The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Fresno, League Cups, Mew, Paldea Set Review & More!

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 137

Welcome to the trash lanch. We are sponsored as always by dragon shield. No one has left any five star review updates. We are the only podcast about the Pokemon trading card game. It would be both fantastic to sponsor us and fantastic to leave a review. If you leave a review, we will read it on the pot. Attendance is 166%. Both of the Halliburton's. Mike Britt. Kayden got the whole gang here. We're also on Twitter and we're going to jump right in guys. I think the important thing we should start with is the current state of Mike Fusha is life. Mike. Bring us up to speed. I recognize that that the next like two weeks of podcast are going to be all about my crusade league cup.


Well, they're not going to be super interesting. At least in terms of meta-game and decks and whatnot since. You know, there's still the quote unquote old format, not pal day. Evolved. But so, yeah, I went to two lead cups this past weekend. The first one I played Kyogre last box. And I ended up bubbling out of top. Cut. So that was a little unfortunate. And then I won the second one. I won the one on Sunday with guard of war. So we are halfway there. I want to give like a shout out to all of the Philly players. I found out that this weekend, most of them don't know that we do that. I do a podcast. So that was funny. But despite me, like, I never really had a local scene before, so it's been kind of cool to like really you know, get to know the different low-income players. And they're all super supportive. They really want me to get the invite. And yeah. Some of the rounds were very easy because of that fact. Which was, which was nice. So, so we got to, when I did play the highlights I played against the same loss box player in Swiss and then top four and we had some really, really close games. And I ended up coming out on top in both of them and the Swiss and then top cut. And that trip is super adding. It's super fun. As long as you don't like, as long as you set up his guard of war and they don't have like a super crazy insane start, then the match up is actually super interesting. So, so, yeah, so we got one when I got like, basically two V cups. Left to get a win. Technically there are three days that I could play, but the one of them. There's only one cup available and it's like four hours away. So I don't think I'll do that one. But there's one next Saturday. That's really close. So I'm hoping I win that one. And then if I don't win that one, I will be coming down towards Brent to play in Virginia. And then that one would actually be in the pod day format because it's the weekend before an ASC.


So I, I think, I think the pal day irrelevant comments here is people on the podcast should be aware of the second. They announced the Puerto Rico SPE. I was texting Mike. You go to Puerto Rico, you go to Puerto Rico and he was like, no, no, no. There are


cups there. Cups.


We'll Puerto Rico be well attended and will it be very influential for the NAC


format? It's going to be super competitive. I think.


You know, if there was like Mexico city. Original that I went to that also was, it was a special event and it was the format of inaccuracy that same year too. And it was like, right. Like Danny won with. Zuora, which was just slowly picking up in popularity at the time. And of course, I ended up being a huge showing at an EIC that year with like, Mahoen making top eight with the amongst, you know, a lot of others playing it. So I feel like it will definitely be that. It will be Litmus test for a lot of new cards. I feel like, you know, say chin Powell does well. Then I think it's, it's not much more on people's radar for an AIC and so on. Like, I mean, for example, I don't think there's too many other cards. I feel like. Are going to make a splash, I guess. Fully deck wise within the metagame, but like, just that one, as an example, I think is like a major one in terms of just like, do we respect it? Do we not like, maybe just let this event happen and we'll sort of make those adjustments going into an AIC.


Kayden where you. And that SPE as well. I feel like you were.


No. I'm not, I'm not going


to it. No, you went to, you went to the, then you go to the, I know you went to Mexico city SP at one point, did you go to the one, the Danny one with Zuora. The regional


is actually not SP. I've never been to a special event. Okay.




right. Yeah. I do think that this special event will be very pretty well attended by like top 16 chasers, as well as some people trying to finish their. I ran into this dude. At the first cup that I went to this weekend, that. Had book is going to Puerto Rico to try and finish his invite. Cause he already. I got a bunch of points from cups. I think. For me, it's like, I need exactly two cup wins. And so. Puerto Rico will only pay out points. To, I guess there'll be tough. 32 now. I think they increased it to like 160 people or so something like that. So you can make top 32, but it's going to be really competitive. You got to fly there. I don't know. I think the Evie on go into a cup for me is, is higher. But the implication for the top 16 rates are super interesting because in large part, because of the results of this past weekend in Fresno, where Caleb Cal. Reagan. And he Hendrick all top Ford and that, you know, Hendrick, Kayla. And Calla in particular, we're all kind of like on the bubble slash the bottom half of top 16. So they all get a huge boost. And then all the other people that are kind of in the rates Might need a little extra something. To to get there.


Yeah. It definitely feels like a, I mean, the crazy thing about a Puerto Rico SPE is like, it's a tourist event. Like how many locals are going to show up to play at the Puerto Rico spa? Like.


Right. And it's like really cheap, like. For me, if I wanted to go is like less than$300 round trip, maybe like two 50. Like


really cheap.


Yeah. You know, I was always sad that I couldn't take, I told Liam that I would take him to a Mexico city SPE because like he'd been, he'd been working super hard on Spanish for like four years or something. Like that was the thing we had planned on doing. And that was like the pandemic year and it got canceled. Like it was supposed to be at like the same schedule in NAFC went away and they haven't had a Mexico city event since versa. Yeah. You definitely


should go. Like the one I was talking about, I went to that one and it was, it was a really awesome time. Very cheap, very, very good treatment.


Yeah. Yeah, that that's my, my working assumption is it would be totally awesome to spend a, like a weekend in Mexico city. I've I've never been. I feel like that'd be really good. And leave she's Spanish pretty well now. No. Yeah. You know what it seems. I guess it goes to show how much Spanish is left for me 30 years later, that it seems good to me.


I was asking my teacher about this. She said, we speak at like a second grade level right now. Yeah.


Yeah. Could be worse. A true, true story. When my wife and I went to France. The only phrase I remember and because in many respects, it was pretty much the only phrase I learned from the like, We did like eight hours of audio, French tapes to try to prepare us for this. And the result was by Connie spoke pretty good French like tourist, French. And my French was leaves already cringing because of this. He started the story. So my French has led meme shows, which means I'll have the same. If you guys are looking for some like French tips, you wouldn't have thought you were gonna get that from the pot. There you go. If you're with a decent French speaker, each. I get the same. The same for me. I'm going to show us.


All right. All right. Do. Do we want to go over and talk about Fresno or.


Let's talk about Fresno came and went. I was first. It was like a terrible event, right.


Well, I would say the event ran. Decently smoothly in terms of like timing and pacing. There were not any insane breaks or an incredibly long lunch break, like in terms of like timing and pace of the tournament, it was actually pretty good. Unlike a lot of team Northwest events in the past. I remember. Portland, especially had some pretty egregious breaks. And delays that made the day really long, but you got out at like, Probably. 9 30 10. If I remember correctly, so it wasn't, it wasn't actually too bad. Now. The location and the. And then several policies surrounding the venue were pretty bad. I'm sure. Everyone's heard about the complaints surrounding not being able to bring outside food and drink. Inside the venue, which is pretty horrible. They were selling$5 bottles of water inside the venue. That, and that was your, that was your option or water fountains. There were water fountains. Which I appreciate and can


relate. As a parent, that just seems insane. Yeah. Yeah. You tell Louis kids have to spend all day in this thing. Like. It's just insane.


