The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Breaking down the decks of the current meta & more!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 193

Eban is playing a game on the ladder that none of us can see, and he's gonna tell us what's


Alright, I mean, uh, this bit would work better if, uh, this ladder game was interesting. I'm playing Dango and Tobolt, and uh, we're going 2 2, and I took 2 first. a weird game where uh, he, like, I, we're like, it's a rematch, so it's like the,


this guy didn't even get one?


yeah, yeah, it's a rematch. This guy's like, in his own head or something, like, he, uh, I don't know what he was thinking about, but basically he didn't want to take one. He, he just sat there with a Greninja and just He just passed it over, you know, he was like, uh,


dude, I think, yeah, he was just, like, waiting for you to evolve the Dingo and then kill the Ninja or something, right?


I just, I waited till I had like, boss knockout,




he's like, uh, he's in shambles. Yeah, uh,


Jesus, man.


I feel a little bad. I feel a little bad for what I'm doing to this poor ladder guy, but it is what it is.


This, this, he did not fully understand that this, that you understood that it was 2 2 2.


punish them? Like, in the sense that, as long as they pair it with a Judge or something like that, right, like Disruption Supporter, like, kind of just build up energies in the discard with Ninja and, like, compress your deck with Stop, but, like, would you say that's, like, a significant bump to your, like, ability to hit this Return KO?


actually think your best bet is if you play Bravery Charm or whatever, you just take the knockout, and uh,


Charm KO, Turn 2, and just hope there's not, yeah.


If you wait, you're like guaranteed to lose, and there's, there's like, there's never a situation where I evolve Nodango so quickly. Speculatively like it is true. Waiting doesn't really punish'em because like, not gonna evolve in a dangos and start drawing and thin that way. I'm only ninja and stopping. So like, yes, they um, do have the option if they play judge, to wait and judge and take the knockout. And I think it's actually like not bad, but this guy doesn't even have judge, so I don't know what his.


Yeah. Yeah. I, I assume if you're playing ia, you're kind of just like, but yeah, if you compare it with judge, there's like a world and like you would also, or also should only do this two until like really strong starts and where you're gonna like, judge turn three. Right. Or like immediately after the sour,


Yeah, exactly. You, I think the thing is though, like this is like a very high level thing, but it's like we actually might circle back to the point where like the, like the, the one IQ just hit with your bolt and take your prize and see what happens is like optimal, like I think like the just wait and try to pair with the judge is like the middle of the curve and like the top end is like just take the present and see if they have it. And the bottom end of the curve is take the presidency if have it. And it's just, that's just correct.


Yeah. And I, I think this is like only like a single hand, right? Which is like, you rip the SOS. And, like, they have, like, four gimmies down, and, like, their hand is just, like, you know, all the indicators screen that their hand is loaded, and, like, then you wait and you rip the judge, and you're, like, guaranteed gonna hit the judge the next turn, right?


to, um, not to mention other content creators, but I've, uh, I've been enjoying Rowan's stuff. And, uh, he actually


Did you, did you watch his Game Theory video? Yeah.


I loved it.


Yeah, so, yeah, I just watched it as well. It's I don't know. This is all stuff, obviously, that we, like, you kind of know intuitively, but he, he did, like, such a good job putting it into words.


I think that about


Like, every small read,


one he made, ago. Oh,


no, I didn't, but I'll go watch that for this.


Raging Bolt turns, and, like, every time I thought he was gonna make a minor slip up Not that I was, like, rooting against him. He, like, paused. And he did exactly, like, what I thought, and I was like, dang, this guy's so, like, in tune with everything, like, like, in all, like, he, because he made a framework of, like, how you should think about these spots, right? So I was worried that, like, in this framework, he was gonna get, like, too locked into it, and, like, make some mistakes, and then he goes, here's the part where you deviate from the framework, and it was every single time, like, never did he get trapped in his own framework thinking, I was like, ooh. This guy's actually insane.


Yeah, I know, it's so good, oh my god, like, like, if you haven't watched that video, you should. This is, this is like, maybe the biggest thing, I think, like, when you, when you can tell you're against somebody who's really good, and somebody who's not as good. When it, which, it's like, because of like, small stuff like this, you can feel like they know every card in your hand. You know, like, everything that you don't want to see them do, they do, right? Like, this is why, this is why when you're playing as Henry, and he's playing Garde, always plays the right supporter on turn one. And like,


Dude, he is


it's partly, it's partly that he's a turbosack, like, it's also partly because he never makes the wrong read. He always knows if your hand is good or not. So like, and every time your hand is good, he's ripping the Iona. Every time it's bad, he's ripping the Argon. And like, he's lucky to always have the right supporter in hand, it's also partly because he always makes the right choice.


uh, yeah, I think the other thing about that video that I thought was super interesting was, like, he was making some reads that, uh, like, about the Super Rod. Like, I think the Ultra Ball one, it was he was talking about it, like, there's not a lot of cards better than the Super Rod. And, like, it's interesting, because I remember when we were talking about, like, optimal Pokemon, like, at some point, we're gonna get to a point where computers will realize, like, when need that extra super


Yeah, no, obviously, obviously this framework, like, it, him putting it like that made me like, kind of realize, like, damn bro, every time I sit across from Rowan now, I have to, um, I have to like, not attach energy turn one when I'm like, fiending for Iona, or something like that, you know? Like, like,


I think he was


Jesus, bro.


locked in on they have a draw supporter. I think there was this one example that he showed with the Mew for one, where he they also all the


Yeah, but the, the Mew for one, I thought the Mew for one, the way I interpreted that was like, they're desperately fiending for energy, but their hand is fine,


exactly, I thought the exact same thing. I was like, Rowan's like, I wouldn't feel bad Iono ing here, I was like, I would feel terrible Iono ing here. This guy is begging,


Yeah, yeah, this guy.


more cards


Exactly, exactly. Like, this guy needs energies right now, right?


