback.


We do like, I'll be like Joseph,


No. Do we know who that is?


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Me and grant are good friends with both.


Well, all right. I did not know who that was and I already thought he was intelligent


known as Gebo.


Just based on his intelligent, cool statements. All right, we'd dig it. Guys. Keep the reviews coming. Every review you leave, we will read on and discuss on the pod. And if you want to be as cool as J bold. You should leave a review. It helps people find the pod and you hear it on every podcast. People talk about how apparently that's super important. The algorithm. We do not completely understand it, but we will take blind faith.




All right, guys, let's talk about yeah. Channel fireball. So I, I told you that, I read great man leads, the cardio melt metal article, and I thought it was absolutely delightful. He really does a nice job of grinding through the matchups. What else did we get? Did we see on there? That was interesting.


I was really happy to see the Sanders list, his control. Like I think we've talked about his, the stall wall stall deck he wrote for wrote about for six prizes, not too long ago as being sort of like the best article in recent times in terms of just like raw complicated information. And this is similar case for X Codral. I don't. I've been trying to learn it and various other kind of different decks in this little, little lull time since I finished my keys early, but I'm still interested in playing and practicing and what not. and I would not have had any clue what to do and almost any matchup, without reading his article and it even has, so he won a tournament with it recently, but the article also has his most recent list at the very end. And so without the article, I would have been playing an old list that I saw, you know, just on Twitter, about his tournament win. And so this one, a little more updated and, it seemed better. And from what I could tell, one of those decks where, it's hard to play at least until you learn it because you just start timing yourself out every single turn and you get flustered, and then you start making mistakes. And it's a deck that if you make mistakes, you lose. but I think it's pretty good. the ADP matchup is not good. And if that's the case, not sure why you would really, really consider it outside of a super good metagame call, but if that gets fixed, how I it's really good against almost every anything else. There's certain things that clearly just can't pressure. It naturally ADP puts on the fastest pressure, but it's a fun deck, fun to learn and definitely you'll need the article. To walk through most of your matchups.


I read a couple of the articles, but the one that stood out to me the most was I'd say a brand news article on YouTube welder. And mostly it was looking for articles about decks that I haven't really played with very much. So. That was one of them. Cause I, I I've kind of shied away from the MuTu decks, in general, like even really, since me too has come out, but in particular in this format. so that one was good to read just to kind of understand why people play me too. Cause I, I guess I just never really understood what the draw of it was. cause it takes a pretty terrible turn at this match up. and even with other decks that I played. I just feel like I'm always beating it, whether I'm playing. I mean, I've mostly played blends in ADP and in theory it should have a good ADP matchup. I dunno, maybe I do some running good against it. But anyway, so his article was informative in conjunction with the fact that he's been posting some of his updates about his players cup run. And I don't know where he is right now, but I know at least a couple of days ago he had used like 35 tickets and had a hundred. Tournament rep, which is a really, really great rate. The only person that I know that has as good a rate as that has been Ross, who is about the same. so that was a good read. And I also read towards center scorch magnets on thing as well. Cause we've talked a lot about the magnets on decks. I think they're really cool. it was good to get towards perspective, kind of have similar feelings about centers that deck right now, too. I think it's a cool deck. Probably fun to play, but. I don't think I would play it for NBC in a serious


but did you find that Isaiah's arguments about mew compelling?


Yes, yes and no. I mean, I think like it's matchup spread is pretty good. And in particular, I really liked his name analysis of the attorney test match, or you broke it down into a lot of specific cases is like, if their list runs switch, then you have to do things very differently than if they don't run, switch, for example, and kind of like, that was the most detailed section as well, which is good that I, I think it was really good. That was the most detailed section because it's the most troubles and match up for the deck. So he spent the most time on that. But, it, it doesn't really address my main concern. You can't really address this in an article with Mewtwo welder is that it just draws some clunky hands. So like I, after I read the article, I played two or three games with it and like the first game, I opened two welders with no energy and the dinette, the DNA in my hand. So I have to do that anyway, two welders, and now I have to only two older show the rest of the game. so things like that, I feel like just happened quite often with that deck. And that's another. But the article itself is quite good.


You know, I kind of feel the same way. And like, I know we talked last week about how, like my reaction to the players cup and like watching all the Twitter storm is, you know, I mean, everybody's got a different deck that they're like, I tried all the other decks and they sucked. And then I tried this deck and I got tons of points. And like, obviously Isaiah's putting up crazy kind of points per key. but yeah, I looked at the list and I thought. Isaiah is just really good at the Pokemon. And even though he said other day, he tried other decks and they were bad. I suspect that like, I don't know if it's this deck that's making the magic happen.