Yeah, it was, it was pretty bad, but. Honestly, it was not, it was not the worst event I've been to the season. So because


kidney's attended many team Northwest events living.


Yes. Yes. As a, as someone on the west coast, I have experienced worse team Northwest events. So


The pictures of the line outside. To get in both at lunchtime and before round one, we're literally insane, man. I, you know, I recognize it as Pokemon, I guess I've seen lines like that before at other places. I expect to be in a line like that to get my registration and for an AIC. But like,


it was insane. Yeah, I mean, well, so the one thing that, that. Picture the picture is a little deceiving. Cause the big thing that the picture didn't show you was that was basically just a registration check-in line. Before the event, there was a separate line for people who already had the wristband. That was much shorter. And once you got inside the venue, there was basically no line to check in. So that was just waiting in the line to get your wristband. Okay. All right. Okay. Fair enough. So it was a little, the photo is a little deceptive. Although the lunch line was, was I heard pretty bad. I entered early. So I didn't have to wait in line, but


the fact that the line went into a street though, is yes,


yes. That was done. There was not a good place for the line to go. And that was pretty. It was pretty egregious. They did buy. By the latter half of the day, like for the lunch rush and stuff, they had blocked off. And Eric like part of the street for the line. But in the morning that was not there. Yeah.


It's it's weird that it convention center. Like, I don't exactly understand what was going on, but it's weird that a convention center would not have space for people.


Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, they wanted it, they wanted metal detectors and bag check entering the convention center. So that made, that made where to put people very difficult.




mean, it just sounds like a recipe. Like, do people have to do we'll have metal devices with them? They totally, they all do. There's, there's no speeding


that up. That's crazy.


So tell us, tell us so. So that that's like top level venue, team Northwest typical update. How, how was how things go,


man? Yeah, things went. Pretty well. I am going into the event really just needed to get points of any kind. Going into the event. I, in terms of invite, I needed top 1 28 at NIC in order to get my invite getting any amount of points at Fresno would bring that down to get needing top 2 56. With getting like, I'm at like top 16, top eight, bring that down to five 12. And I got points. I got Well, I'll get into the full, full rundown of my matches, but I got top 2 56, so I got enough points. So now I just need another 2 56 at NYC for my invite. I ended up deciding to play mew. Going into the event, along with there were. Five people playing the same 60 as me. Me Cameron Shenoy Alex McNeil. And then. Polaris, who's a senior and Brian, who is Polaris? Is dad. And out of those. Three of the five, got to a winning in today too, with one of us making it today, too. So it was, it was pretty good. The list is three cards off of. Gabe smart and Andrew Hendricks lists. And I'll go over a little bit more about the list now, but I think knew was going to an event. Mew felt like the strongest choice. I didn't want to play Lugia cause leukemia felt too high rolly. Gardy felt like it took to heart, a loss to loss box and last box itself was pretty. I didn't want to play it. And honestly, I was having a hard time beating you with manifests. So. My law. I ended up running sort of a pretty standard mule list. And then with any D team you list there, sort of, you have four or five flex spots in order to add sort of tech cards. So the 10 cards that I chose were manifests and penny largely for last box. Cause I found when you had those two. I could beat last box Kyogre fairy consistently. I also added the fan of waves cause I found you kind of needed it against Lugia. Louie was a pretty rough match up if he didn't have the fan, getting it, being able to knock off. Being able to knock off the What's it called the V guard as an extra damage. Mod was very essential. And in the Lugia matchup. And I, then the last few spots. We're. A little tough for me. I chose to run the Avery for mere and Gardy cause I found it oftentimes just gave you that leg up, that you needed in that matchup. And then I cut. I also I cut the loss city and this is the big cut I made. I cut the loss city in order to make room for the Avery and then ended up. Punishing me a little later as I'll get into, but I didn't expect too much crepey on going into the event. And I felt like even if people had drapey on, I could still beat it without the loss city. So as for my matchups I started out with a pretty unfortunate run. I start out, oh two on the day, first round I played against the Luchia and I lost the round game two due to a misplay on my part where I didn't realize I had prized a power tablet and I. Stand away a gift energy. Instead of a V guard. So I wasn't able to hit a kale on the TTR and I lost the game because that Then round two, I played against the arc keys, RCS aerodactyl deck, which is a horrible matchup from you. There's unless you draw the absolute nuts as mew and are able to play the game without abilities. You have no chance. And so I, that was a pretty swift loss. So I started, pretty, pretty rough start needed to win out from that point. And then I played against mirror where the Avery just absolutely won me. The game on the Avery is so good from your. For view mirror. Being able to knock down to their Pokemon while taking a knockout. So having them lose three, their Pokemon in one turn can oftentimes, especially in combination with path D very difficult for them to recover from. So, so Avery came in clutch there. Then I played against two kayakers in a row. One with Drake, the on one without drapey on both of which I too owed. The drapery on is really not that. It's really not that scary in truth. Especially in, in. I agree. And like Or less turbo variants because honestly being able to just pass. Path rock sand path judges. Oftentimes all you need. You just have to hope they don't hit their pieces. So I too owed both both of those last stone boxes. And then I hit a Gardy. Again, Avery was quite strong. And Guardi is honestly a pretty scary matchup for me. You. Oftentimes, it just comes down to whether they can find their stadium bumps and whether they go fast enough. To hit the one. Hey, Kaos. I had a really unfortunate. One of the game two against Gardy. They hit a one shot on my mew on turn two. Which was A little mind boggling, and I wasn't expecting that, but I managed to win game three. And then I played against Mariah on fluffy, which the deck socks it's inconsistent. It doesn't do enough, especially against me. And also he just bricked twice. So that was a quick win. So I found myself now I won the last five rounds in a row. I'm five, two. I need one more when I will happily ID into day two. And then I opened up RK nine and see I'm against Azule. Which you know, when you're in, you're winning in today too. You don't really want to be facing as little in that moment. And I talked to some. I talked to Reagan prior to the match about what Azula was running. Cause I hadn't, I hadn't realized I hadn't, I didn't know yet. And I mean, as everyone I'm sure knows at this point Zulu was running a like heavy, heavy turbo last box with three, four seals, stone, the drapey on no Caio ger choice belt. And. I, so I went into the match. Basically thinking like that, it's, there's no way, like there's no way he, this, this deck has been almost perfect. He could to beat me. I cut the loss city. I don't have it. I don't have anything. And sure enough. I didn't actually know he ran the belt until I in game one played with only three bench. And on turn one and put a Genesek active so that the Reich who couldn't one shot. But then of course he whipped up the belt and I was like, okay, okay. I see how this match-ups gonna go. This is gonna, yeah. Okay. And then of course, drapey on and then I. As, as the matchup usually goes, I judge a Roxanne, the last turn. If they hit the pieces they need, that's it. But and sure enough, I judge, he hits PC needs, wins game one game. One's like a 30, a 30 minute game. So I'm a little spooked cause I don't expect we're going to be able to get through game two. But. Then I, then I remember like, okay, his deck is pretty heavy with two prizes. Actually. We can probably get through game two. So we start up game two. Game two goes much better for me. I managed to take favorable trades and again, we get down to that last turn where all. All he needs to find is at boss in order to win the game. I Roxanne him down to two. He's pretty much out of switching options. And he doesn't hit the boss. So I take game two, we have like five minutes left for game three. And I brick, I just full brick and he runs through my board with drapey on. And so that was, that was a little unfortunate wins the game on turn three of time with. In in five minutes. Oh, Oh, that's brutal. So that was a, that was a little unfortunate. I. Prop played. The end of game to slower. So that we just had no chance for our game three. But. Live and learn. So I lost Azule in that round. And then I, I just decided to take the ID in last round to guarantee my spot in 2 56 and get points. Yeah. So that was sort of, that was sort of my day. I also played in the cut. Where we made our, I made two changes to the list which where I cut a nece ball for the heavy ball. Gave an Andrew cut the feather ball instead, but I decided to cut the NASPL just cause I've found. Feather ball was in most situations, just as good as an asphalt except netball. Oftentimes isn't burnt. Isn't a burnable card. So I decided to cut it for that for the heavy ball. And then I also cut the Avery for a loss at ages. Cause I was spooked of drapey on now. And I would recommend running a loss study to anyone who's playing this in cups. Speaking of which I think this is probably the best deck to bring to cups. Almost without a doubt. I think it is a very strong deck, especially invested one. And. I think you have to run the manifests. I think you have, you don't. After in the penny. But I would run the penny and the lost city and the fan. The one thing to consider in my mind is whether or not to run the heavy ball, but. Yeah, I think this deck is just almost certainly the best deck for For best of one cups. So highly, highly recommend And yeah, so it was a altogether, all in all like a pretty. A pretty good day, had a good time. Oh, two to five, two. To losing two is a little to ID for points is not really something I can complain about too much. Especially after such a rough start. So, yeah. I love me. You knew it was a really fun deck for me. So.