I'm glad I'm glad that we had the same thought, but I'm not gonna be cringe, you know, I'm not gonna sit there in the YouTube comments like, In the ten examples you showed, in one of them I didn't like the analysis, I thought it was a little off. Like, I think that's, I don't know, I think maybe you can learn from that, but I thought it was a little, I'd be a little cringe.


Guys, I, I assume you, you have, uh, never bothered to look at the, uh, Reddit Pokemon TCG, uh, channel,




but there was a


yeah, I never look on my own very well.


There, somebody asked a question, uh, uh, like today, and there were like 30 answers and every answer was like a page long essay, and, and the question was, uh, how come, like, early game, every time I play Iono, My opponents immediately like, Oh, my head was trashed. Thank God. And whenever that guy plays Iona on me, my hand's a bomb and I lose everything. these people are like, I have seven, you know, he's like, what should I do differently? And people are like, I have 13 reasons and 13 things to factor into my analysis of whether or not I should play an early Iona. Let me walk you through each of them right now. I was like, Oh my God. I


meme, where it's like, People at the bottom end, like, bro, they didn't, I'll just look at my own hand and play Iota, you know? And then, like, at the top, they're like, my opponent, he was, he blinked, like, three times before passing over, which meant, like, he liked three of the cards. And so, I'm gonna actually have to hold this Iota. And the top end is like, yeah. My hands like all right, their hands like all right, I'll just Iona.


mean, so, so much of Pokemon early is like, if you don't get your stuff going, then like, you're just done for. The way he implies that he's like, agonizing over it, it's like, dude, like, what's your board state look like? Do you need it to progress? If so, you could play this card and get six new cards.


so that you're like, slightly, like, slightly hindered by not having Iona. Like you have a great hand, but you don't have it all. Like I'd rather just draw a pass, set up nothing. I had it


so, so, uh, there's a tournament this weekend? Louisville?


next, next, next weekend.


Next weekend. Next weekend. What, what are people going to play?


this week! It's a Pidgeot.


Uh, uh, what, what are, what deck is going to win the tournament?


Oh, whatever deck, whatever deck I Can I walk in?


That's what I like to hear.


Dude, will say, okay, this Pidgeot deck, it's, it's lit, for sure, like, whatever list I end up, like, whatever list I, like, work on for that, but, I don't know, man, I'm scared to get it done, like, it's like, all these, oh, there's so many worrying things, Duskhorse,


dude. I feel like I feel that way. Like every format, right? Like pre-World, I'm like, Jesus Christ bro. Like there's so much stuff and like your matchups are just a little bit suss here and like all that now, like obviously though, like we reflect on that format now, bro. was lit, bruh. The Pidgeot was lit. And like, you just, you have to find a way to get it done, bro. And like, I feel like you always like, underestimate the matchups, because you're also so used to the matchups just being like, incredible. You know what I mean? Like, what you want is like, we were at the end of the format. Where you're like, the matchups are just like, everything. 100 0 everything. Like, you sit across, you're getting it done. like, even when that's not the case, You still have, like, a pretty good matchup spread. Like, it doesn't have to be 100 0 everything to be a good matchup spread.


but I feel like at the end of every Pidgeot, we do, we, we, we solve it, we've cracked it, like, I think LA format, we had the best Pidgeot list, I didn't get to play NAIC format, so I don't really know, And then Worlds format, like, obviously by Baltimore, we have the Pidgeot list, like, I'm sure that, over time, we'll come it up, like, figure it out, but the problem is that you're not going to play any tournaments in this format, and like, man, I, I, uh, I can't do it without you, no glaze, bro, I, I can't, I can't just, like, all these lists out from scratch, I need, uh, I need assistance, I need backup, bro, it's too hard. And Leo, when I, when he doesn't have a tournament, is such a bomb, by the way, I'll be like, how do you solve this matchup? He goes, I'm not going to an event. I don't need to solve this matchup. Ah, like,


I know, I, yeah, that's my favorite, that's my favorite response. Every time he says, asks me a question, very happy I don't have to answer that question. It's very difficult.


Yeah, exactly. Not really helpful.


very difficult question. I'm very happy I don't have to answer it. Uh, I'll let, I'll let you figure that one on your own, bro.


You know what, that's at least way more honest than, like, refer to my GoFundMe to encourage me to figure it out.


GoFundMe. Yeah, actually, if Liam hit me with, like, that'll be 25, I might just, I might just put the credit card Desperation.






yeah. It'd be like, do you want me to solve the format? Then send me to Louisville so I can solve the format. Like, click here. Ding! So,


He's not helpful at all when he's not playing at the thing. Like, I need Liam's gears turning and then I can like, I can like, you know, turn a couple dials, you know? Oh, okay, like, that was wrong. Like, let me fix that right there. giving me nothing, bro! He literally sent me, like, the most cringe, like, Zard list today, and I was like, bro, this looks like worse Zard. I was like, how do you go against Paul? He goes, Just, like, hit the poll and, like, go from there. are you talking about? Like, what happens when they, like, hit you? Like, why didn't Zard beat poll? He was just like, I don't know, bro. The Retreat Lock package is too bad. Take prizes. It was, it was actually, ugh, man, it was useless. It was useless information.


