The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Jake & Isaiah, Charlotte, Tina, Chien-Pao, Gardy & More!

Brent Halliburton
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Welcome to the Trashalanche podcast. It's the only podcast about the Pokegear trading card game. Mike's here, cadence here. Liam's here, me here. 133% Attendance, uh, uh, we are averaging well above a hundred percent o over, uh, uh, history. It's, uh, very impressive. Um, We got a review, guys. Uh, the review is really for me. Will Rowe writes, content is good, but audio is trash. Pun intended. I like the content that guys are writing, however, the audio each week makes listening almost unbearable. Will Rowe be Halliburton on Twitter? I am like trying to mess with it a little. Every, every single, uh, uh, week and, and there's no question. We had some audio problems. Like the reason the podcast was late last week is like. When I initially imported it into DS script, you could not hear Caden at all. And I messed with it. And I messed with it, messed with it. Then I just deleted the whole thing and start over and then it works fine. I mean, I recognize maybe other podcasts don't have this problem and I just uniquely suck, but like, I'm trying to mess it a little bit. Like Caden's dad, uh, had some advice on how DSS script works and has like a lot of opinions on that stuff. So I messed with some of the settings recently. let me know how you feel each week. Uh,'cause like I'm trying to slowly iterate my way to better, but it, it is, it is lame that it's not just fine because it should be fine. Right. I don't know. Sorry guys. Uh, that's, that's 100% me, pretty much. Anyway, I'm gonna do something different this week. Hopefully you'll love it. guys, let's talk about, I, I think there's two things to talk about. First is like the Jake versus Isaiah throw down, and then the second is Charlotte. It's, it's mere, uh, minutes away. Um, Jake and Isaiah, I had a couple of things. I'm sure you guys had a couple of things too. Uh, I think the most interesting thing is, was this like maybe the biggest like weird community event ever for Pokegear.


I think so.


at least like in.At least in like the digital era For sure I. mean, there has been things like, um, like when Jason ran that big tournament, uh, his unofficial tournament, the one that Ross got second at, uh, well, so that's like an old format thing. But before that, um, he ran the Klazinski Open, which was like our in-person event where anybody, it was before, um, Before there was any cash prizes at all, uh, Jason wanted to run a cash prize tournament And so. uh, he did it. I forget if it was like right afterwards in like 2013 or 14 or something like that. Um, I remember'cause Ross got second and I think Ross got second to Lex Deandra. Um, so there was like that, there was, there was like the top cut, uh, at Worlds for a bunch of years in a row. They did their own invitational thing. Um.

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I remember that. That was awesome.


Yeah. Um, so there was things like that, but, um, but I feel like those are even like more special and they're like in person. Um, this is like a purely online thing that, uh, that we haven't had. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Um, and it was big. I, I think it was a little bit smaller than, uh, personally I thought it was gonna be, I thought it was gonna hit 2.5 K viewers, but I think he got like just under 2000. Does that sound right? Yeah.

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Yeah. Yeah. But that was still the most viewers he is ever had, right?


Oh yeah, for sure. He averages like 500 or so when he streams.

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yeah, yeah. Like that was a real content farming moment. And, and I, I mean, I, I think even he recognized going into it, it was easily gonna be the greatest dream he had ever done. And he was like, we should do this all the time. But like, I, you know, I recognize capturing lightning in a bottle like that is tricky, like I don't know that you could just run it back and it's gonna work out okay. Although I got the impression, I felt like, like the tour versus a or something was coming, you know?


Yeah, I mean, I, I think I have similar feelings. I think that, you know, obviously when you have something. like this or any type of content that comes out. Some regularity or consistency, like it'll lose some of its potency. Like part of the reason why this was so special was because, you know, it's really the first time that anything like this has happened and it, it's kind of unknown if it will ever actually happen again. Um, with that being Said, though, I think that I. it does show that there is an appetite for this sort of content of seeing two quite good players test a matchup and play a large series of matches against each other with, with someone good commentating. Um, and I, I, Personally think this is probably like you know, while it is of course much higher effort, uh, like the, the best possible direction. for Pokegear content, um, I. I think it is just, more enjoyable as a viewer. I think it's, more interesting and I think people learn a lot more, so I I would love it if stuff like this could happen more frequently, although I fully understand that like it takes a lot. of effort to do this, to do this type of content.


The, the other big thing was that they were jumping through hands, which is like usually when you're watching. Uh, like Pokegear, TCG content, like, um, if it's on TCG Live, you only get to see one side and then, you know, during, during the opponent's turn, it's like, basically just like dead time because there's no, like, decisions to look at or anything. You just kind of see what happens. Um, so jumping and jumping through hands I think was really good. Um, and then, yeah, like Cadence said, it was just a first, so.

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Yeah. Yeah. Uh, um. You know, I wanted to talk about how I felt like the stream itself was like maybe a little less than I had expected, although the, the, the, having the dual stream where he was jumping back and forth between people's hands was really good. No question the best thing about the stream. But like, it's funny to me that Ozo did not really have a plan to have them on afterwards. and although that happened and like it kind of came together a little bit and he didn't really have a plan before it started. Like I thought he'd be going for an hour before the competition started with like the boxing weigh-ins, the like measuring their reach, like whatever, right? Like if you had said, Hey Jake, can I give you a forum to just talk smack for 15 minutes before this tournament starts? Like, Jake was basically born for a forum like that, right?