I might, I might take your advice. I've been thinking about mute claim you for this Saturday. We'll see.


Questions about madness. Feel free to ask.


Why, so you played, you played the last box and then you switched to guard of war. Mike, was there any particular thing that puts you off last box and onto the guard of war?


My. Draws with last box. I mean, I'm not like the best Los box player. To start with I just don't have as much experience, but I feel like I'm good enough with it. And I don't know, my draws Saturday were so weird. Like I had three. I had three games where I prize two or three comb fees. Like, and I didn't play that many games. Right. So like three out of like seven, three out of five, because it was best to three cup. So, yeah, it was like three out of like seven games. I prized two plus countries. And so, I don't know, I was just kind of like it wasn't feeling it. And the Metta looked a little bit better for Gardy. The Sunday cup.


And and you decided not to play Lugia, even though Louis has brought you so far.


I don't think you can play with you invested one. Yeah, it just seems so bad. Invest in one. That's so good. Invested three, but I just don't think it's very good investible. Yeah.


That, I mean, I can understand why you would think maybe it was a good play. If like, if like no one's gonna play Lugia, you know? That seems




Yeah, I would say you could probably, especially if you like scout around the game store and you don't see much Lukey, I think you could definitely cut the fan. Because I, I completely agree. I think Ludy is a pretty bad pick for best one.




Shall we talk about the next set? Are there, is there any other stuff? That we should talk about.


No, I don't think we have set dwell in Fresno too much for moving. Like we're moving on to the next step we have. Just a few cups left in this format. So please go. Go play or at least try D team you for your cups would recommend.


Let's just give us. Got out to David. Tommy gave. For a making top pay with dark rye. Very impressive. Oh yeah. Well,


I mean, to be. Be fair. To be fair. He hit. Five five of his six rounds of day, two or meal. He hit five meal, basically in a row. And they, so, so. While I do think it is impressive and props to him for, for taking the deck and having a great run with it. I don't think the decks very good.


Yeah, I think. Visibility to like when the RNG wars, because he definitely did that. I mean, you, you got a high roll to do well. He definitely high role. And


prop store.


David's a good player. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's a very good player. If we're


doing, I mean, especially day one, he did not just play against me. Yeah. At all. You played against a lot different decks. It is. His day to run is pretty funny though. It


is very fun.


Yeah. If we're doing shout outs, shout out to Azule for not being around nine at six and two. Absolutely. Absolutely.


All right guys, let's jump. I had another question for two seconds. Oh. The one other thing that I it's probably worth discussing from Fresno is I know a week ago we were like, last box is objectively the best deck. It just is what it is. Last box. It's the greatest Does does anyone want to like recap that and go back to the defensive Lugia Lluvia? And maybe more particularly Regan. Very impressive.


I mean, I think Regan is a phenomenal player and I think the biggest thing Regan can do is figure out how to pilot. Lugia and give himself the best odds of winning, even when he doesn't have the best, the best opening hand, and start where he doesn't get double ArchiOffice turned to. I think like prostate me is really, really good at that. However, I don't think, I still think last box is if you're piling at it, if you're piloting it at like 100% accuracy, I still think it's the best deck. I don't know if it's the best deck to play. But I think it is, it is the best objectively, the best deck. Yeah, that's my feeling.


I understand a hundred percent agreement. Yeah, I, I, I guess I'll go a quick story on what I saw. My thoughts on Regan. I think you all heard this by now, but. Yeah. I know at one tournament. Yeah, it was Hartford. I was watching him play against Arceus or Umbrian and he had the opportunity to Serina away to Archeops and hit with a turn to attack. And she was going second and his Urshifu had just taken 180 and it was active, but there was an Umbrian on the bench. And. There he was playing against was threatening to go on brand evolve. And then. Gus Kao with the dura that was just paired up with the Arceus. And like, this is obviously like a massive threat and. Like what Reagan did, was he like immediately addressed? Is it. Addresses it by going Serina, the Umbria and just passing instead of going to the Archeops and trying to take the Kao, which was open on the RCS and even trying to like preserve the, the Urshifu by retreating into the bench. He like, I, I think it just takes so much discipline not to go turn to double Archeops and instead try to gestalt. For a turn. So that you can try to Kao the membrane next turn and reduce the number of boss outs. I like that. It's just phenomenal fly. I don't think there's like, I've never seen another player makeup, like such a heads up play. And you know, you see it on the results.


Yeah. Absolutely. I don't have a strong opinion, at least in terms of the decks. I think Lugia last box. And Gardevoir kind of like all very close to each other and power level. Last box might be a bit better. But I think those three decks are like, Well, and you, you could even call them you like, I think all of the deck, all, like at least those three, four decks in the format are all very, very close in para level. There's not anything that's. Nearly as dominant as the gear was in the pre. Which is great. Yeah.


All right. Do you live on top about Pell day? Guys, let's talk about Pell death. All right. So, so disclaimer, I personally, I don't know about you all. But I had, I had friends now, so I have not played a single game. Palkia I have not thoroughly looked at lists. Any opinions that I give are untested. And UN. Really unthought out and just a gut check. Reading a card or hearing about a deck. That's my disclaimer for me personally.


I haven't laid a bunch, but I've played probably about. 15 games on live.