Right, right, right, right. It does seem to be a deck that, you know, it doesn't require like a ton of ton of skill, but there is a lot of like little decisions. I think that go into playing it, you know, better than other people. So I do think there is like a decent. Range to outplay opponents, because you have access to so many attacks, you can attach to different things. Like when do you play the actual Pokemon down rather than discarding them such as like rachis ARD and even muck, or even the gang Gar mimic you. I think there's lots of situations where it may be correct to actually attack with each of those. And no one went to identify them. I think probably it takes a lot of practice.


Yeah, it definitely seems. I mean, it's, it's, it's supports like if you're, if you like nonlinear play and you think you can help people, I here's the thing where you'll, you can have 20 different attacks. So you definitely knock yourself out, right. And you have five different Pokemon that you can attack with. So, so you can make a lot of choices there. yeah, that certainly doesn't seem to suit my, ADP really bad place though. Right now. Although I would say, I want to try it. I want to try standing. There's a control stuff. Like always has such innovative ideas. I really like that stuff.


So the, the one comment that I'll have an extra drone is I was playing in a fire scout thing and I've played against XQ drills in Chino, but it wasn't. X schedule control. It was the other excavator, the one that attacks, but it was also with Chino. So when I'm like recording the result on my spreadsheet, I'm like, do I write X drill Chino? Cause that's the very misleading. so I just wrote attacking excavator.


That seems good. That seems good. And that sounds like a dub


That was a loss. I couldn't believe it. I lost, I was playing bland and they. Have six attackers and I have four, so


ran out of gas.


yeah, I mean, I've over it, but, they can, they just gust around that and I have to play two prizes. They don't play to Prizer. So I think it was actually, the UK guy, not Omni folk, the other big content creator from the UK. I forget his name lossy. So,


I'm blinking


the Wasi,


PTC radio radio. Is that what he


Yeah. I should know his name. I don't know. I


Yeah. I'm sorry.


been around forever.


Yeah, he's been around for a long Ross. Gilbert. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I was blinking, but I'm pretty sure that's who I played against


have you guys met Ross?




Here's here's here's my raw story. This is, so Dallas, I don't know if you guys remember Dallas regionals had him like flew him in and. one of the greatest things I've ever seen was they, they like put them up on stage between like, like during day two masters and had him run a quiz show for the juniors and seniors where he would like, just off the top of his head, think of Pokemon facts. And then they would have to like identify the Pokemon and he was absolutely born to do that.


so funny.


Like no surprise when you got a whole, like, like five, seven year olds up and had Ross asking them questions about like Pokemon, like they all thought that they were the smartest Pokemon people in the room. And like, he was just like, this is the conversation I've wanted to have with children all my life.


That's funny.


And it was, it was absolutely fan. I mean, Dallas regionals always comes through with fantastic events. It was absolutely fantastic. I want to say this was like two years ago. Cause it was not the most recent year, but really,


think they have, I think they have a costume that's T that year, cause that


they did good. Always good stuff. Alright. Shall we transition to talking about the players cup guys?




How's that? How's it going for you, Mike?


Quite well, the last couple of days have been awesome. I am, let me see my spreadsheet. I'll give you the exact number. I know I have two keys left. Exactly. Two keys. I'm at 121 points. So yeah, so I made a huge jump in the last, couple of days. Of my last 10 tournament, I've won half of them. So that was like a really big jump. I stopped playing Blount about a week ago, a little less than a week ago. and I transitioned to pretty standard ADP list. so I was playing clay KDP at the beginning. now back to the kind of more standard running for research to Martinez. the only thing that I. Find that it's a little bit, I'm not running crushing hammers. I'm not running any flipping cards, no catchers, nothing like that. I originally I took tapes lists that he posted and dropped the hammers and just put in four other cards. And I changed a couple of other things from there. But the biggest thing that I really like about my list is I run an extra metal and an extra water. So I run nine metal, three water, and with one interview spinner and one Verdean forest, I still have a chaotic swallow as well, but. The, the extra real energies in the deck, I think is quite good in this crushing hammer Metta. because you know, I've seen some people play three water, but usually when they're in three water, they're running the melodic and that's the justification for it. But I find that the water is just pretty good anyway, because. You know, if you're going first verse, these decks, that play hammer, you still often want to attach a water to ADP. That's like the best thing to attach. and it feels really, really bad if you play to water, you attach to the water and then they discard it. Cause then you only have baby cries. The other one, or it's just hard to find the second one. so that third one gives you a lot more flexibility there. and then the ninth metal, I was just having issues like. We were kind of saying before we started recording, there is often games where you discard like 12 cards before you do anything. And so if too many of them are metal energies, then you ultimate Ray and then you don't have enough metal to power up. Sometimes even one Zeeshan let alone two. and so yeah, the ninth metal has been pretty good as well. Just kind of helps you find it earlier. It helps. Consistency with the turn one GX. So you're more likely to have quick ball metal, in your early hands. so I really liked that.


so, no melodic.