Yeah, that


Yeah, I mean,

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I mean,


I mean, I think, I think of course,

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I. I, anticipate there were sort of a few parts of this just in terms of like, you know, how much effort do you really want to put in Also, oh, this whole thing was very quick in the last minute Like there was not that much prep time to really get things organized. Um, so, you know, I I imagine. if this becomes a more regular thing, like these are exactly the sorts of routines and systems that would be implemented, um, in, in, in the future.

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but it would've would've been easy to say like, let's have chip on and like, you know, talk with the guys before the, it starts whatever you get chip's perspective on like the decks and like the key things to look for, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, I don't know, it's make a lot of opportunity to it. It's so much low hanging fruit.


Yeah, I mean, I think,

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ahead, Mike.

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Uh, uh, a twist on this that. I would love to see, uh, and it's been done. in Hearthstone before. That's kind. of where I got the idea from. Uh, is imagine if this was the exact same thing, but you had Isaiah and John versus Jake, and. Henry brand, let's say it was that. Uh, and so it was two on two. And then not only could you have a zul doing a little bit of commentating, but he could jump in The. voice chats that is going on between the, the duo of players on each side and listen in sometimes maybe on an interesting turn or some interesting decisions. So you could hear them talk about the lines and then he could jump back out, talk a little bit himself, jump into the other voice chat, and kind of like. Just go back and forth. And so you're really getting, uh, uh, the, the Thought processes of the. players, um, as it's going on. And, uh, one of the, one of the. Issues that could arise from having two people is that it probably takes longer'cause you have to talk about all the decisions. But we saw Bradner, and Jake pretty much, uh, go to the end of the timer, almost every decision anyway. So, uh, I feel like that's maybe not an issue.


Dude, That's one thing I was like really impressed by. Bradner has the the technique on TCG live for the prize checking where he like selects it and then he, he waits for the timer to run out. No auto select like, damn bro. Like he, he is really maxing it out on




on TCG Live prize checking.


Yeah, I mean, I, I think I completely agree, Mike. I think that that is ultimately probably the best, The best version of this, Um, but you know. Like with all these things, it, that's a lot. It's a lot of effort. It's a, that's a lot. Um, and you know, it's I think that. that's absolutely the dream. Um, with that being said, I think that, you know, I, and I imagine many other members of the community would Love for something like this to happen with, more ity and absolutely would tune in to watch this sort of content more frequently'cause I find it vastly more engaging and interesting than like.

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Just playing games on TCG Live ladder or even, even frankly, just someone sitting and talking about a deck. Um, so it's, it's, yeah, I, I would love. for more content to be made, content to be made like that, but yeah.


Yeah. The, uh, the other thing as we're talking about this, about it is there are certain times in a format that I think this is More appropriate than. others. Like, we're in a format right now where it's towards the end of the paradox rift format. And like the format hasn't changed, like a lot, a lot over the last six months. So you, both of the, everyone's had a lot of practice with, you know, a given deck or two, So

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The, I dunno, it just makes a lot more sense to do it now versus imagine like going into EUIC, like, nobody's gonna wanna do a money match then, because they're kind of like testing their new decks. Or even like the month after EIC, the format will be still very fresh. The decks uh, can change quite a lot. Like The lists in the format, uh, not. Like right now, the Guardian list. and the Giratina list, they're, they're kind of like 55 of the same cards that we've had for four months now. So, uh, that's just something else to consider, I guess. Um, it, it's not gonna be as entertaining to do these every single month, but at certain times of the year.


That's true. Well, I will say I think if you get the right audience or like the right people, not audience, um, you could definitely get people to do, uh, like a money match. Like I think this was like a pretty perfect example, which is like, you know, it's like Jake and Isaiah. Jake was doing this for what, four hours of free coaching and. Of preparation with, uh, James Cox, like, I mean, it's Jake, it's Jake, Isaiah. You just gotta get the right people. Um,



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Yeah. Yeah. I, I mean, Jake, Jake brought, Jake brings the big personality, right? Like he, he is, he is a, uh, legend of, uh, um, uh, strong beliefs,


yeah, I mean, and then this all started because he said something like, pretty blasphemous on Twitter. So like, you know. Just gotta get the right people. Although, yeah, there, there really is no one like Jake Gerhardt. So.

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Um, so the other thing I wanted to ask you guys about is like, I don't know what, what you guys thought as you were watching it, but I, I think both Liam and I believed, and I think I said to Liam after, you know, when Isaiah's down oh three. I was like, Isaiah doesn't even remember last game. His mental is just rock solid. You know? He's already forgotten that he's down oh three. He has no idea. Every game is looking like a winner. Um, uh, uh, when, when, uh, I was telling Liam we should try to get Bradner on this, uh, on the pod this week, he was like, what would you ask it? I was gonna, I I was like the old, the two questions I had were, if we gave you the guardian deck, would you have five Ohd, Jake? And I am sure the answer is yes. And then the second question would've, would've been like, how do you, like, are there things that you think about that like help you have that like mental No Tilt attitude? Because I don't know what you guys thought. I assume that Jake's faith was shook when he, when it became three. Three and like I feel like everybody thought like nobody knew, but I think everybody felt like they thought into game five that Jake was shook. Whereas like I don't, you know, I think when Isaiah was down oh three, I think people were like, maybe Tina's not a good deck, but nobody was like, Bradner mental is just shot.


Dude, everybody's hating on Bradner, man, on the switch chat and stuff, bro. Everybody was like, Oh my God. Jake's done it. But like, yeah, you just had to have faith, bro. Everybody knew once Bradner began, like actually drawing with a, like a playable opening hand, turning around, turning around.