No, because it's because the players are like irresponsible. Like, like I, I, I actually feel pretty confident with Z and de Polt. I think, um, much any attacking deck into de Polt, I feel pretty good because like Polt at this point. It's been reduced to a gimmick. They literally get out one Dragapult and see if it wins the game. Like, that's what they do. like, all they do is just like, yeah, they like turn two, crystal attached, boom! Hit you as hard as they can. And if that doesn't win the game right then and there, they are like actually cooked. So like, if I get a Zard up and I hit the thing for like 180, I'm like, I feel so comfortable in that spot. I'm like, you know, your pulse going down next turn, your crystal's gone, you're cooked.


know, I agree with what you're


the gimmick's done.


they are, like, super especially this new list. But this new list, like, when I was playing it, I think Like, I think when I was watching the Japanese players play it, I was inspired, you know? Like, oh, wow. There's so much to this deck. Like, you don't need Pidgeot and Xatu and all these cards. Like, all these cards are crutches. Like, give me, like, a two Pult attacks, and, like, I'll figure


The Pidgeot is not a crutch.


It's not a crutch. All I'm saying is that, like, you don't need as many cards as you think to get it done. Like, all of a sudden, like, you, like, Pult? And you hit,


Yeah, yeah, I know, with the crystal, like, bro, it, it's actually so annoying, I, I, I've scooped on the spot to so many Dragonbolt decks that I look, I look at my hand and I like, I know I just have to like fold to a Turn 2 Pulse, right? Like, it, it, like, Drago hit in turn 2, Ra Pult. It's disgusting. Criminal work, right? And then like, you know, they just like, start the Dreepy, Nesball, Rotom, and like, you know, they have like an A card hand. I didn't start with Iona, and I just like pass, and then boom. They're all over me. Candy.


It's not just Like, this,


Crystal. Boom.


it's like, they hit all the different types of combos that you could ever imagine. And, like,


Yeah, no, I think popping the Dusler is really important.


my hands in the air, man. Like, second Pult, you caught me, like, I'm never winning. Like, if they ever Crisp it and set oh, good game.


I, I, I agree, but like, like, they always need two Pult to finish the game out, but the first Pult is going, like, almost the whole way, right? And, like, if it doesn't go almost the whole way, then, like, the second Pult, like, it, it doesn't get it done, right? Because that's, like, That's how you can tell that you've kind of stabilized a little bit, right? Like, if you're able to just, like, take out the first pulls, like, instantly, they are, they're cooked.


deck does crazy work to the pull, like, oof, hard, hard, hard for them to win, hard for them to win for sure.


Yeah, bro.


my goodness, uh, full disclosure guys, oh,


Abad, did you play any tournaments last weekend? You


say, I,


Why don't you tell us about that?


no, I was playing Dango, it was easy, I, I, we split top 4.


Oh, yeah, no, like, two weekends ago, right? Or something?


Uh, oh,


We did the 1K? No,


yeah, trust bro. And then I lost to someone playing like my own Dango 60 and he washed me. I was like, wow, this is crazy, man. And then I just like full bricked against the Terrapagos Dusknoir. It was like a kid too. No, no flame or anything, but like, he just like, literally like, losing to kids is just so frustrating because like, they're just like giggling the whole time, like Dusknoir, haha, Dusknoir again, like, man.


dude, the other thing about playing against kids is, like, It's the most infuriating thing ever, whenever I'm playing against somebody who's like, moving without intention, right, like, there's no direction in their play, and like, they're kinda just, you know, they're clicking the cards that light up, right, and like, then they're getting you? It's like random chance, bro, like, they're just, they're lucky they clicked the right one at the right time, bro, they're like, they like, rolled a dice for the card to play in their hand, and it turns out to be the one that cooks me? It's crazy!


I was like, man, game two, if I just get into a Klefki, his hand is completely bricked. I look at my hand, it's just nothing, man, nothing. Like, I'm going first, I'm supposed to be able to get into Klefki. Every single time I played against Henry in this matchup, we've played like, like 12 games of Tarapakos versus, uh, Gardevoir. Every single time I'm going second, I'm Klefkied. Without fail. I thought it was impossible, bro. I look at my hand, I was like, there's nothing anyone could do about this. There's no Klefki out. Oh,


know what, for all of Liam saying that Back when he was a junior and senior, he used to feast on getting like, uh, grouped in with masters at like league challenges and stuff.


with less direction than like, Masters. Maybe he had more direction than the average junior but like, it was just,


Yeah. Well, but that, yeah, they would sit down and they would be like, oh, he's, he's got these, he has absolutely no idea what's going on. Uh, I'm going to cook this kid. And then like, Liam would flip over the Pidgey Control and they'd be like, ah, I already benchlocked myself.


wait, did you


And it was over.


at all, I was like,






during that era.


feel like you'd be such a virgin, like, kid. Like, actually, like, just


Yeah, I am looking back. I'd rather play Virgin


like, attach.


Like, playing


It, if we could go back and do it all over, it would be a Veltal Garb or Virgin all the way. And Plasma would be the worst. Yeah. Yeah. And yet, there we were.


in time and play Iblis Hulgarb, oh my goodness, I wish I could, bro. I think about that all the time, like, what a missed opportunity, playing all these stupid ass decks instead of just Iblis Hulgarb


Yeah, dude, no, like, I, I actually, Mike would, Mike would call me, uh, an idiot for saying this, and maybe he's right, but, I, like, I feel like the game's evolved, like, so much. I, I feel like that Rowan Stabenow's video, it would be, like, blowing to these people, like, ten years ago, bro. Like, me back there? I would do, like, crazy things




to these people, bruh.


on doesn't have energy. Wha is going on? I'll hold this end.


yeah, like,


I'll hit that re I'll hit that Sycamore.


yeah, I don't know, I, yeah, exactly. I feel like the, um, the level of understanding is so, so much higher now. Like, even just think about it in terms of this Pidget deck. Take somebody from 10 years ago and have them try to build a Pidget list. Their mind would literally explode. Like, it's, like, actually impossible, I think.


don't know. I I don't know




It was just a different era, man.


about that era to confidently say that's true.