I'll say. The podcast, all these takes are 100% correct. And there can be no disputing them. Otherwise, they wouldn't let us put this podcast on apple.


The I will say I was looking through the set really for the first time yesterday and I wrote down. I was trying to write down. Two columns one, all the cards that I. Was definitely going to buy. And then all of the other cards that I thought were cool. That might be good. And the list was way longer than I thought it was going to be. 100% agree. Yeah. Like there's some, like, look, let's just start with the obvious ones. I mean, I dunno. Reversal energy. Super rad. I feel like those are like the three big ones.


Yeah, they're. There are a lot of cards that are like maybe a little different than what we're used to, and they're not on face, objectively bad cards. Like there just seems like there's a lot of cards that like this might find a use in a deck. Right. And that respect, that was a little bit surprised. I mean, on the one hand, it's like a 300 card sets with a monster of a set. But it seemed like there were a bunch of


good cards.


Yeah, I absolutely agree. I excellent. I just put it in my TCG player order of cards. Today. And, and it was the amount of cards that I ordered was, was frankly insane. So,




know, that's. It's an awesome stuff. I'm really excited to get started playing it.


It's super fun to play too. I know a lot of players have been tweeting that they're really enjoying it. I've really enjoyed it personally play at playing with at all. Like it gives a lot of deck like new engines like makes a lot of strategies more viable because you no longer are forced into either judge, which is not an engine at all, or research and coal risk, which are like super resource heavy. Supporters. So like, you know, ha having a third option. It's just super, super nice. And that was a lot of like cool decks. And it's a great card. Yeah.


The great guard. I've been pleasantly surprised with the CIM pal Excalibur deck. Like that's not the type of deck. And I. Naturally gravitate towards. The kind of like dumped energy on the board. Hit really hard. But I feel like, but, but I kind of like wanted to challenge myself a little bit and actually play some games with it and it actually feels pretty good. And not quite as linear as you might. Initially assume because you get to play with irrita, which is like a huge setup card. There's different attackers. You can play. We've been talking a lot about what cards do you play? What cards do you not play? Do you run cross switchers? Do you not? Do you want to canceling clown? Do you not do. Liberal, do you not do your own Palkia do you not like there's a lot of different ways that people are trying to build this deck. And And that's cool. And, and I think it's actually quite good. I don't know if it's like the level as all of the other decks in the format, but I think it is, I think it's like a star could be as strong as like and I think there's a lot of room to refine the list. Which is cool.


Mike, you want to walk us through the set? It sounds like you've actually taken some notes. I assume they're ordered by colorblindness.


Yeah, so, so we were just talking about the water cards. So back's caliber and she had a pal. The only other water card that's on my list is the there's the stage one. Zoroark. Card. What's it called? Said it tan, I think. Yeah. Just two. Yeah, set at 10. We wanted to start with water Pokemon. I don't know. That's not the order that this.


That's why I was surprised that you were, you. I already in the water Pokegear and I was like, oh, well, I know that's true.


So C has said it in a, for a reversal energy does 220 damage, which is pretty cool. It's got 180 HP, so it's not super easy for You know, I'm thinking you respond back. I guess is the point with a hundred HP, but it's really only a Zoroark card. Yeah, dude. My list is in a very weird order. Oh, I think it's because I. You know, grass is the first type on there and I skipped over it first, but I guess there's some interesting grass cars. There's the fortress CX and there's the Errata edX. Fortress is the spiritual successor of elect. Trudy X and electric GX blows itself up. You get some energies. And then we ask errata is kind of like a bad decidua. GX cause you have, you have to discard and energy. And then you get to do three counters anywhere, but only on a bench Pokemon as well. It's a tag is pretty good too, but it's a stage two. So.


Yeah. I don't know. I could see a world where fortress ends up being used if we get a better grass attacker later on, but I can't see now scarp mean I can't pronounce these Pokemon. Scarred dura. Era or whatever. I can't see it being good.


I think we asked her about actually has some potential it's just got good synergy with tinfoil. I think if I was going to like, actually start working with Well, I'd start with mascara. And just like throw 10 glue up. I don't know. Gus something maybe like, or like with ropes, switchers. Obviously not supporter and then see how many abilities I can pop.


Like I would run. I would run for how Lucia. Before I ran. Yes, grata. In a thing, Lou deck.


No. Eh, like Tingler is like an awful attacker. I'd probably play that Louis shirt too, but. I think NASCAR auto lets you put like, and lets you put upon it's on like a much, a much quicker time or like make like much more substantial progress than you do. If you're like attacking with ting Lidl. And yeah. Yeah, like it just, it gives you like a more solid option than just like putting glue up and pray. And like tingling. You're able to like play it's like a one-off. And then just like go into it when it's like crippling.


So, you know I think the Liam recently gave me the feedback that I've been too negative on his control decks. And I think one of the things that surprised me when I went through the step, particularly with the grasp of the Mon is I looked at, I thought our Our controlled X going to be much more viable. Like I thought there were a bunch of good Zuora worky stage one cards


in here. Yeah. I've, I've built one Zorro control. I'm going in a different direction right now, but yeah, I built this oral control. I guess if we're selling to grasp Oakmont, They've printed a spite ops, which obviously has synergy with spite out. Yes. Yeah, it gives you like an Archeops answer kind of let's you. Dismantle an attacker, and then you can use spinoff CX. Other interesting grasp Oakmont set spiders. Let me ask her outta fortress. I think that that, one's kind of interesting. I'm not sure it's great, but for a luminous energy, if one hits TTR, which isn't. So, yeah, that's a Carnegie style. Keep an eye on.


And then what did you think about


Bramble guest? No, it's not


good. Bramble CAS. No.


Yeah, no. We had that for a while. It's on that one. Grass V for one grass energy. It does the same thing. Yeah. Okay. Never see


play. So, all right. All right. Fair enough. But yeah, I thought, I thought,


man. There's something there. You mentioned the best fit Quinn. I didn't even read this card before. I, I don't think it's good, but I think it's really funny that it has to retreat cost when like all, a lot of the other best sequins always said free retreat. Like why.


That is,


that is upsetting. Fire is not super interesting. There's the Oricorio that you can play as many of them as you want, and you can heal 20 damage from your active evolution Pokemon. Could be good at some point for some like Tinky heel deck. The basic fire E X T U is interesting. It's probably not good. But it's interesting. For two fire does a hundred and attach some fires to your bench


Pokemon. More importantly for one fire discard the top two cards of your opponent's deck, but it only has 190 hit points.


That doesn't seem good enough. It doesn't. Outlast dragon eye with bravery charm, which is like, Really bad for the car. If you're trying to use it in like like a mill. Application. Yeah. I guess the other thing that's in fire it's in a lot of different types is the Taurus. Yeah, it's pretty bad, but it's kind of interesting kind of like if you bench it it's like a very good cramped target because it immediately wants the cram right back. But the DTE you then give two prizes to Sableye. So it's not good, but. At when it's cram, if it gets hit by one. From TT, just kind of interesting.


Yeah. I noticed that there's like every type basically has a Taurus. Yeah. It's


funny, some of the primary types.