Well, and like two, the two of the first three losses were just Isaiah drawing completely dead. Right. And it even out a, even out a little bit. Jake had some bad hands I think in games four and five, so,


JJ Jake said it went three, three on bad hands,




and then, and then Isaiah got the two off. Avery, that's how he described it. Yeah.


I mean, Avery was really good in a couple of those games. I will say,


I think I I remember being really good like once, and then it was like. Solid. Like a few other times it was like chorus except with like, it got rid of like something that like didn't really matter, but was like kind of annoying for Jake.


Well, in the one game, I think it might've been the last game, he Avery a full bench and Jake discarded the Manaphy and then he got the moonlight kin


Yeah. Yeah.


that was really brutal.


uh, that, that was like the one game that like completely shifted. Um, I think like the, the pace and the others, it was just like a mild annoyance plus like a solid loss report.


just messaged Isaiah and I asked him the, the Gardy question at least,'cause that's a straightforward question, like if you switch decks, he said Surely but he doesn't play Giratina much. So I assume my skill with Gardy is higher than his with Giratina So there you go. Straight from the source,

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There you go. That is, that is what we're talking about, that that's the insider information you cannot get anywhere else.


The, uh, the oxis was pretty bad overall. I. think like it, it was good in the first game that Jake won, but like the rest of the games, it felt like it was just clocking up his hand where it could have been good cards.


Like, it was like, okay, it wasn't like fully dead, it was an okay-ish option to consider at like certain points. But like, yeah, it was kind of like Isaiah said, like, um, after the, the games like. It would definitely just be better as something else. Even if there's like, there's a ton of things you could find that would be worse than it, but there's, there's also a ton of things you could find that would be better.


agreed. Um, and the other thing that I really agreed with that Isaiah said after is that worker is like not that good actually in the Giratina matchup. Um, like you think that it's gonna be really good because it's a path out, an extra path out. But uh, there's just so many games where you need to play another supporter. and bump the stadium


There, there, there was that one turn that like everybody was saying, like Jake kind of misplayed. But it's a pretty easy misplay to make and I know because literally I think just last night, like after the games, I was playing some on my own and I made the exact same mistake, which was like, you know when you're looking at the artisan and the worker in your hand and like you have like Greninja in your hand, that's your last ability. And like even can Greninja to try to look for the iono and like. When you kind of need the iono, but like, it also feels pretty awkward to play the worker and the artisan because you don't have any draw, other draw supporters in your hand. And you still need pieces. So like you get put into these really weird binds where like, you want to play io but you know the, uh, the only stadium, but you have the like worker, um, or like it trades off with playing the, um, what is it, the other stadium up. And you like go down to stadium because.


vacuum. Yeah. He cut vacuum right.


He was just down stadium bumps. If he's like inefficient with the worker.


Yeah. And if you play a little bit more aggressively as Gardy, like Jake was playing very, very Conservatively. almost the whole set, like refusing to go to three prizes often, which I think is like sometimes the correct play, but not always. So if you play a little bit more aggressive, uh, and you're gonna get Roxanne, it's So much better to have researchers, in your deck. Um, and you can play more aggressive when you have researchers in your, deck as well. So I guess that's, kind of the point.


Yeah, dude, he, he didn't wanna remove the stable eye. Like, I think you just kind of have to bite the Bulu and go to go to three in a lot of situations if they're stable eye on board because it's, you know, it's just like they're such a good attacker for them.


yeah. Even if it's not, even if you have gache yet, it's still good. It's just really. efficient. Takes out pretty much everything.


Yeah, like the, the whole point of the, like the crest line to punch the Tina's is like, if they've like boardwalk themselves at a stable line, the only way they deal with the crest is like cram or Giratina. Then like it's really strong, but you know, if they're just gonna sit behind the stable eye, like punching the Giratina and then they just stable eye again and get another prize is like pretty bad.

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So, uh, how much do you think watching that or, or like the fact that, that that thing happened, uh, affects Charlotte?


It doesn't affect anything, bro. It would've affected things if Jake won, I think. But you know, because, you know, there, there's so many. people who just like looked at the game, the. This was something, um, the New Zealand guy Pac up of alpacas said Harry Crass, um, was like, you know, all the guardian players watching Jake made like two mistakes in The last game or something. And like, he was like playing a little bit too conservatively. And they're like, you know, they all just watched that. And they're like, oh, man, I, I wouldn't do that. The match was fine.


Yeah. Yeah.




message. I'd win like five times in the last day.


I also, I also think that often, you know, I think the meta is a bit too stabilized. Like most people already kind of have a good sense of what they want to play. and Like I I don't think. anyone's really gonna be switching decks. So I, I agree. Maybe, maybe we'll see. Um, a few more Averys in Lost Giratina lists. I, I could see that happening, but I don't think anyone's like pivoting to lost Giratina




or off Guardi.


Or vice versa, really. Like I don't think, uh, too many people are gonna be switching to GDI or switching off Giratina. I dunno. Whatever the revers of what you said, I think, yeah, I don't think, it'll change too much

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oh, you know another thing that was crazy about the stream, were you surprised guys that there were not more a ad breaks in between the games? It's, it's a freaking Twitch stream. You know,


He didn't. He didn't milk it.

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I was surprised he did not milk it. Like maybe he was, maybe he was worried that, you know, a hundred people would dip every time. But like, I felt like there was an ample opportunity to throw a 32nd spot in there, and I would not have begrudged him one iota of those dollars.


That's true. I can't even think if, if I've ever seen an ad on his old stream, he must do them, but like, I don't, I can't think of any.


no, he does them when he goes on bathroom breaks, so.


Okay, sure.