No melodic.


I feel like melodic is the new, whatever thing that everybody's excited about.


yeah, so I think that, I think the center scorch matchup, and I saw this talk on Twitter and I very much agree with it. The center match matchup pretty much comes down to if you ultimate right. You win anyway, it doesn't matter if you run melodic or not. So, Sam's course matchup like is probably boosted a little bit by having melodic, but it's not really a big deal. It's still is pretty much coming down to that play. So a lot, it really is for these, the greens decks, the breaks are, and, and the rest of these are all canyons. and I don't know, I'm pretty sure I'll be going through the data this weekend, but I'm pretty sure I went like six an hour against those decks. So far with ADP, I don't know. It just doesn't seem super necessary to me. You just kill them all Canyon and then you kill a big guy is not that hard. the one change that I did make about halfway through and as I was playing the one scrapper, which is pretty good. I just, wasn't getting a whole lot of value, but I do think it's pretty good. but I dropped that for, or Korea or Korea was really good. When I was playing KDP and I kind of forgot about it. And then I saw Joel post his list that had, or, or a courier stolen, I was like, yeah, I want that. and it's been great. So, the other thing that I'm really not sure about is


Have you played against Macario Mel metal? I mean, I feel like when we last talked about Clady payments, we're talking about scrappers.


That's what I'm shaking my fist status. So how do you win that match up without tool scrappers?


Yeah. That one's definitely harder. I just haven't played against much Luke metal the last week or so. So that was part of it too. I think since I dropped the scrapper, I played against it once and I beat it just because it drew awkwardly. Speaking of tools. That's the other thing that I'm unsure about right now with ADP lists? I think it definitely should be playing to air balloon. That's not negotiable. but then I think you have room for one, you could probably like zero to two other tools. and I think big charm and vitality then are both like, Really high considerations. So I've, I've been playing one of each of those, and both have been really good in different scenarios, but it's also weird cause you're only playing ones. So do you find them when you need'em? I saw Zoe was playing his Exergen instead of the vitality band. To me that seems worse than vitality band, because it takes a bit bench spot and you really do use all your bench almost every game because you want to drop like. Three or four did Demi CRO bats throughout the game. So that's some my thoughts on AP, I really disliked the crushing hammer version. I think it makes very, very little sense. again, I'm interested to analyze my data this weekend, but I'm almost positive that I've gone positive in that matchup, like against ADP hammers. They just like, there's so many other decks too. They're on hammers. I just feel like there's so many times where they'll like on their first turn, they'll hit a hammers and then there, they miss their own attachment and I'm like, it doesn't even matter then, like you just delete the game of turn, but like you delayed both of us at Turner. And so it's a net net zero and you've wasted a slot in your deck. so, I just don't, I don't, I don't like the hammers.


Two, two more questions first, like big scheme of things. Why, why the professor's research over clay?


so I think at the beginning of the players cup, the, I think the clay DP version, if I was only playing mirrors, I would play the KDP version every time. And the reason for that is generally whoever GX is first wins. And so you want to go first and that match up really badly. but if you go second, the KDP version, I think has a higher turn one GX rate than the regular version. And does, so I think the KDP version is better for like a heavier AP metagame, but we've seen like more decks come into play. And it's just with, without, with the regular virtual, with research and Marnie is just a little, you do make, have to make a little bit more decisions. Do you have a little bit more flexibility in your game plan? Barney's also just really good to play, like on the turn that you GX. I give you Marty on the turn that you EGX. I feel like you almost always win the game because you put them in really awkward spots where if they don't draw. Pretty much perfectly off of it, then they have to play the DNA down and then you just have your Gus targets. so the morning I think structure is quite nice. Research is just also a really good card. and we play a great catcher, I think great catchers made it back into a lot of the lists. So, the heavy research is still pretty good. Like you can research into Augusta effect still. Right. And that was part of the job. The KDP version two is that you could. You know, a supporter into your catchers or just, you know, always have bosses. so yeah.


And so Matt, when I saw his list, my immediate reaction was. I don't know exactly what I do with the zigzag dude. Like I don't find myself. I mean, maybe this is just says I'm bad, but like, I don't find myself in situations. I feel like where I'm off from taking a knockout by 10 points. What are these situations?


so the, so a couple of them are, new to is two 70. So it's pretty much all the tag teams that up to 70, so new to, pick her on with the big charm. greens, the, the, the fire guys


just the fact that I've never bumped into the mute. It is what keeps me from ever experiencing the joy of


Yeah. That's pretty much it. The other nice case is I'm often in the like often if, if an opposing deck plays big germ and did any they'll big term, their DNA to get around ADP cabinet. And so sometimes you can ADP. Vitality ban on ADP and stuff up there


See, I'm just playing double scrubber. What's a, what's the problem




problem for me.


great. You're going to jump in there too. Or were you just going to say


no, I was just, I was just going to say what you said. I just thought more and more than anything. It's just the surgeons, love greens, Charles art and decks with that. because again, it's MuTu, like it's great to one shot them, but you have sort of other avenues, but that's just how they beat you is, is just because. You can't one shop them. And then, so in theory that the greens are just trades up really, really well, and you went easily. And so just preventing the, that is just a really, really easy way to win.