the reason that I, I didn't really talk about this last week, I was telling somebody this, or, no, I think I was saying this on a private call. Um, like, the reason that I know this is true is because it took us so long to get to where we are, because I was just thinking about this in terms of, like, one year ago. Like, one year ago, think about the, where PidgetLists were at,




right? And, like, this was the best we could do, right? We, like, we thought we were lit. And, like Knowing what we know now though, we'd build those Pidget Lists like so different, like I, I, I think we could go back, like, we just,


with Pidgeot. I agree with this. This is, like, for sure true.


and like, yeah, right, like, like entire year of experience is like, it's like, completely like game changing. Right? And like, you take somebody without that experience, I think they're cooked.


people would, like, Pidgeot was, like, something you'd, like, Ah, yeah, some weird control players were gonna play it, but, like, Now, it's so accepted. Like, I am totally not unsurprised if I slip over and they're playing Pidgeot as well, or something, like, it's so normalized, like Blockbox is everywhere, Blockbox is a legitimate play, like, dude, I remember when this thing was like super niche, and like, obviously, Counterculture got printed, which changed everything, like, but pre Counterculture, uh, it was, we just didn't have the tools to play a lot of these decks, like, perfectly, I'm sure there was a page out list that was still lit, but this Counterculture card, like, broke everything, but, I, I'm surprised that it became so mainstream, like, I thought, Lux and like, that kind of stuff would still just be like a fringe deck. But it just keeps winning, so like, at some point, like, everyone wants to win, you know?






it's crazy.


so, so, uh, how much did Liam, uh, playing the Cup last weekend influence how you think about, uh, Louisville strategy, Yvonne?


Ah, dude, that Pidgeot, like, I think Pidgeot's fine. It's just, I don't have the solutions yet for all these matchups, I'm like, a little nervous. Like, I, I like playing, like, Liam's kind of right about my psyche about this, so it's like, I feel uncomfortable playing Pidgeot unless I feel like all the matchups are like, 80 20. And when I'm like, going in, I'm like, ugh, this one's a 50 50.


Yeah, like,


I don't want to play 50


more comfortable, like, I feel like for is like, what, yeah, I was talking with, uh, all about Blitzle, James Kowalski, last night about this, um, you're looking, you're looking for like the flowchart for Pidget, right? Like, you want to go in and have a plan, right? And like, It's a little bit different from other decks, right? Because other decks, even when there's no, like, real plan, you can just hit them really hard, right? But when there's no plan for Pidget, Where do you even start, bro? Because your neck does not hit hard. And like, if you don't have a plan, there's like, there's nothing to do, right? Like if, um, you, you, you don't have like a very like, realistically attainable like end state, right? Like, know, where like against Drago, you go for gensec tool, PON retreat lock or something like that, right? Like, you wanna make something like very straightforward and like, um, that, that, that can be done at like the very top end for both decks, right? Like, assuming everybody did everything right and they hit everything that they need, what's your game plan to win? Um, I don't know. At least right now, I don't have an event, so I'm like, get to take this time to like, explore and try to learn, uh, improve my understanding of the game. I'm trying to, I'm in the forest right now. Like, trying to without the flowchart. Like, just like, hit them and see what happens.


like, I just like, oh, I'll try Chiu here, and then like, like, that's the thing, like, exactly, you've like, tackled all the problems here, like, yes, I do feel like that way, like, I need a plan, because it sucks, like, you like, hit the nuts, you like Pidgeot, and you're like, okay,


Yeah, there's like, no way forward, right?


then the other thing is like, yeah, if I didn't have an event, I'd be like, okay, well, first plan, I'm gonna just try Chiu ing them with a cape. See what happens. Ooh, ran out of pennies. Alright, we'll try again with uh, we'll try it last try. We'll see how that goes. Okay, okay, this didn't work either. We'll try bear sweeping. Like, I don't want to waste like, like, a week out, I don't want to waste like, just being like, well, I tried jamming Chi Yu and I just kept getting owned. Then I tried jamming Luxray, and that was alright. That worked okay, but not good enough. Then I tried bear sweeping, and they always had VAC, or something. I don't know, like, I just don't want to like, I don't want to do that. I think that's like, feels bad.


I love that. I'm in the force. But yeah, I don't have an event coming up, so there's no urgency. I don't have to deal with




urgency to, like, quickly develop, like, plans, you know?


like, I'll talk about this for briefly. I think this Dango deck, dude, I don't want to play it again. I don't want to play it because like, I hate that you're just like a passenger sometimes. But, it's matchup spread is lit. And like, if anyone like, came here wondering like, my opinion on I don't know if people actually do that. But, if you want to know my opinion on Dango after seeing Yale get third, That list is, uh, is actually terrible, like, uh, it's so bad, this, he literally commented, he made this one reply on a tweet that like, like, actually, I started


It sent him, bro. This


like, the dangles help draw into other dangles, it was like a Ponzi scheme, like literally a Ponzi scheme, like, We start with one dango, and then he brings two dangos, and then they bring two more dangos, like, where is the first dango coming from, like, where, what is the principle of all of this, like, couldn't believe what I was reading, and, like, I, like, I tried in an open mind, because I think it's very bad to be dismissive without trying at all, like, just look at it and be like, ah, this must be terrible, I played his list, I'm not gonna accuse Yellow of anything, but I don't know how he made it, I have no clue, It seems impossible to me. Like, I tried my best.


guy's the golden god, bro. You just, you aren't doing


you I'm a very


stuff the way he does.


I was not getting it done with his list. Well, I was getting it done in the spots that Dango gets it done, like, anyways. And like, I was


This guy was just dogging people all weekend. Relentlessly. They sit down?


match up spread is really good. It's actually, like, insane to this Terapagos deck, because Terapagos doesn't one shot Dango's. Like, you just, if you go first, and you get a couple Dango's out, you're chilling. If you go first and get the Palkia down, oh my god, it's unlosable. And then you evolve the Palkia to V Star, and then, let's say you have the most terrible turn of all time, you don't fight a single energy card, just jam the Palkia, use the attack, and it does 300 like, stop, like, You don't even have to think about it. You do enough damage to knock them out. And like, with that insurance in mind, like, and they don't watch out that we start back, like, Oh man, that matchup's free.