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but he took a bathroom break and there was no, uh, thing. And then, and then what's funny is he's on bathroom break and they come back and they start playing.



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I was like, I was like, you'd think he'd be orchestrating it a little bit more, you know? Wild,


all the, it's all the first time all these kinks will be worked out.

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I, I, I like the, uh, optimism. The other thing that I thought was interesting about this, I want to get you guys' reaction'cause I feel like this is the new spicy trend in coaching, is the, like single deck classes. Apparently Liam, Liam said Isaiah's class now sold out. So doing a little, doing a little shout out at the end of the, uh, uh, victory Tour results in completely selling out his edify class on how to play Giratina.


I think it's a really good idea. I mean, I'm curious to know what It looks like Um, so. I might Reach out to like Xander Isaiah and just kind of ask them how they structure it be. But, but it's something that I had thought of at some point. I just didn't really know what the medium would be like. Uh, edify wasn't really a thing when I was first thinking about the idea. Um, but It's really cool Uh, I think it's probably a much more efficient way for a lot of people to get. the knowledge that they want. Uh, and it's, in essence, it's kind of taking, uh, the place of articles, right?

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Right. Right.


just for

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fair. I, I mean,


people at a time.

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Isaiah's like I give you a 10,000 word thing explaining how to play each matchup.



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we already, you know, yeah, I read that on six prizes back in the day. Yo.


Mm-Hmm. And, and you, and I guess you just have like a, a more, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Smaller. I don't know. Uh, opportunity to like, ask questions and talk through things in, in a, in a small group.


Yes. Yeah. The, the ability to ask questions is like a really big improvement from the article, which is like Yeah, you get to like adapt how you explain it to like Each person. who's there, right?

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Oh. See, you know what's funny is I think I assumed kind of the other thing, which is like, uh, this is a infinitely scalable way to be a coach. Like Zacian Lasage is like, man, I was making$30 an hour, but now I have 20 people in a class for an hour and I make 400 bucks. You know?




that brother charges like 70, but yeah.

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Yeah. Uh, but either way, yeah. My point is the, the math works, right? He's figuring out how, like, how do I get from 70 to something even better, right? And the answer is Have 10 people pay for the hour. Uh, even, even at like a, a slight discount or something like, but like, you don't even have to do it a discount. You can be like, it's a premium because it's focused on this thing. Right. And I'm gonna give you all this stuff. I'm gonna give you this 10,000 word article. Right. And the result is, uh, um, you kind of, you kind of scale up the coaching a little bit and that seems like a dub. So, uh, it's interesting, I feel like, is that the, is that the future of coaching like Mike, are you supposed to hop on Edify and have a Gardy class tomorrow and people just be signing up for that Gardy action.


so it's funny because I think my comment on the timing of the money matches might also apply here because there's a lot. more value in going to a Xander Mew class or a brander Giratina class when those decks have been out for two years. Right? Then when the deck Whatever, uh, you know, future box comes out with the, with the new set and rotation. nobody's gonna run a future box class a week after the set comes out. Um, so I guess that's the only, uh, thing to really think about with these

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Yeah, I think, I think it's not just that, um, I think it's also more like most people, aren't willing to pay the money if they're not. if they're feeling uncertain about what deck they're going to actually bring to an event. Like, I imagine, um, everyone who, you know, I. Spend some money to go to a Bradner Lost Giratina class is already already decided and played quite a lot of lost Giratina and is like, I'm playing lost Giratina for Charlotte or whatever event locals or anything. I wanna learn how to play it better. Um, so I think in, in situ, I completely agree with Mike. I think in situations like at the beginning of the format, um, people are more uncertain about what deck they wanna play, so would not pay the money to go to a class on a specified deck.

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That's true. That's true. You have to be pretty dialed in. Right.




Um, and I also, I think it's actually not quite not even just, not even just that, um, I also think that like, the quality of the classes will be worse'cause people won't really have figured out lists or matchups quite as heavily. Um, I also think there's something to be said about. you know, part of the reason why people, you know, go to.

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a lost Giratina class or Xandr for a Mew classes because these two are two players who have already like really established themselves as being Really, really good at this specific deck as well as being great general players And so

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it kind of gives that that elevated boost that like if I think it Xandr hosted like a ZD class, it wouldn't have quite the same weight. Or if come the next set, you know, Xander hosted or Isaiah hosted a um, future box. Um, a future box lesson. So,

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Guys, any other stuff to say about the, uh, the Jake Isaiah battle, or should we move on to Charlotte?


um, I mean, I think, I think one final thing, although I've kind of, I've kind of said this throughout, um, I really hope that things like that, stuff like this happens more in the future. Uh, I think it's a, obviously, I agree with Mike. I don't think it's universally, I. Um, the. best form of content, but I think especially towards the end of a format like we are right now, um, it is the most engaging and interesting, uh, type of content for Pokegear and it's really, really entertaining to Watch So I hope more stuff like this happens in the future.

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Yeah, it was super fun, su super fun. Uh, I could not, uh, take my eyes off the action, especially once Jake got up to Rio. Oh. That, like, that they, there was actually some drama, like there was a little tension, things were not going the way people thought they were gonna go, like.


Never a doubt, never a doubt.

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Right, right. I mean, it had to go eight games, but that was not the way. I think we thought that was eight was gonna go, but


was cool.

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that was, that was crazy. Um, let's talk about Charlotte. I, I thought, uh, one interesting starting place. Mike. It, maybe this is just a question about how things are up in Philly. Um, I'm a little concerned that we're about to start seeing the travel problem Tweets come out. We're supposed to get snow on Friday.