Yeah, the thing, what I found and part of the reason that I ended up dropping, like part of the reason that I did justify dropping the scrapper was versus the green stack. They're going to big charm they're guy, but they're also going to play that special fire interview on their guy. So you can never, actually, if they play the special fire energy, even with scrapper and the vitality, then you're never getting the one shot. So I was like, eh, all right. That was the nail in the coffin for the script, for me. but I would like to scrapper back in, I don't know, I'm going to have to mess around with the list again. If I'm considering it for the actual player, Scott, but I do really, really, really like, or Korea. I think we're really good. The other two, the other last thing that I, I think it's an interesting debate is do you run three to DNA, one Kerbeck to be around two, two, cause I've seen lots of people do one or the other. It's a small difference, but I don't think it's a, I don't think it's one that is like not worth talking about. And I think it's a pretty. Interesting seq choice one way or the other.


And you people, people got to know what's the answer guys.


Brett, you got any thoughts on that?


Yeah, I'm not, I'm not sure I'm not totally committed. So I, I think I could be persuaded. but for me, I think three, one is definitely better as, I messed around with my counts and ADP quite a bit, and then also played too much in Telium for my keys and it played, it played two and two, which rarely was good. and so I'm sure some of that, it was a deck thing, but. It's rare that you want the Chromat. I think the Chromat is there is like extra insurance for if you don't get what you need after the dead DNA and the supporter. And so that's why you're, I think it's at least always best to be more stocked with a debt eight charges just for that reason. And crowbar crowbar, is great sometimes, but not every hand is burnable. Not every hand you can play down to. And so a lot of times, like we were saying sometimes. You lose 12 good cards on your first turn with ADP and so win because you know, you play four hubs of everything and destroy what you needed at the end of the day. and I think that's, so maybe, maybe part of it is going to depend on how your deck is built. If you're a deck with lots of trainers, lots of trainers, you're going to want to play every turn like. Blinds or something maybe that does have lots of cards they are trying to get rid of and not a whole lot of draw supporters. Like those decks probably can justify the split more so than ADP, but definitely the really aggressive decks, I guess, everything, but it turned on us. They're really heavy draw decks are just, and ADP. And I think that, yeah, they have the same construction in that. Lots of trainer cards. None of them are important. So you're, you can afford to discard and just maximize how many cards you see each turn. Whereas the Chromat splits are going to depend on the list. So there's probably versions of ADP that play it better. The ones that like to get flippy, sometimes playing, maybe both, both crushing hammer and, terrible Patrick catcher. But. I think three, one for ADP is definitely the best


That makes sense. the, the other. Argument in favor of the heavier Denny is you're running anywhere from two to four cherish balls, usually three. And so that's like just gives you an extra house. I've been playing Tutu too, but I guess that was just kind of like, I hadn't really thought about it until the other day. it's just kinda like what's been made in my PTC geo account and I just never gave it thought until I saw Zulu post is less with three one. and then I switched to that and then. I haven't really noticed a big difference either way, but yeah. but yeah, it makes sense to me.


Yeah. That's I think I've been playing three one, and I think there's, there was definitely like one or two games in the last, like 20 games where like I got to the end and, and unlike Mike, I'm playing all these flippy catchers. So, I, I was like, I'd like a little more juice so I could get another catcher, but yeah, I'd already played the Crow bat because I need to do earlier in the game. And, and like, after you did a change, you're just out of options. So the idea of having two Crow beds in there, like it's like situational useful, but I think I just identified that as being like 8% of my games. I'd really like a second probate, the data just, yeah. There's so many more outs with the cherish ball. there's, there's so many more turns where you're like, I just want to jettison everything. Let's go. Like you're really,


what we're saying is that lists can get refined even more and we're pushing for a three, two.




you have equal chances of starting Zetia and or ADP then as you do your draw Pokemon even more, when you include Alda Goss,


Oh, that's. I mean, I think, I think the reason you like the best argument for three to then is, is like, if you start it or your prize one, you know, you're, you're only going to bleed two and you're sad the rest of the game, because you're thinking. Yeah. If we get to that final turn and I need it, it's not going to be there for me.


