The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

15 minute pep talk before Louisville & more!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 194

All right, it's the Trashalanche podcast, the only podcast about the Pokemon trading card game, and in that respect, we know we let you down. Liam was a little sick earlier this week. Uh, people gotta travel, all that stuff, so we did not get an episode out this week. But, we do not want to let the team down, so we are doing a no longer than 15 minute episode, just for you guys to listen to before you start play tomorrow, and you be ready to just crush it. Um, oh, we're sponsored by Dragon Shield, stuff like that. Uh, uh, Abon, do you want to talk about the deck that you're planning on playing, or is that still top secret? Bond's in a hotel on delay. He's like got the crazy internet action. Alright, Liam, let's come back to you, cause you are not playing. If, if you were just completely lost in the sauce tonight, you were in Louisville and you realized every deck you wanted to play was bad, and you were gonna pick up a deck that you have not practiced one bit and try to make Day 2 with it, what would that deck be?


what would that deck be? Um, probably Palkia. The Palkia Duskner deck, I think. That deck is incredible. It's like, mm hmm. Yeah, yeah. You were gonna say that? Oh, I have. Yeah. Yes. No, yeah, the deck is genuinely, like, terrifying, like, the, I saw a Twitter screenshot earlier today where, like, uh, the opponent was the person playing Palkia Duskner, and they had, like, Palkia double Duskull Ninja down, and I was like, dude, there's, like, it's, like, actually impossible to build a board that, like, survives this, like. They're gonna do, like, despicable things to you. And that's, like, not a crazy ask, right? Yeah. it's a bit of an exaggeration. Like, there's, like, some stuff you can do. And I think Pidgeot's actually, like, one of the decks that's, like, very, very well. Um, or, like, uh, in a very good spot to, like, deal with something like that. Um, because you just bench the Pidgey, you bench the Rotom, and, like, not, like, super appealing targets for, like, the Dusknoirs or the Ninja and stuff like that. So it's, like, very hard for them to go forward. But like, yeah, any, like, um The linear strategy is just like, it's getting cooked by that thing, like it's um, the, there's so much damage and so much flexibility, it's like very hard to respond to. and like the deck has so many comeback potential, like, interesting lines. that deck, I don't know, I've heard it's like a little bit sus, but, like, fine if you go, if you get the first hit, right? Like, should be. I don't know, haven't really tested it. Um, yeah,


But, that's the whole idea. It's a deck that you believe is good without testing. They're just gonna pick that deck up, and they're gonna play it tomorrow, and they're gonna like, be like, this is great! Even though I've never played a game with it.


that deck is incredible. Yeah, I dude, playing stop decks is like, so fun. Like, you just get to draw three cards every turn, bro. Like, crazy. Yeah, yeah, exactly. There's like, there's exactly six hits in the entire deck that are not, like, amazing. Like, everything


Alright, let's talk about, so, so most people probably have a deck that they're planning on playing. Um, uh, uh, if, if, first instead, I'm playing deck X, Any advice you have before tomorrow? Are there any, like, big, uh, you know, oh, you should test this one card, things that you would tell them to do right now that would help them be ready for tomorrow?


I think my biggest piece of advice is if that deck is Raging Bolt, switch decks. Genuinely, yeah,


So, so, if you're playing Raging Bolt, you can play Palkia. There you go. Incredible advice for people playing Raging Bolt decks. What about Okay, how about, how about if you're a player who's just planning on playing Roll60? Roll60.


we're gonna see a similar thing that happened that like, I think, I think it was Dortmund, right, where like, 20 percent raging bull day one, day two, it's completely off the chart, like, won a single game with that deck. It's like, I don't know why people want to send it so bad. Like, I genuinely don't know what your good matchups are. Like, whatever deck you're playing against, they're going to start doing tricks on you. Like, you're just side character. So hard. Ah, I'll just Sada and hit. Oh my god, you're doing like crazy Duskner shenanigans against me now. Oh wow, I'm just gonna, I'll just hit again. Oh, you got me bro. GG's. Like, would never, I would never Sada and play that deck bro. See you later. Like, terribly positioned, like, and super linear. Like, you have no tricks, and a bad magic spread. What is the, like, what's the good, good upside to this deck, bro? I don't see it.