Yeah, I haven't looked too deep into the week, but my, my weather app does say there is snow coming on Friday. There's snowing right now. Is it snowing next to

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It is.


too? Yeah. Yeah. We'll see. Um, I mean, personally. My flight was like less than a hundred dollars or a hundred dollars. So if it gets canceled, it, it gets canceled. no no harm, no foul for me. But, uh, yeah, that will be unfortunate. Uh, do you know if it is like a big storm that's traveling all across the northeast?

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I have no idea. But when I saw snow on Friday, I was like, man, our flight on Friday afternoon.



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It could, could be the real suck fest. And I assume that like if we, no matter if we're getting it light, I mean somebody else is probably getting it not slightly less than light like, or people, people were planning to drive down from Philly or some nonsense, like, don't know, the travel problem tweets are coming.


Yep. that's probably true.


Yeah, I mean, I can say, and I don't, you know, I have not looked into the storms and whatnot, but like I'm in Chicago Chicago has, you know, over the past. Last few days. Next few days, we've had a large storm in cold swell. Um, I saw Chris if, for the people who follow him, um, Christopher Ky Posted. um, a posted a tweet about how.

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Incredibly cold. It is in Chicago right now. Um, I can confirm this. It is very, very cold here, but I don't know if you guys if that storm is moving towards, um, you all but uh, I would, I would be surprised. if it does, so I don't, I.

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Yeah. Yeah, I could, I could easily, I, yeah, I feel like the um, uh, north, uh, part of the Midwest of the country is in the midst of some brutal, brutal weather. And, uh, I expect that to continue to the end of the week and we gotta get them travel tweets.


Shout out to.

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if it's worth moving, uh, moving our flight up to Thursday. Like, I looked into it for a second. I was like, oh, that'd be really expensive. No surprise.


I was gonna say, shout out to Michael Slutsky for going to the Kansas City Chiefs game the other day? where it was like minus 30 at the stadium.

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Yeah. Yeah. The pictures from that game were crazy. Like people were, people were like buying water bottles and they were frozen.



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were like opening beers and they were like freezing as they were, like being opened.



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Yeah. Yeah. That, that's, that's, uh, straight up bad. Alright guys, might as well ask how your Charlotte preparations going. How's Charlotte going? Well,


say the day, probably like the day after our podcast last week, I did a lot of. analysis on the, I've talked about it before, but like the day two matchups from all the events in, in this format and Mew. It's coming out on top once again. So I was like, all right, I'll play Mew. And then I talked to Xander a little bit. I talked To Terrance a little bit the guy who. uh, left a review for us last week. Um, and so I played a lot of games with Mew, both DT and Fusion. And I probably, after about like 25, 30 games, I said to myself, you know, I don't think I'm a Mew gamer. I just don't think I can do it despite it being, you know, the best deck on paper. I don't think I can do it. So back to Guardian or lost Giratina for me.



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Uh, yeah. Yeah. I, I feel like, I feel like the, the two things to unpack there is like, one he sees Jake loose and he is like, Gardy is fine. Guard's. Great. Thanks,


Yeah. Well it's funny, it's funny, Liam said that a few minutes ago where you're, you're watching Jake scam. You're like, ah, I wouldn't have done that. definitely had that reaction a couple times, and that's such like a conceited or,


Dude. Yeah, I thought the same thing I told you I was playing a few games with Guard last night, man. I was, I so bad, bro. I was like, I every single one like damn,




should not this bad, just losing, but.

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Yeah, yeah. Now, now, now, Liam, you can start it on your, your lecture that like, there aren't people who are types of, uh, players, there are, there's only like playing the right deck and playing it correctly, or playing the best deck and playing it correctly.


Yeah, I mean, I, so I'm not going, to Charlotte. Um,

Track 1:



but if I, was going to Charlotte, I think I would largely be between Zd or Moron for myself. Um, largely just because I refuse to play Guardi at a major event and I actually despise playing Lost Giratina. I So I would be between Za and Moron. Um, I think they're both solid decks. I'm gonna, again, if you're playing, moron, please play Reggie Leki. VMax. It is so good in the deck. It, it, it helps in basically every matchup a little bit and some matchups a lot, I talked about it more in, in a previous pod. Um, but I think

Track 1:



I would either be playing, I also think Z's just a really good deck, so I'd be playing one of those two. Maybe I would,


Like, why would you play?


Think there's just a, frankly, a solid deck. And like,


are your good matchups? Outside of mute? Like outside of mute? What are your good matchups?


I think you have a decent, a pretty good matchup against moron. Um, I think that you. in, in general, like we're in this format, pretty much every matchup is winnable, and it's like most matchups are pretty close.


I agree. but why would you wanna be on the 45 55 side every single time? Like that's like all those are messed ups. Like.


But I don't, I don't think that's true. I don't think that's true. I think, um, while I would say you're on the 45, 55 side versus like Los Giratina and Gardy, I think that a lot of the other top decks right now, um, you're on the slightly favored side. You have to, you have to keep in mind.




I, I, I think it's been largely proven that it doesn't suck. Um, so I would be playing za write on, and maybe, maybe, depending on my, meta read, um, maybe I would pivot to Chen Pal. I feel confident enough. on, on how to play that deck that I. I would, don't, wouldn't need to test it. I'd just, I would just make a read. If I think formats or ev basically everyone's gonna be playing, like, it's gonna be like 70, not even, not, maybe not 70. If it's gonna be like 60% czar gardy and, um, c zd gardy and lost, lost box deck. I wouldn't, I very well might pivot. Um, but yeah, not gonna Charlotte unfortunately. But that, that would be what I did.