I imagine at a certain point jokes aside that like, you know, maybe people would argue about this, but if you're, if you're fitting the fifth one, I would think we're a Korea was always fast. But yeah, I mean, I'm torn on that card. It seems like in, I guess, in the match-ups with like clay, but like in the mirror, just seems like it accelerates your chance of losing. The more bad starters you have, the easier it is to lose, but maybe that's not necessarily true.




I just feel like it's another, it's another bad starter,


Yeah, no, that's definitely true. The counter argument is like sometimes the game just comes down to who has boss, boss.


Right. I mean, yeah. And I should try, I should try it. I only had it in the, the ADP or the lady pill, but it was typically awesome. Every time you used it in that. So I don't know why it would be. I just had, I had useless double tool scrappers and derailed on, in my list for most of my keys.


Yeah. And I, you know, when you, when you play the clay, like your hands full of burnable items, so it's easy to put yourself in a situation where you're like, okay, we're going to get to that crowbar now. Right? So, so it, it seems like at the situation where you could kind of easily set up pretty, good things happening, we should talk about, how Brit is in just a world of trouble in terms of qualifying for players.


I mean, I think it's a little bit more than that. I think it's fairly certain, I'm like a two 30, I think. it's going to be frustrating. I mean, I think most of it is my fault. Didn't didn't play well enough. There was something else too. I was going to add to that. Maybe it'll come back to me. I mean, even still, I th I think I'm good enough to have qualified regardless of what I, what I played. but I do have some sort of cosmic bad luck that I, I documented with screenshots and. No. I took a note. I took notes on every single game I played. So like, I'm a liar otherwise, but, I didn't play well enough and it was, I didn't, I didn't and to it. Right. So I even talked about on this podcast. My strategy was well, I'm just trying to win the round one every time and that'll be good enough. And it, it wasn't. but that was, that was like my strategy. And I did, I succeeded at that, but I was just like wrong and how I should have been going about it. So like, I have a ton of top fours. I didn't win very many. I just always lost in the top four a lot. and then had a pretty bad streak of losing a top eight, but here's what it is. I'll qualify for the next one with these, I imagine. But. I mean part of it too, is just being honest with yourself. And like, I think some of my difficulties trying to come back to the game after taking a hiatus here and there is, you know, I expect to do well from the get go, and that's obviously not how it works. And so it's okay that I'm struggling still. you know, the theory and a lot of the ideas still, even if my technical play is lacking, but, and be the same. If I were trying to run a marathon or something, you don't just do that after years of not, you know, jogging or something. It's a, it's a process. So we'll get back up there, but I'll cling on to this weekend. I imagine there'll be a big, a big increase over that weekend. A bunch of people will be able to finish their keys. So probably by Monday, I think I'll be done, but


where, where do we think the line will be now? Is it 85? Is it 90?


Well, I hope it's, I personally hope it's 83 because I, my very first key, I think I've said at a time or two, but I disconnected, I disconnected in the middle of round one and I was going to win on my next turn. Like I had, I was playing ADP. I was, I was about to beat psychic MuTu, power surge, and I, I never, I never had, I wasn't, I wasn't, I wasn't able to reconnect in time. so at the very least plus one, perhaps even plus five, if it makes the difference, I'll be shaking my fist, but plenty of other stuff could have made the difference too.


So, what are you, what are you sitting at?




That music? Okay.


I think


It'll be somewhere between 75 and 85. Like, I think it's like almost guaranteed to be in that range. I think I saw someone posts that it's been my ticket to sex has been increasing by like one or two points every day.


Yeah, I saw that too. Hold on, let me pull it up. I just I'll get a two 56.


so they projected that based on whatever day they posted it, that it would be like 80. Three eight or


73 right now is there's a pretty large one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, eight people at 73 points from two 54 down to two 61,


And what day does it tend? Does anybody remember


the 26.


when six? Okay.


So there's a whole nother week.


So I don't think it will grow by one or two every day down to the 26th. I would be surprised if it was above 85. but my prediction, I went the first time when I asked you guys what to predict, I predicted 82. I that's sounds pretty accurate right now. Still.


Yeah, I think both Britain, I had gone lower than that. And, it definitely, I feel like a sucker now. yeah, my, my, my youngest son keeps telling me that he wants to burn keys with me now, but I think, kind of like Britt and kind of how you were talking when we first talked about the players cup, about how you're going to probably only burn a key or two a day. Like, what happens is I sit down and he says, let's bring some keys, let's bring some keys. And I'm like, okay. But I feel like if we're going to do that, we got to play two or three warmup games before we go to burn the key. And the problem is. Then it's like a two hour commitment.


Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yeah. And I just can't spend two hours with you. My son, it's not a clock at night. You got to go to bed.


Yeah, you just got jump right in.