You're a Lugia guy.


You're goaded. Yeah. Yeah, like, you are doing something right, bro. That is,


Alright, what if they're planning on playing 58 of Rosal's 60?


Change those two back! Change those


That's right! Alright, we're just here for the memes. Uh, what if they're playing Tarabagos? Any, like, any tricks that they might not have thought about?


Um, I genuinely, I genuinely, like, can I give you any advice on the deck? It is like, it is beyond me. I think, I'm going to put a lot of time into it between now and Sacramento. Um, I don't even know if Sacramento's in the same format, but like, I think that deck is like, the right direction for the EX, bro. It always gets the Pidgey EX turn 2, and you start going crazy, but I like, can't get the deck to work for the life of me. And like, the fact that Torrid has like, so much belief in the deck, is, uh, a sign that this is like, this is the deck. You just gotta make it work, bro. So, I don't know.


I mean, Pokemon wouldn't have printed the card if they didn't think it was GOAT, right?


Yeah, exactly.


All about the power creep.


Yeah, I don't know, I think, I think you definitely shouldn't reduce the deck to like, Dusner gimmick deck, like the same way Palkia kind of is. I, I, I think with the, with these, like, Bouffalants and the Pennies, like, you actually have, like, a lot more room for, like, um, like, dodging knockouts and doing, you know, tricks on it, basically, that, like, you wouldn't have, um, or, like, like, that, that's not reflected in this, like, bro, you gotta, like, uh, you gotta, you know, just turn to them and, like, Duffner, Duffner, Prime, and, like, obviously, that's possible, but that's not, like, the only route to win games, at least, like, in my practice for the deck. Yeah, yeah, yeah, against Guardian it's different, um, yeah, exactly, like, I think, um, yeah, I think, uh, and also into, like, Dragapult and Charizard, you have, like, a lot of room to, like, you know, like, Bouffalant up and just, like, um, rip the Penny and the Tauro to start healing your, uh, Tarapagos. Yeah, yeah, I agree. Yes, yeah, exactly, but like, I, I don't know why people think you have to like, um, have to fan rodent for these things, like, literally, as soon as you play the area zero, you're looking for just garbage things to bench, and like, those are the perfect garbage things to bench, you know? It's like, yeah, exactly, bro. The second fan rodent, yeah.


all right, how about Goldengo? I'm sure there's a couple of people who are, like, planning on playing Goldengo and they're wondering if there's, like, a spicy tech that they're supposed to put in for the meta to just win everything. All right, all


Bro, just play a bond, it's like world's list, bro. You wanna, you wanna set it for a B? I like


right, that is good advice. Like, that is what the people need to hear, like, six hours before the tournament starts. How about Snorlax stall? Like, I recognize Snorlax has done well in online tournaments. There's going to be a bunch of guys that are like, I'm definitely playing Snorlax stall. Is there anything that they need to, like, think about to make their tournament go better? All right.


the Temples. I think, um, you definitely shouldn't lose to Lugia, and I think it actually makes you pretty competitive into Lugia. Um, helps that the Toropagos match up a little bit, like, the Temples just seem good to me. But, uh, yeah, I really don't know. Bon's more of a blockhead than me, bro. Yeah, I agree. Like, obviously, like, every time you play against, like, Raging Bullets and they, like, play a Pokéstop for you, you're like, oh my god, like, my deck works now, bruh. It's lit. But, so yeah, playing it yourself is kind of cool too, right? Definitely.


how about Pidgeot box? There's definitely gonna be some people that are like, I've seen what Liam has done to people, and I want some of that too. Do you have any words of wisdom?


I don't know, bruh. I don't know. I would just, like, play, like, I posted a list on my Twitter in the replies somewhere. That's, like, that's, like, list, but I don't know. You could also just play, like, Alessandro's list. Which is like, you know, the stack list.


Yeah, yeah, no, I mean, I think that's totally valid advice, cause like a lot of these people, they're like, on the 60, and they're like, do I need to swap out like one or two cards for extra spice? And you guys saying, no, no, no, no, no, don't do that, that's like, That's straight up, right?