Yeah, champ pal's in the most reasonable spot that it's been, this Format for sure. Like the Guardi matchup is a much better now that they're pretty much not playing. Avery, you'll play against some guards with Avery, but the matchup is, uh, better than it was the beginning of the format for sure. Czar Beam big. It's good for Chi Pow. Um, I don't personally think the Giratina matchup is good for Chi Pow, but it's gotta be at least somewhat close. Um, I. and then me ride-on


I think most people pilot the match. I've said this before, but I think most people pilot most lost, you know, players pilot the matchup, you know, suboptimally to the point where it's. pretty decently favored for Chimp Pal.


Mm-Hmm? Um,


I think if you have perfect, perfect Laina and Chimp pal players, like, I think it's probably slightly lost. Nina favorite though,


It seems reasonable. Yeah. And, and I think like the last big thing is me ride-on is down. Right. So, and that's me Ride-on is pretty bad matchup for Cheapo, so,


right on a mute are both really rough.


Hmm. So, yeah, that seems reasonable to me. Uh, I dunno if Kiran was going, maybe he could have convinced me to, uh, to play Chain Pal, but I don't think Kieran's coming,



Track 1:

Liam, how about you? Down on Charizard.


Um, I don't think you can play Snorlax or like the PGE box too much. Lost Giratina. I don't, yeah, so I don't, I don't, really know what's good at this point. I'm, I'm just letting Vinny choose my deck.


Is he coming?


Yeah. Yeah. This is his first NAIC Regional,


Oh, sweet. That's awesome.



Track 1:

I feel like, I feel like the, the best thing about that is like. Liam feels like everybody's gonna be earning lost Giratina, but he is not like, I'm gonna play Benette. Bennet will fix my problems.


I've been really thinking about Bennet, but I don't know. It's got, it's got a pretty bad guardian matchup, so.



Track 1:

is there


But I will say, you know, Gardy, Gardy Hass been on the Downtick these past few events. I you know, I actually,

Track 1:



Giratina, so many. It's Giratina and Giratina.

Track 1:

Well, we just proved that, right? No, we proved nothing. We proved nothing.


Well, but here's the thing. I don't how many people are really gonna look at the amount of lost and be like, okay, I'm really worried about lost Giratina. I just wanna play a deck that beats lost. Giratina really hard and is like, guardy. That's what I'm gonna go for. I, I don't know,


if I like any ounce of confidence that I could play guard correctly. And like there's so many people who tell themselves they can correctly so.


There's no deck though.




There's no deck in the format that you're like, yeah, this is the deck to beat. Giratina. Like there's, there's none like fusion Mew, I think is probably the most favored on paper. Maybe. Maybe Italian Urshifu is the most favored on paper, but like even that's like not that great. Um, I've been seeing a lot of Roaring Moon online, a lot of Roaring Moon. Uh, so I do. feel like that'll have quite a bit, uh, more play. And that's like pretty solid into Giratina. It's not like amazing, but it, it's like, I don't know it. 50 55, 45 in moon's newspaper, depending on the list. Um,


I think so.


and maybe that's why people are like gravitating toward it'cause they're like, oh, this deck is favored against Giratina and they saw Ross do well with it. And Ross is a big name player. Uh, I think JW just posted a list on Twitter like yesterday. The day before that was like two cards off Ross's list and he said it was, maybe it's the BDIF, which I don't know about that. But the deck is pretty solid though.


I think is really, really good, bro. Uh, ethic is nice. I know Mike's not a fan, but it's, I I think you're like pretty happy to sit across from like, everything except Dy




and even that bad if they open


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.'cause you can't Go down. You can't go down three six. If you go down three six you lose pretty much because you'll just always have the the boss on the guard EX to win the game. Um, I had a funny game actually yesterday. I. where I did go down three six, but then I was able to like get a reversal, arcana gust on squa, on Mew eex to like not put the EX in play. Um, so then it's four three, the Kko four two. Um, I get the guard EX out and collapse it away and the same turn to go down to two two. And I was like, oh, I have the game one. And they pulled the sickest play off'cause uh, They cross switch her up my Kirlia. Do 70 to it with more Pika. And the Only way that I can move it then is by, evolving it into guard EX. and then I have to do that. I don't have I already use my. boss and it's tied on prizes, so my last counter catcher doesn't work. Uh, so I have to just retreat it, swing into the more Pika, take a prize, and then they have a boss to, uh, to win the game. Um, so that was pretty cool.


you, could you not like, just attach it manually to retreat over two turns


I only had one energy left and both my rods were gone So it's something I probably. could have played around if I like, had thought of that line at all, But it was, uh, yeah, it was pretty sweet in the moment and I was like, but like those are the moments where you're like playing on live or just practicing and you're like, This is why I, play This this is why I practice these games is because you run. into random crap like that that now I know to play around. Which is cool. Um, yeah. The other thing about, the other thing about, the other thing about Guardian general is like, its matchups are also like very close. Like char art is not super favored. It's




I don't I don't think so. man. It's like another matchup where you can't go down three six. If you go down three six, you lose immediately.




I mean, you have to do that, right? That's the only, yeah. If


Even if you go down three six's, also not even the end of the world, if you hit the, um, the counter for the, then they miss


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. That, yeah. That's the only other way you went. Yeah. So





Track 1:

Caden. I don't know if your reaction now, but I, I feel like, I mean, there, there needs to be a phrase or something to the note it, but like, uh, right, right. As they were saying that, I was like, fine. Best of night. Throw it out. Let's go


money match.