That's rough. But yeah. So, so Liam, I should tell the story for the pod. Just so people can say they heard it from me. Cause I know I told you guys on discord, Liam. I sat down to burn my first key and we play at ADP and open ADP two East switches, two saucers, three medals. And then drew pass for four turns. We played our first supporter, the turn after he knocked out our ADP. Yeah. Pretty good stuff. Pretty good stuff.


Oh, wow.


That was fantastic. So that, yeah, you can tell how. Yeah, but I definitely felt better about like I reflected on your words, Britt, where you were like, you just got to set aside and move on. I was like, You know, I, I have like a 10 game winning streak with ADP. Liam says, let's go burn a key. And I'm like, okay, let's go do it. We're going to do it. And then I drew a straw, the absolute garbage and realized like, I'm not going to play a card this entire game until he like, eventually benches me out, which is exactly what happened. It's like just the worst.


I feel like I get those frustrations out by just simply writing the comment next to the matchup data in my spreadsheet. Like when I, my last game with blondes, it's a, what does it say? I started the organization and nothing else, smile, like even just writing that, the act of writing that, like, let me calm down and move on to the next game.


All right guys. Let's should we talk about, what decks people should play? If they're trying to grind keys, this week.




all I would say, and I think we can perhaps say more on ADP, but just play, play a mew in your ADP list and beat these people. Playing picker on. And so I think that's, you know, that's such a weird part of all these decks that, you know, they can beat ADP and stuff. It's like, well, they can beat it when it's built a certain way. And this is just again, a Testament to the strength of the deck. you know, I'll pick her on, we've even talked about it weeks ago on their show before at least started making this resurgence again, you know, it has a good matchup. but it's mostly, you know, because there's no. Mia on the list, which can prevent really your only way to work and with mew, I, I, there was one tournament that was past weekend, I think. maybe the heck starts on Monday. I think one of them was one by ADP with me, just clearly trying to capitalize that. And the same with the greens are stack. like we said, I think they're mostly just good because ADP doesn't have a way to do two 70. but when they do. What can you do? Well, again, it's, it's not even, we're not even talking a significant reworking of the deck, I'm talking deck spots.


One card.


yeah, and I imagine sort of the only kind of only disparity between do, do I play vitality band? Do I play as executive and as well as executive in a searchable like of I'm sure that's really the only argument in its favor, but just the same idea. Like the deck can adapt within one to two cards and suddenly the matchup is bad. Like. That's how good this deck is. but yeah, I mean, I would definitely do that. I mean, it's so hard with the, your, your keys. There's tons of variants. Even if you're a tech dude, you might not play anyone like played DRL down a whole ton. Didn't play against any decidual I ever so. So maybe it's still just the standard list as best. You can probably beat them anyways, but maybe, maybe just play a standard list with the third water. Like Mikey said, I like playing extra energy in my list, so I didn't have a third water, but I did fly an extra metal and two spinner. And I just liked the reliability of it. I'm an old school player. I need to manually attach every turn where I'm losing.


yeah, so I think ADP is, is really a great play. The other kind of like top deck that I, I feel like. Of the people that have gotten a lot of points, you know, like, well, over a hundred points, the most popular deck that I've seen them play is loose battle. so I think that's still pretty good that there is a good amount of fire deck. So you, I don't know if they're just dodging it or if they're playing the weakness energy. I assume they're playing the weakness, energy, someone just posted Justin Lambert. I think just posted he's like now, number one. And I'd have to look at his list. See, but, I think that's a really consistent deck. It's slower. So you gotta like be comfortable with slower, but I think that's really good. the only other deck that I have played recently and I did win my last, key with it. Is like an all Tario box. I played against a grant manly in the hyper Lux poke tournament this past weekend on, in round two and I was playing bland. So I beat him, but he, I took his deck and I made a couple of changes, but pretty much the core is for, for Ataria two, two, the duct stage one, I forget its name up. It runs a Kangaskhan. It runs a tablet, Feeney around strategies and yeah, you're just kind of out Daria deck with some other attackers as well. This one is good for like killing things like buck Kenyans and who buzz. And just anything that can deal with the Altera. You just kill it with Swana or Kangaskhan, and then you just go I'll target. So that's pretty fun deck. I don't know if I would highly recommend it for players, but I. You know, I won the one event that I played in. I played against two speaker arms and an alternative, which all seemed like good. Match-ups the one peek around big play, stupid, electronic thing. So, and that's, I was, I was very surprised about that. Even more surprised that I was able to beat it. I actually ended up decking it out. but I think that's a pretty cool decadence. The one that I am interested, if the only like newish deck that I've seen, that I think has. Potential going forward. And it's one that I'm interested in. So something to look into, if you want something new. Okay.


It's a card that you read it and you're like, Oh, this sounds like it could be a thing. And it was like, it turned out. It was never a thing.