I wonder if, like, I wonder if people try to like, No, it's not worth playing a Thorton and like trying to do stupid stuff with those.


Yeah. Nevermind. I mean, it caused one 40 damage. On pay so much, you're playing like rave recharge or something like that, but yeah.


Yeah. That you would have to hit for weakness. Like you'd have to have some sort of Strat there, but like stupid idea.


Wadler water. We talked about a bit. Nothing really else. Interesting. Back scalper Cheon power is like nothing in the set.


The other stage to the clock level or whatever. Is. Has obvious synergy with clunky texts for a luminous energy, which is kind of nice. Love disc is also like an interesting engine card. I'm just not that good with Altaria and Galloway does options, but.


Yeah. Keep mentioning luminous energy. Cause I think that's something that we'll have to get used to. And I, and I don't really have it full in my head. That limited, his energy enables potentially a lot of different cards. So if I like to skim over something, definitely like, be like, oh yeah, luminous energy works.


Well, let me just, energy's really hard to use. I've tried using it in control, like a little bit, but you're not able to reduce the damage of attackers you're using with it. Via DTE, because then the women, this energy turns off, which is like super limiting. For a lot, a lot cards.


Yeah. For, for people who are listening, Lumina center sheet is like rainbow energy. Except if you, they attach another special energy, it turns into just color of this energy, right? Yeah. So


multi-year chain. Yeah. So it's an exact breed of multi energy. Oh, okay.


Yeah. Yeah.


From the hundreds.


Yes, exactly. Which was legal for a long time. But not for awhile. All right. Okay, lightning. The obvious. Very good card. And lightning is Luxray, which goes with the theme of if you're losing. You can put it right onto your bench straight up. And then for lightning color there's colors. The color, this does 180. So this is, has pretty big implications in the format. One shots. Eluvia one shots. Palkia just a really good bulky attacker. So it's definitely going to see play for sure. Other than Luxray. The only other card that seemed interesting to me was actually the Shinx. So Shinx says if it's in your active, you may switch your opponents active to the bench. So like they get to choose, but if it's active, they get to. You can force a switch, which so it's probably not a good card, but we did see Fiona. Be playable for awhile. Obviously Fiona was better. It could be used for the bench. You shuffled it back into your deck, which was actually a good effect a lot of the time. But I feel like this card existing is a just worth noting because it could be good in some deck.


Yeah. The way I've tried using it. I think I mentioned this. Oh, it's tougher. It gets. It's whatever. But you can use it with penny loops to create like passive value Eagle. Like if you just sit there with a, a V or something like that, that just works better with the, we vital. Which was later on the set, but Yeah, you can penny into it and then retreat and then throw like this wall back up. And then like continuously forced, which affects To create value about penny.


Yeah, that's cool.


The Luxray. The luxury is




Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. And as long as I was reversal energy at like printing reverse luxury and luxury and the same set, they're like, we want you to just be able to destroy things that are lending weak. Okay. Like that's a good one. Cartek yeah.


I've seen some people even like make some last box decks that run this and run like, you know, one or two reversals, but you can also Mirage gate to it. Right. So like you play it down when you're losing, but then, then you maybe get, maybe you don't even like attack with it, the turn that you play it down, but then you go up ahead and prizes and you can rush, get


to it. Oh, yeah. That's.


It's a, it's a thing where it's like a one price attacker that hits insanely hard and is like lightning


types. It's super good. I will say, I think. Loss experiences, this issue a lot. And I think it's going to be like a defining issue for X, right? Until we get like better evolution search, which is a lack of good evolution starts right now. We only have like ultra ball. I've been playing obviously a little bit of sorrow work, so I've been using a resume as well. And we do have like the, the new supporter shock. If you're trying to get like X's out of Zoroark, but. Yeah. Not having a revolution in sense, makes that car like much, much harder to find when you need it. And I, I assume it like last, most experience that. And tell it to like an insane degree.


Sure. Yeah, that makes sense. Psychic. I feel like has the most. Quantity of interesting cards, but like none of them are very good on, like, I don't think any of them will be very good, but a lot of them are interested and I feel like Liam, you've probably read a lot of these and felt this team. Cause a lot of them are interesting in truly fashion. And for sure.


I mean, like, at least from.


That jumped out to you in particular.


Slow poke is like kind of interesting. Psychics, obviously like a very, very good type for control right now. And so like slowpoke has like some synergy with it. Specifically, I, I have been playing. Zoroark so being able to discard from hand, I haven't liked the Kirlia engine is our workshop. At complaint with another engine that struggles with discarding a little bit more. So slope looks like an interesting way to do that. Or of course you gotta calm search. Ms. Magis is also interesting given that both Garney and Excalibur. Require energy from discard. For like the majority of their energy or like Excalibur uses superior energy retrieval and Guardi uses the ability. Yeah, I guess those are like the two standout cards, golf the toe. I'm sure everybody's like thought of like random meme stress for it. It's super hard to pull off though. We don't have great entrance for it right now. Lost is like, As always a massive issue. And everything has like ability based draw. That's pretty strong. Mimikyu is amazing. Yeah. Maybe that's the card that we got, this set fog, crystal. Works on it and. It's Miltank and it forces out like a lot from guardian DX. Or like they can't just like spam Gardevoir. And you'd have to like give you or maybe like shiny for kindergarten or something like that. So an interesting way to force attackers against Gardy. Yeah, I. Those are like the standout cards from psychic for me.


So obviously the one card you didn't mention that I feel


like everyone's talking about is Spiritomb. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, Spiritomb. We'll see play. It's a little unclear, like what Dex is going to see play in. Like Archeops feels like a, an obvious choice. Archeops has always struggled into mew. But we haven't seen too many Archeops lists do super well yet. We saw Spiritomb was played in the Gardevoir deck that made good. That got second in the Japan tournament this past weekend, and still lost me in the finals. So a little unclear where Spiritomb ends up, but it is a, it is obviously a. A solid card. Against you. Yeah. That's good. Just to like stop Lumina, I guess, as well.


Yeah. Yeah. It's like a good general disruption card. Hard to pull off though for a lot of X right now. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of necks are also like pretty like bench space intensive, which makes'em like cards. Like Spiritomb even harder pull off. I think Arceus two struggles with that because it's, it's so reliant upon trying to deny prizes, like dropping a 60 point. Basic down. It's like, Kind of can be legal liability. Yeah.


That's true. Yeah. If you're trying to play the price game and you're like, I put this


other card down. RCS base builds. Yeah. Even other builds, I think.


All right. How's fighting.


Fighting. I wrote two cards down the obvious one. The obvious interesting one is ting loo. And then the other interesting one that I wrote down was Glen Maura. Mora. It has an ability if it's knocked out. I've had your pundit, doesn't take any prize cards and it does attack for one energy and does P just poisons them, but for 60 damage instead of one, and it's a stage one. So that car is probably not good, but you know, Inability where they only take prizes half the time and you're attacking for one and the basic as Ascension, like that's all a pretty interesting. For sure.


The stage to the garden to civil or whatever. I feeling 40 from a tax is like kind of interesting. We already have like, affects like that though. Not very strong, but yeah. He owns 40 from a tax. That's not awful.