Yeah, I mean, I think, man,

Track 1:



would be really sick if this becomes a regular thing. Thing I. It would be really, really sick. Sick. Um, yeah, I'm, I am As for, uh, do we wanna go around? and just like, quickly do meta prediction for Charlotte? Um,

Track 1:



I, I don't feel. confident giving enough like exact percentages, but I think there's gonna be probably there substantial downtick in ard. I think there's gonna be like a slight downtick in moron. I think most of the moron players are gonna stick with moron. Um, but I think there's gonna be a slight downtick in moron. I think there's gonna be a slight uptick in Las Giratina. Um, I think it was a high enough percentage already that it's difficult for it to grow much more. I think there's gonna be a small to mid-sized uptick in gardy and probably like a decent downtick in everything else besides like roaring moon and probably chimp out. But I don't even know if those are gonna be on the, on the map.


Yeah. They, but they're like, if Everything. else is going down, then some things have to go up. Right? So,


It's Giratina.


uh, yeah, I don't, I agree with Caden though. I don't think Tina's gonna go up much'cause it was already pretty high. I do think it'll probably be number one and then Charles out a very close number two. Uh, maybe like, or it, it could be either way, but I think both of them will probably be around like the 15


I agree.


and then. right after, kind of like those will be like top the top two and then below that Guardian or Write-down will probably also be similar, like around 10 ish each. Does that sound right?




Yeah. Um,


My God, I can't. lie. If I was gonna Charlotte. I would totally. I would. Totally, totally run Shepa. I I love that. deck so much.


After hearing those numbers, you're like, it's a cheap pal


Yeah. And I, the one thing I will say, you know, advice to anyone who's considering shepa, um, time with this deck, you really can't afford to tie with this deck.

Track 1:



in terms, of, you know, your deck is your deck is inconsistent enough that you really wanna try to get through three, games just to be able to have the three reps with your deck to try to balance out. the inconsistency. Um, however, surprisingly, and I think this isn't just a me thing, you know, Brad and I also tied a bunch of, when he played Chio, uh, the deck ties surprisingly frequently. So I, you gotta keep a pretty quick pace of play, especially against. Slower decks like Los Giratina or Gardy.




Dude, you should always keep your pace of play. It doesn't matter what day you're playing. I, I, I hate all the Giratina players who play slow. I hate the guardian players who play slow. Like, you know what you're getting into? You have to, you, you have to play like just as fast as Maria ride-on players you shouldn't be using like twice the time. It doesn't even matter if you're making twice the actions you, you should be using twice the time. It's, it's like pretty outrageous. You, you have to keep your pace of play up no matter what deck you play. Like, I, I need to see people playing lightning fast. Like there, there shouldn't be any ties at Charlotte, bro.


Well, tides are like extremely bad at this tournament. Just in general. Um, like to make top eight, I don't think any 30 fives will make top eight at this event. It's just gonna be 36, probably will be the cutoff. Maybe 1 35 bubbles in. Uh, but yeah, it's like you basically have to go 12 three for better.


I, I love it, man. Like everybody, everybody's always complaining about like, oh my God, it's brutal, but like. I love it when you have to like win more, to do better. Like that's great. That's, that's great for the game. Especially because now if you, ID at six two, you are shooting your entire tournament in the foot like very, very definitively. You have, you have 0% chance of making top bait. Like you, you have to go six. Oh, you, you're finished. You, you're not making top eight. I love That, Play it out, you know.

Track 1:



I mean, I still, I still think I firmly stand behind the belief that given the amount of variance in Pokegear um, we should have single limb down starting at top 16.




Single, single limb down. to top 16. That's all I'm saying. Um, I'm not saying that. doesn't, I'm even saying Keeping pricing the literally the same. Um, I'm not saying you have to increase pricing for top 16, but just have the single limb start down there. Um, given how, how, much variance there's in Pokegear, but.

Track 1:

you know, I, I don't, I don't think you, uh, it's funny you would draw that line. I felt like for a hot second, Pokegear was about to say, okay, we just have asymmetric cut, asymmetric cut's, the thing we do. And I 100% think that's the strats. But like, you know, if you got a clean cut,


I vote both.


ASM extra cuts, like the worst thing in the world, man. I remember playing that at Worlds like there was a kid who had the same record as me and didn't have to play in the as extra cut and I did. That was, that was outrageous.

Track 1:

Well, but if you had bubbled out because of your resistance, that would've been outrageous.


I don't know, like that's like playing

Track 1:

cuts the best.


lose No, I


No playing board games is Better


it's, it's just worse. It's just, it's just worse. It's.

Track 1:

Not cutting because of strength of schedule is the worst. Playing another game because you had poor syn schedule. To have the opportunity to be in top eight is way better.


Not really. I don't know. I look at my strength to schedule, like at something like San Antonio where I got like the short end of the stick, right? I went 11 2, 2 and I miscut. But like, I look at that and I'm like, man, you know, I, I lost my first round day too. Uh, that one's on me. That's'cause I lost. If you just win more, you, you obviously don't have these issues, but. Asymmetric cut is like, there's more people who like tied, so then the, the cut went longer, so now you have to play again because all these people decided to tie their last round. so now there's like five people. fighting for a bubble spot. It's like, what are weird man?


I, I, I agree that it could lead to some egregious situations like that, but I disagree that losing round one should count for so much less than losing round six or whatever,


I think it should lose. Don't lose.


in a game. In a game with variance where Not just. the variance in game, but also variance in terms of matchups plays a big role. Like when you lose, should not, it should have some impact probably, but it shouldn't have as big of an impact as it as it can


think it's.