Yeah, yeah, no, exactly. Like, they, their path forward is like, they have to like, Duskner to take a prize, right? To like, take knockouts, right? And like, then we get to, off the Duskner hand like, yeah, sorry about that.


So, you know, speaking of which, uh, uh, speaking of talking about, like, uh, how it's super broken, this, this pidget list is, I feel like the Twittersphere has been saying that Duskner is the most broken card in the universe, and, like, I understand why they say that, but is, like, I guess the question I wanted to ask is, a year from now, will you guys look back and say, we could have built that Duskner list and won every tournament so easily?


Probably. I think so. I think we will say that Liam, but we don't, we don't see it yet. Like, I think we're like, like,


I don't know. I, I don't, I don't think the card is like, it, it just doesn't strike. I, I think, know. I think the um, like the Pidget, the Pidget, Duskner, Luxray, Reversal stuff, I think that's pretty cool. But like, card is not It's not as like, fundamentally, very fundamentally strong I think, like it's, it just lets you accelerate the game. Like, popping it in quantities of more than one, is like, you're basically just trading like two for two. It doesn't up trade. And like, yeah, it's um,


that there's like, this Duster card solo, I agree with the concept, which is why I don't think in the Shroud of Fable format it was that strong. Briar and Noctowl, Noctowl especially, like, kind of makes me think that there must be something crazy out there, that it's like, beyond my comprehension at this very moment, and I think I'm, I think it'd be short sighted of me to say that there's nothing crazy out there. Like that, Dusknoir is not the most broken deck, like, somehow.


I, I, I think the some, the Turapaco stuff in there is probably just the best deck I think, yeah, I, I, I think there's a way to make that deck work and like, you just, you, you hit the shenanigans every time, you know, and like, prize maps are just insane with Yeah, like this dust brear combo. Um, but I dunno, like I just call it a piggy deck. a pitch deck.


if you if the 101 Pidgeot line in that deck qualifies it as a Pidgeot deck, then yes. Pidgeot is the best deck in


it, dude. Like, tell me, tell me. It's not a pitch deck, like 0 1 pitch. It, it's, it's the entire deck. Every time that you prize one of the pigeon pieces, you're like, oh my God, bro. Like, I'm gonna pop two dusters and I desperately need to rip the pigeon here. Like


a Pidgeot deck. I I And you're playing Featherball just for Pidgeot, like, it


it's essential. You just, I, I, I think that's exactly the conclusion that Tori came to. I, er, this guy's jamming the Pidget to every event too, bro. He knows it's insane. Um, which is like, this like, Noctowl Featherball Rare Candy is elite. Like, what's the best way to get this thing in, in there? Play the Tarapagos, bro. And like, the Tarapagos strategy is like, very good. Like, this um, your prize mapping and like, running it down is like, like a very good strategy. That's like, ideal turns that you want to be pulling off, and the Pidgey just lets you make it happen, bro. And like, uh, he had success




with it, I think. Um,


I guess it's not a direct build, but I think it's pretty comparable. It's like, do you think this Pedro list of Regidrago is it? I think it's him, bro. I I, like, thought about it more, and like, I know when you first told me, I, like, had a really body response, because I didn't really understand the concept, but I think it's so good. Like, this


yeah, I, I, I don't know, when I first saw it, I was like, European players. But then, then I like, I had the idea later on, and I was like, dude, like, Pedro had this idea. Um,


Oh, if anyone's wondering, he got


for anyone unfamiliar,


with, um, with Scoop Up Cyclone, Penny, uh, and Neuvern in his Regidrago list. And the idea is, um, like, I didn't even see it at first because I didn't realize what Neuvern's second attack does. It stops you from playing special energy cards in stadiums, I believe. So you can basically stick a




And they can't play any more DTs from their hand, and the DTs that they do have in play are only good for one energy. then, even if they do have like two DTs on the board, like, okay, like, I'll figure it out, I'll just, I'll just two shot it, like, you're still doing 140, and like,


And I, um, I thought about this too, I think the second DTE attach is like, straight up illegal because you're no longer one shotting Ogre Pawns or Dragos, so like, you can't like, second DTE on turn two, like, that's just like, illegal. You know, you fall behind, right?


And then it's also his Raging Bolt dancer as well, which is like, so sick. Because,


yeah, exactly, like,




get to use the Noivern and like, both. Both angles, right?


clear your board so you're actually solo Draugr ing them. Because, like, Bolt is actually so, so fast and, like, so consistent that I'm, like, super sus if you still have something on the bench. Like, they can double


Yeah, no, no, no, 100%. You have to clear. Their, like, um, linearity is, like, also the advantage in helping you clear. Like, you can very easily, like, force them into certain targets to help you,


Because end of the game. Like, you have a lot of time.


Yeah, before they take six, right?


so, yeah, I think that, that is, like, the way to play Draugr going forward.


And also, like, he has all these, like, gimmicks, but it's also, like, it's still Drago, right? You know, they draw a pass on turn one, he's still just running them down, right? Like, it's not like, you know, when I first had this Neuvern idea, I'm like, dude, do I really have to, like, jam this Neuvern and, like, really go for it? But no, like, he still has, like, a very, a very solid, like, versatile deck. He just also, like, sometimes he just gimmicks you, right?


for example, right? Pult is doing crazy tricks to you, and you hit him with a double scoop of Cyclone? Oh, it's over. They try to do some, like, nonsense, like, 200 here, 20 here, 20 here, 20 here, I'll pick up the 200,


Yeah, bro, the Boss Fez 200,


Boss Fez, scoop up the Fez, I'll also be star scoop up the Squawk from turn one, and I'll hit you for I'll I'll Pult you. Good luck, bro. Like, I think that the deck is, uh, it's very good. I think, uh, and I don't know how he got top 128, but then I realized something. That doesn't actually mean that he did bad. He might have literally been, like, in cut contention and, like, lost a game. Or, like, I don't know, maybe tied a game he was, like, about to, like, win or something. And, like, like, top 128 doesn't, like, the results doesn't bad. It's not that bad.


yeah, yeah, exactly, like, it's um,


Half a game out.