I think. When you say heal 40, do you just mean like, because it. heels. Yeah. I feel like 180 HP, the honest stage two, like. It's just going to get one place pretty solid.


It does have access to like all the fighting reduction right now, I guess. But yeah. Probably not


good enough. Kayden you've mentioned that you forgot to order ting loos right before the podcast. Yeah.


Yeah. I realized there were actually a few cards that I'd forgotten to order. So I'll have to, I'll have to put in, in order for those. Cause I think ting Lu. I don't think it's necessarily good enough right now for, for any IC, but it's definitely a type of card that will always be on my radar as something that. It's potentially good, depending on how the meta shifts.


It has seen like some moderate success in the online tournament's. A really straightforward list. It's like 14 loo to squawk. Billy to huggy Chad to chloride. Alika, Zam, and then the trainers are just like 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4. Runs the gutsy pickax run strict and shoes. Blah, blah, blah. So truly just a super straightforward. Glassed and with As energy acceleration as well as the gutsy pickax, as I guess. Very unreliable. Energy acceleration, but also just help you get through the deck. So there's a list that's been doing decent. If people want to try it out. All right. How


about dark cards? Dark.


Well, we got for dark.


I don't think.


Maybe the cloud sire. Yeah. Going


on in dark. Oh yeah, the whooper evolution. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's okay. Liam, you mentioned this weevil. I don't even know what it does. And this moves from your bench to the active, you may switch. Me gusta Benji, basic


post. Shinx but you choose so like that, like penny loop scenario that I mentioned above the obvious answer is to set up two different attackers. We vile that gives you like a little bit better of a way to get around that. But the issue is, of course it only gets basic Pokemon. So like, yeah. It's too easy to attend to Hyatt. Like we vile any like access to. Archeops. Oh, she's really important. They cause our super needs though, I think there is like, it's like two 80 and it gives you like passive damage. Three retreat. Those really hard to deal with right now because we have no supporter base switch effects, which are obviously the most easily recycled. And we have no we have no like tools to help retreat. And refer someone or do doesn't work on it. So you can't go like triple a hundred tier street. Super hard to get out of the act, which makes like Sheryl looping pretty hard with it. But yeah, passive damage to ADHB


kind of interesting. Wait, what Pokemon, where you just talking about the clods are? Yes. Clot desire. Perfect. Yeah. The whip revolution. Oh. Oh,


gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Once during your turn of a stadiums in play, you can make your opponents active Pokemon poisoned.


Yeah, it seems meth.




I think we got better, like support or like better trainer based. Like a recursion and. Switch up the next. Yeah, it could have some potential, but yeah. No.


Nothing right now. The the group. I've never seen this fucker man in my life, but it's attack is. It's okay. For dark, it does 40 times. You can discard as many basic energy of any type as you want from your hand and then do 40 for each one. So that's like, again, probably not bad. I mean, probably not good, but. Any basic energy, even though it takes a dark is a little interesting.


Yeah, but yeah, but you all need to damage for each type of basic energy. You discarded. Yes.


You have to play like one each type. Oh.


Oh, so you do have to run disaster. It's a disaster. Yeah. Nevermind. There's not a whole lot of metal cards in the set, but a cop Raja. UX is really cool. 300 HP. It's ability makes it take 30, less from attacks. 2 64 Melmetal color lists. It does 32, your own benched, but basically 330 HP plus, you know, 300 HP minus 30, every single turn on a stage one. You're hitting for some good damage with two 60. Like, if this can find a deck. That can accelerate it to it or, or, or whatnot. Like this is a very powerful card. Yeah, I


feel like Arceus is the obvious combo with this.


Archeops only goes to V Pokemon. Really.


Wait, wait. I never knew.




I thought the logical answer was, was a Zoroark and fortress and you powered it up and you're ready to hit


stuff. Fortress, unfortunately only gets grass energy. Oh,


Yeah. Melmetal acceleration. Right.


Right. That's sucks.


cause the biggest, I was good at what I was going to say. Like the biggest problem with Arceus has always been the fact that the pre evolutions for pretty much all of its attackers are fees. So you're always able to eat. You're always able to dust them up and take two prizes and kind of shut them down with horn and stuff. I was like the fact that you now have a good Arceus attacker that evolves from a non V. It's like, it's fantastic. But yeah. Okay.


So like we're pretty much limited to Reihan and Mirage gate. I think those are the two ways to accelerate to this right now. I don't know. And squad. Maybe use guacamole. Yeah, but this card will be good. It will be good at some point, if it's not good right away, like it will be good for sure. At some point. Yeah. The other metal. I


don't think so. Carl does. Not a good, you don't


think it's going to get us. Good point. Nah,


I'm 60. And damage and that's a lot of help.


It doesn't have like a good way to self accelerate. So like the card. The card is always going to have to have some sort of partner. And you're going to have to have to find both turn one. If you want to apply, turn to threat, and then like it immediately hit the rest of your board, which creates liabilities to like any, anything with bench sniping. Ability. And like it's a little tanky it's to hit capable. Oh. By like anything. You


just like throw. And then if we get another good metal attacker too, I could see a world where this gets tossed in to like a loss sewn. Deck. Amazon. It's like a tanky guy that gets thrown into the active.


I think loss just always has issues with stage ones. And we center, if you're willing to play like good battle attacker who lost. Yeah.


Yeah. The got a lot of good, interesting. I feel like we can just skip over. Ah, I guess


the only value of Norbert. It is your, like, if you're looking for stage ones that make lost a players is. Upset


you can play noise. Yeah, we don't have, like, we. Disability. We don't have a way to disable effects though. Cause parasol is gone. So you have to mentor us beyond there's like ways to still be lost while benching us beyond, but it's just a massive space amendment.


So I wonder if this. Be like Zuora. Kind of answer. But I guess not really, I guess you're right. You would need to Espeon to. Yeah. That's pretty bad. You have to have a


way to protect the SPO until like boss stir, APN. And they played vacuum too for the badges, camel, Pantera, whatever. So yeah, like you have to like first hit their resources, like with Luxray or sisters, or like spammy, Ono. But yeah, massive space commitment. Yeah.


Color lists. We got the Dunsparce. Which is. Xcel gourds. Spiritual successor for, for energy. And nowhere near


as it is


Excel gore. Definitely not as good as Excel gore, but it could be if the metagame is right, it could be interesting and Lugia, but we, we talked about it a bit. It's probably. It's not good enough right now. But the main colors card that is really awesome is guacamole. E X. I don't know exactly where this fits in the format. Like, I feel like a lot of decks just don't really want to play this card, but it's a very good card. Yeah. If I had a


way to remove it from my bench, every game I would play like every day. I mean, obviously. Yeah, but. Yeah, struggling to make it work. It's. It's definitely good though. It's. It's like another, another engine ARD.


And TAC is like, It's not as good as like shaman, like you're not really living the glory days. They definitely figured out some fun, new ways to make you regret playing these cards. But like the attack is not. Completely wrong-headed, there will be situations where you'll be like, I am going to motivate for 20 for sure. And it's actually going


to be pretty awesome.