It's in the battle


was definitely a moment where I wanted it to


I've had to play with it and I'm just like, it's not worth it, but it come, it comes with that. That's how, it's the only reason I know what it does. In fact, it confuses me half the time because I get it. I've got it down now. But when I was first getting back into it, it just sounds too much like elder Goss. and I would, I would just think I was like what they're playing this card. All right. Weird.


just a quick correction. Sorry, not Justin Lambert. Tristin Lackey is the one that is now number one. And he did run to weakness, energy. So kind of like a medium approach. To dealing with the fire stuff. But to me, that doesn't really make, I don't know, he did really well, but to me that doesn't make much sense. I feel like you either run a one, want to run zero or three or four earlier running into, I don't really understand how you have enough to like withstand all Kenyans against center storage.


Yeah, I that's. I know. I mean, grant Manley's channel fireball article, he said he's not a believer in the weakest energies at all. He's like just set up two bronze ons and got it out.


Oh, okay. He has the Brown sense. Interesting. Nice.


Yeah. He was like, you got to set up two and you've got to slaughter crammer ads every time you see him, but you know, it'll be just fine. You'll get there.


Well then you can like, kind of go with the strategy. You set up the Browns on and you just hold like metal saucers in your hand. Right? So as soon as they send up a crammer and kill a Brown zone, you just go Leisha and mouse also muscles are attached, switch, kill it. And then you have the other brands up to it. I guess that would probably be the strategy.


Yeah, that was it. It was like, you just got to like manager, prizes and, you know, map it out. So, you know, you've got zations to kill his cranberries anytime it's a problem. And it's all fine. Right. do you guys want to talk about, do you guys have any reaction to, I feel like I've been seeing a lot more of this, the chars Arden breaks in a deck. and like, I always feel like it's like. Okay. Certainly it's a lot more popular, but I, I can never figure out what the heck three cards are getting. Cause it doesn't seem to dramatically alter the outcome of the game. So I haven't played any games with it, obviously. What do you guys think about that? Is that worth talking about.


Yeah, it's worth talking about a little bit. but I haven't played it either. It doesn't look like Brit's played at, played against it only a couple of times. Usually I'm not super impressed, but I do remember there was one game where I was like, how am I going to lose this game? It's impossible from this situation. And they go surge, welder, welder stamp. And I was like, Hmm. That's, that's a pretty nice play. You're like, he had no energy. See, I'm born. Cause I kill, I killed one of his guys. And he cooked any like double welders or, or, yeah. So that was pretty impressive. Like, Any healed. I think too. And I still ended up winning the game, but it was a impressive turn and I think it can do some cool things. I just don't know if those things are like consistently strong enough.


I believe them both a decent amount. and I think we talked a little about a bit about it last time, but maybe not, but. I like the Bracks Charles art braxet can hammers build quite a bit more? I think it just kind of, it's just better at creating a little alternative wind conditions. Cause I just don't think like the typical greens are like, are not good enough on their own to win. Match-ups they're good. So you, in theory, you trade off against ADP, you've got volcano or decidual why, You're fire free to cardio male metal. and that's sort of about it. I think like figure around can still be you, it turned out as crushes you, but with the hammers and more of kind of a control gimmick, I think, your options are, we're just a little bit better. Like there's just not a whole lot that goes with the other version. Yeah. And also too, they're a green stack, which I think have inconsistency. A consistency issue that we've talked about a ton it's really, really good when you open with greens and stuff, perhaps both supporters, but it's terrible when you don't and because you don't have Denny's and things like that, you're just stuck with terrible hands. And not only does the DNA help fix that, but to Danny. So it improves your chances at playing welder and typically to compete, you need to hit welders like two welders within the first two to three turns. And it just doesn't do that as consistently as the MuTu decks, the decks with the DNI, the decks with, the other MuTu that can put it on top, you know, things like that. and so I think it's just that story we've talked about already. You know, it's pretty good against ADP quote unquote caught the ADP lists at a good time. but now I don't, I don't think they're competitive. I think they're clearly tier two and tier three decks. And they


the only other deck that I think is interesting that I've seen. And actually, Oh, Outre Mansky did write an article on general fireball about this is the way Lord be in Italian. No, no, not Italian. Wellard V Prospa deck. Well, are these like actually not that bad. to flip three guns do one 20 for each heads and it's got 200 HPE. So. ADP has never killing that vitality bands and he's a, it doesn't matter. so it's kinda cool. I've only played against it once and I like narrowly beat it, but, it was pretty close. I think if he had gotten a double, I think there, I think it came down to, he needed double heads to kill and Sasha and yields and they got one both times. He even used the stadium and only got one both times. so I was pretty impressed actually by that. So that's something that I think could be decent. I worry, again, similar to me to deck, it's probably not creating a city Turnitin. but, but I don't know that that's something I would, be interested in looking into more.