We can respect the idea, there's no reason to like dismiss it just because he like, he kinda bombed out a little bit, right, like, um, mhm, dude, uh, players, bro, like, you should assume that these players, like, if you know that they're good players, you should assume that they, uh, they're like, they're not doing something like idiotic, bro, right, like, yeah, exactly, like,


You know, one thing I was wondering, your opinion on, we haven't talked about this at all, is this Draugr line in Terrapagos, like, Terrapagos or whatever. I know the Schultz brothers played it, and Torrid didn't play it, and like, obviously, we got a default to like, what Torrid's 60 is, and like, I don't want to deviate too much from Torrid, but, when I was playing the deck, I couldn't tell if this Draugr line was win more, or like, or it was actually making me win games, because I was like, I couldn't tell the difference, it's so


it's really hard.


because when I had it up, I was like, I will never lose this game in a million years, when I have this draw go unused, but it seems like, I'm sure Tord had the idea, and he came to the conclusion, it's like, ever so slightly, win more. But, I don't know, man, like, this, like, using it and getting a whole other Dusknoir line or getting a Briar, it lets you be, like, so, like, frivolous with your resources


Yeah, I know, like, you're, mm hmm, you're like, just have to, it's similar to Drago, right? Like, you just have to, you just get, get to, like, two prizes, right? Or, like, get, like, almost to the finish line, and you got the Drago, and you're, like, locked up, right? You're 100 percent converting,


with this deck,


right? Yeah, exactly.


without using Dragobeast Star, and then it's like, Yeah, I'll figure out a way to, like, Dusknoir Dusknoir Briar, like, I'll figure it out, just, like, Leave that to me. I've had some sick games with you, like Dusknoir,


close to the finish line, right? Mm hmm.


Dusknoir again, good game.


Yeah, yeah, I mean that, that really is the craziest part, like, that's, that's when the Duskner, like, really feels like it changes games, right, when you, like, Briar and then Duskner and let them go to one, right? That's like, that's, that's, a killer.


between until you get to one prize, you are you are a potential victim. Anything could happen to you. have gotten to one prize card, you are doing crazy math. Like, oh man, I could get like Dusknoir, CC'd,


the math is never, it never works out, right, like, you're always, like, it just gets deeper and deeper, right? Like, they're at like five prizes, and you're like, okay, so I guess, I guess I'm like stretching them for like three dusters this turn to just like, windshot on me, right? Like, you know, it's like, um,


too, like, let's,


You stretch them a little further, but like, you never, you never take them out of range, right? Like, they always have a wind shot.


Like, unless you're playing Dusknoir yourself, how do you get from five to, like, zero? Like, unless you're playing, like, Dragapult or


Yeah, exactly. You basically always have to like go to four and then try to jump to one,


always have to to one. And, but even when you go from four to one, if they're playing, like, a Draugr variant or


they hit the double dustner, you're cooked! Yeah, 6 2.


to be broken. There has to be a list that does it every single time they see you. Like, anytime they're like, oh, you took a prize card? I wouldn't have done that. And then they just, like, blow you up.


Guys, I just looked up Pedro's record at Dortmund and you're gonna be sad to hear that he apparently decided to play the tournament on hard mode. he he won round one against the guy that went 2 4 drop. He loses round two. He loses round three. He did not play anyone on day one that made day two.




So he loses, he loses those two. So now he's 1 2 and he wins out day, day one. Beats a bunch of people, right? First round of day two, loses that round. So he's like, that's great. Wins 2, beats Owen Cammerman in round 11, and then loses round 12 to finish in 128.




Yeah, I don't know, bro. I but that Drago deck sucks. Like, I wouldn't even say Pedro's List is bad, I'd just say, like, I do not like Drago, bro. Like,


I agree. think


do not like Drago.


to play Drago, but that did not I don't want to complete that with like, I'm playing Drago to this next event. No. I refuse.


Yeah, no, that seems to be the right answer. That seems to be the right answer for sure.




matter what,


Because, yeah, if Pedro can't figure out how to pilot that deck past people that can't make Day 2, then, like, that's probably not a good deck.


not just that, it's like, Drago, it's like, it's never THE play. It's always like, one of the better decks in the room, but it's never like, why would I be the Drago? Why would I opt into playing this deck? Like, it doesn't make any sense, like, there has to be a deck with a better spread, because Drago's spread is just it's just good. It just has good matchups. there's like a there's I don't know. I feel like I've been trapped in this mindset for


And remember,


There's always a deck with an insane spread. That's the play.


So, if you guys were going to play Toropagos, would you just start with Toward 60? Is there any reason not to play Toward 60?


I would I would change a card


you should always start with Torrent 60. Like, if you actually think, like,


Like a stable system. Anytime you move away from the system, you're like all the factors around you push you back into the system. And you're like, oh, okay, my bad.