Yeah. Like, like the attack is pretty good. The ability is very strong. It's not a, like four of it. Every deck. Kind of card, but like, this is a good


card. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely the type of card that, that is always going to be an option for decks and as long as it's in format and we'll probably, we'll certainly see a pop up here there.


Yeah, I maybe I'm just always excited every time they actually like don't screw up putting a, like, A splash, double attack on it on a card like this. So you're like, when I splash this in, I also get some, like Some ability to make big brain plays.


Yeah, and definitely great. And then of course, trainers, I feel like is where. Trainers and special energies where I feel like the set really. Kind of explodes in power. Of course you've got your Yona. You've got your superoxide. You've got, I would also put bravery charm there. You've got your reversal energy shed energies. Superior Andrew retrieval. Like, I don't know. Yeah. Fairs and special energy. Just insane. The set.


How, how good, like, I guess like maybe I just haven't started using my like galaxy brand enough. Talk to me about situations where you're like, ah, jet energy is the way.


Yeah. It's like kind of hard to implement. Like there's a lots of situations where it'd be very, very good, but it's hard to bank on them because there's no reliable way to hit jet energy. Turn one. Yeah. So like specifically I'd really want to play jet energy plus like a one energy consistency attacker, since we know one graph Snorlax and. A lot of like the slower next I built. But you can't find gender energy, turn one like super consistently. So yeah. Like that. That option is not always there. But like, yeah, it's, it's just good and Lugia. It's fine. And last, like it's good index up. Like Greninja because it's a switch effect that you can also filter for draw. Yeah. Like it's just like a card and like solid.




All right. I was just going to say like, In last box. I feel like probably can drop a switching card for one jet energy and maybe like a basic energy for a dead energy. Like, I feel like those. That's kind of like how you fit it.


Yeah. Yeah, I agree. And of course also the off of jet RNG, but therapeutic energy, absolutely wild with Snorlax. Snorlax, all of a sudden is like an S tier character in Lydia. Having a pretty tanky one prize for that sweat that's hits hard is with no downside is just. It's just really, really strong. So I think Snorlax for me is now a staple in pretty much any Lugia deck. Yeah. The last box. I can be strong. I don't know. I have always loved, I've always loved Snorlax, especially against The last box, last box, just as no good way of dealing with it.


Yeah. I'm just not sure. Like it probably doesn't get played in the single strength version of leukemia. I could say, if you're not playing. I'm off track Lugia then, then obviously. Yes. I mean, it wouldn't be worse than stone to her. Is it worse than S is it, did you just ask if it's worse


than. I think it was asking if you'd play Snorlax instead of




Jernar yeah. I don't think so. Right. Because like you would also have to play therapeutic energy and you don't. Really want to play that you could kind of courage. Over the rental start in jet and gift. Yeah.


Right. I feel like I would, at least I would at least consider testing. Cutting. Stone Jernar for EFL tall and then cutting like one. One gift one fee guard for two therapeutic, or you maybe only just need one therapeutic problem.


But yeah.


I mean evil Tosca, like evil, tall. This is really good, just in the metagame like, it's not that great of card in general, but it's just really good against me and really good against Gardevoir. But you would definitely play that. And then stone donor, I don't feel very strongly about, but I just don't know if you would definitely play Snorlax maybe though, maybe you're right. Yeah. The the, the supporter, what's it called? Giacomo that card is really funny. Card's good. I feel like, like that plus Spiritomb is like actually AMU killer. Right? Yeah, the union.


Yeah. You can't just start. Don't like'em. Whatever. It's yeah. But it's, it's much better than Flannery stadium removal or like special energy or mobile without removing the stadium. Especially now that we have a retreat ox stadium that was just the new one. Let me just wasteland. Yeah. That one's really good.


Oh, it's like a poor man's gala. Yeah, exactly.


Really. Really awful Galvon Ryan, but it's


only basics and it's only one color list. Energy more. Yeah.


And not having fighting. I assume we'll be relevant at some point during. Lifespan as well. So. That that'll be


worse. Yeah. The fact, the fact that all the fighting cards that were printed are like the least controlled. And like our generally speaking, terrible. Not withstanding. He was fighting support.


I mean, like. Like dude, you know, I was playing a spite ops and decks. Not too long ago, so this is much, much better. Yeah.


Holly. Thank God. They reprinted grateful.


Art is on is like, Maybe my favorite. So trainer. It's just like, it's just a really good card. Right? Yeah.


It's not. Rule box is definitely limiting like any I think Greninja, can't really count it as a consistency card. Or like as much as you would be with like, just adding mass balls or something. Yeah, like definitely better in some situations than an asphalt, but. Can't get Greninja. Can't get squawk ability. Like it, it can't get you drawn directly. It's really nice though with like super rod and sorrow work. Just like makes like Channing's rule of like Wookiee. It's pretty bad for it. Like any deck that's like, obviously you wouldn't completely bank on it, but we'll give you a deleting artists on every turnaround. Like, you know, you're like kind of counting on it and other match-ups. Isn't great. But yeah, amazing card. Sweet. Like Stadium consistency. That's not Mexico's off. She's really nice.


Yeah. I think it's really interesting with a reprinted choice belt and gave it a new regulation mark as well. That's very strange to me. Yeah. I don't


know. I don't know why they did that.


No, I'm not


either. You know, they, I mean, they reprint great ball and super audits, period, energy retrieval, and then they don't reprint N.


Y, Y I actually think, you know what? I was like much. Much better than an I've had like so many games already, this format where you and then you don't play a shuffle card. So you're like you on our next turn. You're like effectively looking at like 12 new cards. Right. I guarantee you, it lets you like actually go through your deck. Even though it's like, like put cards back in and then draw which has like. It's so good for like, you know, controlled ex that didn't wanna play chorus.


Like, and I know we're a fan of like, hopefully this is a tool to speed up games, a tiny, tiny bit, right. A little, I mean, you don't shuffle your deck. Like every time you don't show up. Theoretically, it's a, it's a, it's an absolute w.


Yeah. I mean, we'll, we'll see, I generally think. I don't know, I will see how a unit lands. I'm always a little hesitant with this sort of effect. Yeah. A little scary for me.


Put four and probably like 15 X already. That's amazing. Yeah.


The people are definitely going to run it. It ton also like, I mean, the fact that it is a,


like a pretty decent, soft loss


box counter, if you just play four of them. That's pretty good.


Yeah. Jake says that's what makes Gardy favorable against Boston. And just play every time I, in


my experience both before both on both sides of that, it's not wrong. If you just keep resetting his hand to like two or three, and he's like, my I'm going to have to. I'm going to have to find it. I'm going to have to put a company in the active and I'm going to have to pray that I find a switch effect. Like every turn. And it just puts a puts pressure on him. Yeah.


It's really good.


Guys. I don't know if we've said it, but the the new, like illustrator art things. I absolutely love them. And if I was like an actual collector collector, I would say that it is my mission to collect every single one of these. They're incredible. The arc, the backs and backs caliber art is. My mind blowing.




I'm the job just like, I, I appreciate that. A thing Pokemon is supposed to try to do is make their cards look absolutely bonkers. And like desirable to collectors. And I feel like this is so much better than gold cards and secure air cards and all that stuff.


I love it to death.