Yeah. Is it, is it less important to be good against a turn it, this is like Pico rom seems to be gaining momentum in the Metta, or do you think that's going to turn around because yeah, everyone's just going to put a mew in their ADP dry pig or I'm out of the format. And like a week from now, we talked about how it turned his, his back and bigger than ever.


I think so it's certainly the only deck I'm ever really considering. and I think this again is just why the format is so hard. Is that the ways you. So things that are good to do to beat ADP are not helpful against it or not is like maybe, you know, the hammers are, I guess, for the most part, but it's so hard to build for both of them. And that's why I just sort of have given up kind of, because I don't know, there's just no good. Like historically you use like, Counter Pokemon that hit weakness for a cheap cost H and you cheat it out or something like that. And there's just all the V max Pokemon just have too much HP. There's lots of contenders that I think could be very good, a year or two ago. or if they somehow did 30 more damage or something like I've, that's what I was really trying to make these decks work. And I just could not get anything to beat both decks, but I was trying with like, Volcani on and like crab dominant and greens arts. I was trying some goofy, goofy the ideas. NAS, just, I was copying, like, I was just trying to build like the old firebox and things like that, and just can't be in them all. can't beat them, join them. That's why I play ADP B can beat them all.


while we're talking a little bit about attorneys, have you played the, The new flavor with the poison stuff at all.


I have not, I need to trade for the cards. I haven't played in a couple of days, but Dustin, is very into it. And, I think he's only, he's only played. He turned out as for his keys, I believe. at least for all of them. And he played wheezing at first. I know he switched to the poison at some point. And had a ton of success. but I don't think I really know anything beyond that. I haven't, you know, questioned his methods and gotten like an explanation of why it's really good in certain match-ups. I haven't given up on wheezing personally. Like I just sort of have. you know, I'm thinking with the ship, I'm not going to qualify, so I'm not going to have to make some tough decisions in a few weeks, but I still like wheezing. Colin, I is still only playing it, but I believe he's just done or not going to qualify. So there's perhaps a good case against it, but. I'm not sure I'd have to see why this poison package really what it does to affect your match-ups in my head. I guess it's pretty good against center scorch. but I just think it makes your match-ups your matchup ADP worse. It just gives them more easy prizes. And that's, I think how you win against them is that you, you. Knock out, ADP as soon as possible, then they're not able to double boss you is how is the only way you win. And so doing everything in your power, Which sometimes is not possible, but sometimes you can kind of make it work. And, those cards to me, just seem to do that. And there's a lot of scenarios too, where, the toxic Crow can lose you the game because they might not get the double boss, but they do like, we talk about the son of scorch matchup. They do alter creation on a V max. And then you've got a two Prizer setting on your bench that anything can knock out too. And I lost lots of games against ADP. You're not a lot, but two or three playing, the cardio, Mel metal with the stunt Fisk. And I just lost because I opened it and it prevented me from playing the right prize game. And in my head, it affects your ability to do that more than anything, but I'll have to talk to Dustin and see what he thinks.


I haven't played it at all. Myself. I've only played against a couple of times. I've just kind of noticed it gaining more and more popularity to that.


I feel like that's the, that's the build people to play now. Right?




what does it do against hammers? Like.


same thing.


the, the eternal history, but unfortunately everybody, they have a us to be telling people that they shouldn't play hammers and decks to, help improve the Metta, our contribution to men of manipulation.


Yeah, I think there's, I think there are, I'm curious, I'm happy. Like I'll be helping people prepare for the players cup, even if I'm not playing. And I think, I think it's definitely a time to be bold. I think you've got, you're going to have to make a big metagame decision and like, the expression go bigger, go home. It's pretty true. There's nothing. You've got nothing if you don't make it through. so the top four, like cool, you get these cosmetics for, the, the online game, but you did a lot of work to get there. And so I think you're guaranteed these sleeves and whatnot, like. Risk it or like risk at all? I think, I mean, maybe that's just how I would approach it and it's again, because at the end of the day, I don't, I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not going to get a real ego boost to say that I, you know, made top 64 losers or something. can I wanna made a bold deck choice? I think


Yeah, I think I agree with that.


to perhaps one of those decks.


Alright guys, should we call it a pod?


Yeah, just real quick. Bruce mentioned spirit to him. I, now that I'm in a good spot, I'm saving my last key. I'll play a spirit team tournament.


Oh my God. I didn't even give you the stat. I didn't even try to go spirit to them update, but I'm excited to hear that spirit. Team's going to be one of them. One of the next two tournaments that, that might play as will be spirits home. Is there, do you ever give a strategy? Is there something spicy?


Not really. It's probably, probably just play the same list that I had before, but I mean, just playing spirit to me, spicy enough, in my opinion.


I obviously that's a true statement guys. That's the show.


All right. Thanks for listening to everyone. We'll see you next week.