Pretty valid impact. I like, at least for me, I obviously like, you know, I, the San Antonio one was like the, the prime example because I, I like immediately had the worst record possible to get to where I was, um, but like, yeah man, I had, I think I had like easier, an easier route. um, than like, you know, the people who are like 11 11 0 2 or something, they lose two in a row because like, you know, they go back to, back against like, you know, people in like top 16 or like best players in the world, right. It's like


Right, but Liam, by, by your logic, shouldn't you still just have those players play again? And it's just like, Yeah. win more, win your game. Like Literally just, you've have to play one more match to Garrett to, solidify your spot against someone with the same record as you just win.


no. I like, I, I don't even understand that argument. Like, you should just win first. We, we don't have to just like keep playing games because apparently you can keep winning. You should just like win your first one and.

Track 1:

I I mean, I, it, it is, it is crazy that you're arguing the. Uh, like it's some kind of devil's advocate insanity that you would be anti asymmetric cut. What, what, what about the guy that comes in ninth of Charlotte after he goes 6 0 1 day two, and like he doesn't get to play top eight, and you'd be like, well, you shouldn't have gone 7 1 1 on day one. Dude, what?


Yeah, I. If you, if you come in terrible, like, and then you do a little bit Worse than somebody. who came in really strong and then still had the same result, like, I don't, I don't think you get,

Track 1:

I don't know what I mean. What if he goes,


on to like, you know, adjust for your grievances or whatever. Like

Track 1:

I mean, what? What if he goes nine, oh, day one, and then like day two he goes, whatever, like 4, 2, 1 bubbles cut.


the, that, that, that wouldn't happen because you came in really strong. Your resistance is good. like.

Track 1:

No, I'm just like, I don't know. There, there could be a couple of guys like that. Like, I don't know. You don't know what, like what's gonna happen? I mean, that's the whole, the whole point of asymmetric cut is like,


12 two. One is auto cut, but um, this is just yap at this point, like.

Track 1:

All right. Alright. Alright. I'm moving on. Moving on guys. Anything else we should talk about before Charlotte?


Uh, the one deck we didn't Mention that has been. a little bit on the rise, I think is Guango. Uh, I don't know how much it'll show up actually, but, uh, I've played against a decent amount on live. A couple of the locals have, uh, talked to me about it. Um, I mean, it seems okay, maybe for a lot of the same reasons that Roaring Moon is actually Okay. again, um, like just thing. Hit hard. a, some tricks like the, some of the roaring moons have some tricks like ninja plays or iron hands. And Guango has like the ninja trick as well. Um, I don't know, we'll see if it actually shows up or not, but I, I think you shouldn't be super surprised if you play against one.


Hmm. Yeah.


I, I agree. I think it's gonna be the amount of gold go. I hate that. deck. That deck is not like, okay, what is its matchup spread that makes it like good. Like what, what,


good. Again, it's really good against


It's like everything, but basically like.


Yeah, it's really good into zd. Um, it's not great. into Lost tna. It's worse than Rory Moon into lost tna for sure. Um, just'cause it's a little bit slower. But yeah, everything else is, yeah, pretty similar to Moon.




Like kind of close against because you can just randomly, but other than that, you're like pretty strong into everything. But


I don't know. I think I'm always picking, I'm always picking Moon over Guango. Although I will admit, um, Guango is more fun to play and pilot, that is actually a really fun deck to play.




and when, when there's 2000 masters, like that's a factor for a a, a good chunk of them. So I, I don't think, gold dangle will do particularly well, but I think it'll be like a decent. amount of the meta, like, I dunno, three to 4% maybe.

Track 1:



much more than it was before.


Thank you.

Track 1:

Uh, you know, I was trying to figure out if that means like, I don't know, 30% of players will have to play against the gold dango deck, but like obviously the real answer is. You know, 100% of players at the bottom tables will have to play against a gold dango deck and



Track 1:

the, the distribution is a little different than just straight up math, right? guys, anything else we should talk about before Charlotte, or, uh, is it time to go, uh, you know, pick 60 cards and get


Oh, yeah. I'll give a, a quick warning, to anybody who's thinking about, playing pt. um, you, you didn't fix the matchup against Giratina that, like, you, your tech doesn't work it. And, and like if the. tech makes sense and it then it's not a tech, it's not, it's not an individual card. It's like a gigantic package that absolutely destroys your consistency. And you're probably not playing pokey gears at this point. So the deck is trash. It, the Giratina matchup is going to suck. You have to accept it




One other, word of warning for people considering playing gardy. um,

Track 1:



deck is like 10. I'm, uh, If you think you are really good at that deck, that tells me more about you as a player. than if you turned to me. It was like, I'm really bad at this deck. Um, if you think you're good at the deck, you are not good at the deck. Uh, be,




take, take whatever you think your Matchup. spread is, or what You see other top players talking about. The guardian mattress spread and take like 15% off of all of those matchups because you're just gonna throw them.

Track 1:

so, so what, what deck are you gonna play in the best of nine? Caden


Uh, Chen, Chen, I think those are my, in this format. I think those are the two decks that I can pilot the best.

Track 1:

Alright. Liam will


give me gardy.

Track 1:

Liam will be playing Giratina against Snarl X players and uh, you know, just a wave of excitement coming on Twitch. Dreams near you. Anything. Alright guys, the John Pauls are our outro. We'll be back next week with, uh, uh, wrapping up how Charlotte went. Assuming that we all go, um. recognize we have yet to talk about Apecs, but like we'll talk about apecs soon. I've heard they're great cards.


one Charlotte is done. We can talk about all the new cards.