Uh, all right.


mhm. Yeah, that's like, obviously, just very good advice. Like, the biggest way to like, start playing a bad list. You know for a fact, like, your list is good when like, a good player has made it. Right? Like, they've made it and they've proven it to do well. Like, this list is good. We don't have to, we don't have to start going crazy. Like, and like, Yeah, I mean, that's why you have, like, so many, so many players who, like, don't do well, and you look at their list after the event, and you see that it's suboptimal, and you're like, these guys don't do well, because there's, like, an airplane outside. But, yeah, like, so many people, they have, they play, like, bad lists, and, like, these people had access to good lists, but, like, they made a bad decision, you have to be, like, very confident that you're making a good decision, and, like, have, like, some, some Increased understanding over, like, the people who gave you, like, this baselist, and, like, sometimes that could be meta changes, but, like, the meta, the meta hasn't changed that much, I think, and, like, you, um, yeah, it's, it shouldn't be, like, I think people lean on that too much to basically just, like, go do their own thing, but, like, you should be just, like, trusting the people before you, uh, like, more often, like, uh, yeah, what's up, Shinoi?


What's up Can you hear me?




So badly. Your audio's crazy. All


right now, Shinoi?


I just, I got to the hotel room. Hold on. Let me get out of this bathroom. Maybe that's why it's all echoy.






right, we have 35 seconds left in this podcast, Kim, because we've got to cut it off at 15.


Perfect. Let me get


Do you have any, like, if somebody is completely lost in the sauce, what deck would you recommend they pick up?


Um, I would recommend picking up, um, as long as you have like some semblance of reps with turbo guard of war, I actually think it's, um, probably. The, uh, and this is like, not, I like, I'm assuming maybe these two guys recommended it when I wasn't in here, I just think it's like a deck that, uh, as long as you get your energy in the discard and you evolve into Gardevoir, uh, it's like, it's relatively straightforward past that, and the deck is


Thanks for being here and good night.


if you add in, uh, Spiritomb in general seems like a good card, um, because a lot of decks are rodent based, or something of that so, I think that's also something you can throw into a Gardevoir if you really needed to. Um, but yeah, it just seems like it has, it's like, linear enough, because it's the turbo version, that I think, uh You know, you could pick it up as long as you kind of know a little bit about Gardevoir. Sorry, that was probably more than 35 seconds.


I mean, if you're lost and you're, like, picking up a deck tonight, I think making day two is the goal, right?




You've already abandoned all hope for winning the tournament, like, let's just Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly, like, they gotta try and grind out that value, uh, to the extent they can. If they can get 90 percent of the value out that easily, like, that's probably really, really good. Alright, guys, we're at 16 minutes and 42 seconds. Cam, since you were late to the show, any, like, last words of advice for people who are totally locked in on their deck, and, and they're just trying to figure out what that, like, 60th magical card is supposed to be? And they're stressing about it.


don't worry too much about the 60th card, worry about your pace of play more tomorrow, learn how to, like, play fast, I would say is the big thing, like, get some reps in now, like, playing fast, making the decisions, like, very fast, because it's becoming more and more apparent, like, you just want to finish three games, in the so, that's my idea.


Dude, that's hype.


Yes! That


himself, you know, take, take away my power, and play fast.


Oh my god. Alright, the John Paul's of the Aftermath. I'm gonna print this, guys, so you can get it in your hands and listen to it before, uh, midnight.

Riverside, it's so pretty. Lookin here, we gotta get me to life. When you talk to me, I listen. Stare straight ahead, trying to pretend. I got something to say, but I'm tellin you no lies. My mind is just a little mellow. I'm a beast and I awaken you, don't make fun of me, tipsy till three, Now I'm drunk, naked, and hanging from a tree, Found it on a chest, a carpet on the leaves, but, Where you wear your hats, I'm charming, You can make your name a star farmer, Put the crocs in the ground, I'm gonna raise them up, Build a roof up above, I'm gonna raise it up, You jump on my head, don't I? I've got two arms, wanna pick em up, I've got two legs, I'll teach em how to jump, I've got two arms, wanna pick em up, I've got two legs, I'll teach em how to jump, I've got two arms, wanna pick em up, I've got two legs, I'll teach em how to jump, Yeah, it's what it's got, we just call it art.