Yes, yes, um, yeah, no, like, I think pretty much, like, everybody is guilty of this, like, you see a list, and you're just like, eh, I don't like it, I'm gonna change the card, but like, I have so much respect for you, and so much respect for myself, when I'm doing it. You have, like, the, uh, the self control not to do that. Just, like, copy the list, you know? like, jam a few games with it, bro.


did that with




First place list? That list is heat, bro. That list feels great to play. It's like, you're not




but somehow, you're just doing magic. And you're like, bro, I don't even understand what I just did! But,


No, you did. It's, um, like, if you, yeah, you're doing the, it's like the game plan I, like, described earlier, right? Like, you get Rodenturn 1, you get a few GPs, then, like, turn to you, you rip the crystal, then, like, That, that Dragapult goes like so far, bro. Like, like, it's, doing crazy stuff. Like, Dragapult is just such a good attacker. Like, you, you get to play all the, like, the jank that Regidrago doesn't get to play, um, with like the, like, the tech supporters and like the countercatcher and stuff like that, and, like actually like make good use of it, right? Like, it's, it's like so hard to play around because there's like You can feel, like, all the walls closing in, and you look, and they're, like, still at six prizes, and, like,


there's nothing to do


you know, your whole board is collapsing, right?


Not to you're


there's six prizes left, and, like,


at, like, you're like an unstable bridge. Like, any time, like, a Dust Orc could hit, like, one peg, and like, the 60 damage from the Dragon Ball attack, another one, and like, but the whole time, is still up, so you're like, oh, that's cool. Like, uh, I can't really, like, say anything, like But like, I like to you, like, it's clear, this bridge is about to collapse. But you tell somebody, like, random guy, like, Bro, this bridge is about to collapse, they're gonna they're gonna think that you're crazy. Like, look at it's still standing, like, people are walking on it all day. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh


Yes, it's completely accurate, though, bruh.


Alright, either of you playing in tournaments this coming weekend?


might play a cup, might play a cup.


I got a League Cup.


Yeah, you gonna post


Alright! How is California League Cups compared to the DMV?


Less toxic, certainly.


I played an easy one this weekend, bro. yeah, like, Keanumini, um,


Yeah, yeah, I assume Keon did not come to the last one and he's coming to this one and now you're gonna be like, oh, they're hard again. Yeah, that was great.


Do we want to talk about this


going to be as hard as the DMV, but


thing has procced my


it's certainly going to be a little harder.


we want to briefly talk about this Michael Chen thing or no?


Oh, the Michael Ten shenanigans. Um, sure, I'll give my take on it. Uh, I love Twitter drama. It was, like, very exciting for a day. I was like, ooh, damn, somebody, somebody tweeted something new. Like, every time I, every time I check Twitter, like, has some, like, crazy take, bro. I was like, damn, I'd love to see that. so it was very entertaining for me. yeah,


Uh, I mean, my take is like, pretty simple. I think like, the ban, it's like a, it sets a bad precedent. I'm a little worried, you know, I thought Twitter trolling was pretty safe. I thought, yeah, I thought like, no, nothing really you can say has


yeah, I didn't think Pokemon was gonna be, like, the, the hall monitor for Twitter, bro. Like, it was, uh,


hall monitoring Twitter. It's that some people who hall monitor Twitter, like, sent so many support tickets to Pokemon that they just like, they just pulled the trigger on it and banned them. But I think it's like, kind of a bad precedent. But I will say, like In terms of like, things that you could do, it's not like he was just saying like, I think Rahul sucks, he was saying like, do your own research, but he's like a sexual predator, but I don't have any like, in, like, he was saying, I don't have any evidence, do your own research, which is like, crazy, like, you can't just be like, yo, if you


yeah, yeah, it's, like,


I'm sure you'll


crazy defamation, right? hmm.


think, as far as Twitter trolling goes, Michael Chen wasn't even Twitter trolling, he was uh, he was being serious, and uh, I think it was probably too far, it's probably fine. Probably fine, man.


Yeah, you know what, I feel like Um, there's probably lots of information we're not aware of and, uh, we should stay far away from that subject.


Yeah, dude, um, oh, also, also, like, yeah, this is, uh, I also want to say, this is not the end of free speech as we know it, um,






I, it, I think the




thing that really jumped out to me about all of the Twitter drama was, I was like, thank God, uh, I am not Pokemon and felt like I, uh, have to be, uh, put in a situation where I am, like, judge, jury, and executioner for, like, things that are important to people because it's a lot of responsibility and you want to get it right. And, like, I don't know if they got it right or they got it wrong,




but, like, it's a lot of pressure,


going to


and it's really hard.


they do. Like, it's, yeah.


Yeah, I'd rather I'd rather be the person like, gets to watch what happens rather than having to, like, actually, like, give a like, our takes are just yapping, like, we can just have a take, and that's it. We just have a take, and that's that's doesn't matter. They have to their take has to be, like, binding, like They're gonna do something with IRT.


yeah, yeah, like, like, it's a, it's a lot of responsibility to hold people's happiness in, in your hands, right?


I think it's also because, like, I think these people are trying to good job, right? Like,




think these Pokemon people are, like, out to, like, kill the game. They're, like, they're secretly plotting, like, bro, what's the, what's the way we can make, like, the most people angry right now, right? Like, these people are, like, trying to do a good job, I think. Or, like, at least I'd like to think, right? And like, I'm trying, and, hate these people, these people just like hate them for it, bro. Like,


Yeah. Now, I mean, I know despite all that, they've done terrible things before. Like, I know the Dalgards, and like, that's bad. And the, you know, my impression is the, the Copac people that run Latin American, uh, championships, they seem to do a terrible job every year. And,


yeah, I mean, they make mistakes all the time for sure, but like, these people have like good intentions, right? Like, they're,


yeah, yeah. I like that we can assume best intentions. I like that we can assume best intentions. I don't know if it's true or not true, but, uh, I'm certainly glad I'm not in their shoes and have to navigate these situations with, uh, uh, good intentions, because it is tough. Because you want, you want Twitter to be a safe space, you want Pokémon to be a safe space, um, uh, there's, there's some line somewhere between trolling and, like, bullying, and, uh, uh, you, you have to, like, navigate that and, like, There is, like, definitely no rulebook, you know?