I agree. Yeah, these cards are really cool. Like I never want to open my packs. When I get them, but like now I kind of do.


Yeah, the, these like, like I, I liked the bonkers art supporters, but the, these like secret illustrator cards are like next level in this. And I appreciate it. For sure. Guys, anything else we should talk about? We've been going.


Yeah, we've been going. Life sucks. Oh,


yeah. Yeah. We are recording this pod during the great PTCG Live. Yeah. User account login. Disable of 2023. I actually had a hot take for you here. Related to PTCG Live. I remember. And I'm sure you. You guys must too, like in 20 13, 20 14, everyone hated PTCGO. And they were like, you can't really test on this thing. It's impossible, blah, blah, blah. I really mean. The call it blind faith, but I really do believe like in two or three years, We'll be, we'll be through the worst of it. And. People feel? Man, I don't know. I feel like when, when we had PTCGO people complained about it, incessantly. It'll be like that. But like then when they said we're taking PTCGO away, everyone was so sad. Hopefully we'll get to that. It's kind of like




So. I think, I feel


like some of the sadness was just because we knew what we were getting was worse. Like. Not necessarily just for nostalgia sake or, you know, the mix of both. That's


not the PTCGO is good. Yeah.


Like I. I mean, it's just, it's just play as always, just plainly been better for some, for. An explicable, you know, a variety of reasons. I mean, yeah. That's just so hard, but yeah, I mean, I feel like with time, I guess that it's just like, at what point is. I don't know. I just don't know when it gets to that point. And. It's like how much longer do you have to go? I feel like obviously. It's not going anywhere. They're not going to scrap it or tuck. At this point, but I guess I just not confident it gets to that point that it will just always be like a messy development and the Kokomo is just too big to fail. Like it doesn't matter how many people are using it. Cause it's like not a game that's meant. You know, that needs to make a profit too. Keep existing or something like that. And so like, as a result, it doesn't really matter how much it improves because it will continue to exist. Yeah, I think.


I'll say, I don't think the softwares. That bad. I mean, like, even, even if you get like game breaking problems, I don't. It's not the end of the world. Like, you know, It's five, you go to the next game or whatever. I'm like. That's fine. Not at all. I don't really care. I think. The worst part about losing PTCGO, at least for me is that we've lost the filters for as your retreat and attack costs. But like, Yeah, everything. Else, like, you know, like if you're at your ladder game and like Greninja rank or something, and like, right. As you were about to, when you get like temple bugs, like it's fine. Like, you can just cute again and like, It doesn't really matter.


I also don't think it's as bad as people think, but I think it's unfortunate that people are having. Such a negative. Experience with it. Yeah. Regardless if it's justified or not.


And it's tough. I know, I know Brit must be equally sensitive to this. I I recognize it must be hard in the engineering team that they have to code like a new card set every quarter. Like there has to be people that are grinding away on that and like, Building new capabilities and stuff. Cause like, like you can't not have the cards. ARDS when the new set drops and like, as opposed to the, the transition of. Like the fact they have to translate these physical card effects into gameplay. Like that must suck. And then there's like other people who are actually trying to improve the game and they have to like sync all that up


and split their engineering resources in weird ways. Like. Super awkward.




Yeah, I'm sure it's a lot of that. And just like in general, like the, they don't have enough people to code as many poco, like. I mean, we just talked about. This set is theirs. Theirs. There's zero chance. They have, they have a design team. That's adequately capable of doing both. Of both trying to improve the systems and just making good on. You know, the month the. Quarterly set release. You know, that's obviously a huge part of it, for sure. I. You know, like


yeah. I mean, I know I'm always saying, oh my God, if they would just bring it on, I would fix all that in a New York minute. But like I also recognize I would get there and they would say, okay, like, you can want to do a million different things. But the most important thing is when the Palkia set drops, like every card in there, it's gotta be in the game and kind of working. And by kind of where, like it's supposed to work. And like that just must consume everything, you know? I mean, there is like 300 cards. Yeah. And we just went through like a surprising amount of like, Not completely novel, but novel enough that it's probably a pain in the butt. There you go. It's. True. All right guys, let's call it. Oh, no, no. I we've gone to many weeks with, without a, would you rather, I have a, would you rather real quick guys? Let's let's go. Here's the question. Would you rather buy 10 things you don't need every time you go shopping or always forget the one thing that you need when you go to the store.


Hmm. I mean,


I just feel like this is, you know, I


guess it depends on like Your definition for like, not needing, cause like, am I buying just like loose boosters or something like that? Am I. Overspending on like luxury goods, you know? It could be relative based on that. I forgetting the one thing you meant to do is it's a horrible feeling going into the garage. Pre store and getting a ton of stuff and just like, shoot, I was here for milk and I somehow didn't get the milk, something like that. So I think, I think I would definitely just going to buy extra stuff. Also. Probably I'm doing that already. I always sort of just. And some impulse purchase. I feel like every time I go to the grocery store as well, it's just like a bag of chips or


something. Yeah. You know, in Brett's offense, I would say yes, I do both of those now. So the options, which one do I get to get rid of? Right.


choice just fixes the behavior for




Yeah. Do you like for me, I would definitely go with buying extra stuff. And then I would just limit the amount of times I'm going to the store. I would just, I always just try to go to the store as infrequently as possible. All right. I'm going to be buying a bunch of extra junk.


All right. Kids


from solving here. I hate buying extra stuff. I hate it. I walk into a target and I just see all of this crap that I don't need. Like that's that's, that's what I see when I walk into a target. So I would rather probably always forget the thing that I really need. As long as it means I don't have all this. Random. Crap. I probably like go to the store, come back, realize it, and then order it on like Amazon to get delivered.


I was going to say, Mike, I feel like you really riskier your recently acquired husband card with that kind of behavior.


No, that's fair.


We'll see how many times you can forget the most important thing before it really starts to cost you. How about you, Liam?


Yeah. I mean If I could just order it online, as soon as I get home, I don't, I don't see any reason why not to. Just forget it, you know? So, whatever. But like, can. And said you could probably limit, limit the damage. If you just like, you know, by like a month's worth of food, every time you go to the grocery store, Like. I guess you got to get a lot of stuff that can be


easily preserved. Liam. Liam's a believer in canned goods. He's preparing for the nuclear apocalypse. You'll you'll find them in our, in our fallout shelter, in the basement.


Yeah, one. One final thing before we go. I, a funny moment did happen at my leak cup, where I was telling one of the local Philly guys that I've known for a bit that I do this podcast. And because he didn't realize it. And then I was like, oh yeah, it's called the Trashalanche podcast. And then the dude sitting next to you, must've overheard and said that, oh yeah, Trashalanche podcast, good podcast. But didn't realize that it was me. But then I was like, oh yeah, that's my podcast. And he's like, oh, cool. You're who are. And then he's like, oh yeah, I recognize your voice, your mic. And then, yeah, that was like, That was a really funny. So shout out, I forget your name. I'm very sorry, but shout out to you. Hopefully you listen all the way to the end on this episode. The


the the, the continuing I recognize the voice. That is what we appreciate. Here. Very good stuff. All right guys, the John Paul's our outro. It's always nice that they do the thing.