Crazy segue idea, now that we're talking about Michael Chen, let's talk about


Give it to us.


Reddy's three regionals, or three tournaments in a row run, you know? Like, is this guy the GOAT? I've seen people say it on Twitter, like maybe Rahul's like, has the best run of all time, yeah. I, uh, I certainly don't think so, but, we can, it's not the best run of all time, Liam. It's like, it's like, all run.




Here's, here's, here's my question, guys. Why, why is Lugia not the play? Because it seems like Lugia is always the play.


and then like, I just like zoned back in, and Abad's like, bro, why are people gassing up this guy's run? Like, what? This is not a good run!


no, no, it's not the best run of all time, close, but it's like a good run. Good.


Yeah, no, I mean, what, what's, is there any reason why you shouldn't just run Raul's 60? Because apparently that 60 beats everything all the time.


I dunno. Like, I try and I guess I just don't have the aura for it, bro. Like, I queue up and I'm like, geez, bro, no double chops






I wish I had a good answer for you. Like, I wish I could tell you. Like, I have so many principles, like, I'm a winrate maxer. I don't care how the winrate comes about, I want to increase my winrate. Like, if a deck has 60 percent winrate, but it's like a braindead deck, or like it's less brain than the deck I want to play that's 59%, I'll choose a 60 percent heartbeat. In theory, I would even choose like, 60 percent over 59. 99. But then I see this Rahul60? I can't do it. I can't do it. I'm a human. I can't do it. I don't want to. I just don't want to play that deck.


I actually think 60 is lit. Like I,


completely agree. I think it's like the best Lugia list, like, by far, but I just don't want to play it.


yeah, it seems solid, but


Everything about it makes perfect sense to me. Like, this 1 1 Minccino, this 1 1 Minccino, like, dude, we've been saying 1 1 Minccino forever. Like, we were saying it, like, NAIC, like, ah, I'd probably play 1 1. You actually locked it in. You played 1 1 Minccino. Like, everyone should have been on 1 1 Minccino the whole time. I'm so glad that someone was able to prove it, you know? Like, I don't know, like, some of the ideas I'm still hazy on, but like Like, I'm not really sure why this Raikou's in the deck, but I've been told that it's good value.


I think, I think the is lit. I think, um, it mercks pigeons, bro. I, I love it. Like


that's the reason,


take out, take out pigeons,


but I don't believe he's playing that card just because it mercs Pidge. I think he has, like, much more complex reasons, but I'm not really sure, like, how it works, you know?


like, it merks pigeons, and it also fulfills the spot of like the second blood moon. It's like, a consistency card, and like, very energy efficient.


I think it's also insane now, because of the, uh, the new stadium. Like, it's so good


yeah, exactly, it's good against Teropagos and Palkia, right? Like,


think it's, like, a must play




reservations about the card were more centered around the Baltimore format, but, yeah. And like, now, it's like, circled back to being like, oh, you have to play Riot Queue, it makes perfect sense.


this format, for sure. think even for both of them, I would've played it, like, um,


think, like, Dude, every single time, though, I think like, okay, this Lugia list is kind of solved now, and like, I think 1. 1 Shichino, as much as I think it's optimal to make Lugia work at all, It's so exploitable. Like, every time I think about Pidgeot, or like, even Dango, I'm like, dude, there's only one of those guys in there? I'll figure something out,






Yeah, no, exactly, like, you kill it, and like, there's a lot of boards that become, like, invincible, right? Like,


he but,


however, like, Yeah, there is the Wyrdeer, but like, yeah, I don't know, like, I mean, the deck is like, incredibly fast too, but like, it's important that it's fast, right, like, you have to be hitting this like, turn two double chops, and then like, the Chinchino's okay, right, like, you're like, taking two with the hands, you have this like, threatening active, and you're like, slowly loading up the Chinchino on the bench, and like, you're definitely crossing the finish line at that point, right, like,


I 1 1 Chinchino apply, because the decks with 3 3, they're cutting out the cards that make your deck work, which is illegal. You need to play the game first so that you can, like, Chinchino second. Like, all these, like, heavy Chinchino lines, they're, like, worried about these, like, fringe scenarios where, like, You set up perfectly, but your opponent also sets up perfectly, and they like, take out your chinos, and like, you get cooked. But sometimes, for even with 2 2, you'll get cooked anyways, you'll prize a piece, that can happen, like, a million different reasons, and


yeah, no, like,


cart before the horse.


and you're running out of energy too, right, like, there's um, Yeah, it doesn't even fix all your problems, and it only applies in this, like, very, very top end scenario of, yeah, like, everybody's hitting everything for some, like, random reason, bro, right? Yeah,


kind of games that Pokemon only exist in like the, not even the sim, because if you, if you hit the sim, actually this is a common misconception that people have. I feel like people act like the sim games are not real because everyone's drawing too good, or like, like sim games, like, it doesn't happen like that, like, the thing in the sim is like, both people draw terrible, or like, the game, like, there are weird games in the sim. These games that I'm talking about are only in theory, like, if you ever even actually play the game, they don't even happen. It's it's like the step before the sim. Where, like, these games exist, where you're like, Oh, this Chino's too thin, like, ah, how can I play? Like, they're gonna, like, When I do my perfect double topspin,


exactly, like, it's something you get scared of, because you think about it in your own head. It's not something that you're, like, actually scared of when you're sitting down and playing, right? Like,


But sometimes you just walk away, you're only, you're only rat, and you're like, ooh, Why am I only playing one of these? And, like, nothing you can do about it, though.




All right, guys, let's call it. We, I think we gave people lots of things to test and advice for amazing decks to go win League Cups, and next week we'll be back with the League Cups that you guys won over the weekend, and. Avon will actually have a real strategy with incredibly thoughtful decks right?


I have to.


Goldengo! Let's go!




All right.